Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples


In the Christmas toys, at the bottom of the aquarium or in the cornices, we tell about the places to which the thieves are not so easy to get.

Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples 3662_1

Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples

Even if you store funds in a bank, no home airbag will not hurt. Not a very large amount of cash just in case is worth keeping in the apartment. It is best to hide money in unlikely places, to which the robber will last last, and then if he has a lot of time. Stand up on the middle of the room and look at it. If nothing comes in the head, we tell where you can hide savings.

Listed the best places to store savings at home in a short video

1 in Karnis

In the cornices in the form of a bar, there is an empty cavity, which can be placed on the tube bills. Moreover, it is not only about those that are in rooms, you should not forget that in the bathrooms, many too have a curtain. Therefore, you can use one of the money storage rod. Plus, the curtains in some apartments can be attached quite high, in order to remove the cornice, you will have to try.

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2 in the photo album

Holding money in books is not the best idea, since there, thieves there will first look for a snack. But if you have thick photo albums with pockets, one of them is quite possible to put money for a photo. Just be sure to secure them in order not to fall out if the robbers will shake albums when searching.

Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples 3662_4

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3 in pet house

Animals are often tied to their things, so they will guard the beds and houses. Even if you have small pets who are not able to sighing robbers, many will be able to distract from your beloved place.

Another unusual option is to hide money in the aquarium if you have it. Wrap them in waterproof material and hide in ornamental models: snag, lock or ship. If there is no, then you can use as a cache filter.

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4 for socket

If you are well versed in the electrician, you will fit the next way. Remove the frame from the outlet and place money in the hole between the wires. The items that are hiding there, should not carry out current - it is dangerous. Just in case, wrap their rubber glove to prevent it.

No one in the world wants to risk their health in the world, so not every thief will dig in your electrician under the threat of a strong impact.

Another option is to make a rash coycher under it. To do this, at the repair stage, leave a small niche in the wall, close it with a lining that is easily removed if necessary. To accurately, you can stick in such a rosette that rarely use.

Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples 3662_7

5 in the Christmas Toy

You probably have toys in the form of big balls. You will need an opaque model from which you can remove the mount. It is better to take plastic: it is harder to smash it when searching. Inside the balls are hollow, so they can be shoved in them, rolled into a narrow tube. Among other balls, detect a cache will not be so simple.

6 in the drawer for needlework

Even if you do not engage in this, for sure at home there is a place where the threads and needles are stored in case of emergency repair of things. Among them, you can hide the money as follows: twist the bills into the roll, wrap up so that it looks like other machines. It is easier to use thick threads for this.

Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples 3662_8

7 in Safe

This is a fairly reliable place, but only when performing several conditions: if the safe is built into the wall in the location itself, and has a complex castle. Place it where there are not so many people, for example, in a dressing room or bedroom. The thief may be a professional, and open the castle for, most likely, will not be difficult. However, if the safe is well hidden, even the master will need time to find it and hack.

Do not use small portable safes, which are usually placed in the cabinets. Such is very easy to pick up and open up your home.

Where to hide money in the apartment: 7 examples 3662_9

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