3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse


We tell me that we take into account in the location of the bed and disassemble three schemes: in two stripes, in three rows and layout "according to Mittlider".

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_1

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse

In the zones of risky farming, it is difficult to obtain stable abundant yields. This is hampered by climatic conditions. Good solution - installation of a greenhouse. In greenhouse conditions, any vegetable crops grow well, they are plenty of fruit and give a harvest before the usual time for this terrain. There are many nuances in the use of agrarian structures. Let's wonder how to choose the location of the beds in the greenhouse with dimensions of 3x6, 3x4 and 3x8 meters.

All about rational accommodation Girds in a greenhouse

Principles of placement

- Dimensions

- Orientation

- Features of the design

- Vertical landing

Location options

Useful advice

How to position the beds in the greenhouse and what to take into account

Placing Rules Details within the greenhouse are united for the designs of all sizes. They need to know and take into account at the stage of choosing the installation site, it guarantees the possibility of an optimal organization of greenhouse space. We list the basic principles.

1. Height and width Groz

For the normal development of plants, the chosen chickening height is important. It largely depends on the type of soil.

  • Low - 100-150 mm. Used on fertile soils under the condition of the low position of the subspeted water. Filling boxes with special soils is not provided for, it is simply no place for them.
  • Average - 250-300 mm. Suitable for cultures with surface roots. Clause on soils of low fertility are filled with a nutrient substrate.
  • High - up to 600 mm. Used on lands with low fertility or in wetlands. Filled in special soils. Good for varieties with a long root system. Require frequent irrigation.

For growing early crops put boxed up to 800 mm high. They quickly warm up, which gives the opportunity to land the seedlings or sowing seeds. Perhaps additional improvement of heating.

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3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_4

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_5

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_6

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The width of the ridge is chosen on the basis of how it is planned to care for landings. So, when one-sided access is planned, 450-500 mm is considered optimal width. For free bilateral access, design can be wider: 900-1000 mm. In any case, the garden must be free to get free to the opposite edge to perform all the necessary work.

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2. Orientation on the sides of the world

This factor affects the illumination of seedlings, which is very important for its proper development. Well, when they are oriented from west to east. Then all plants are uniformly illuminated during the light day, regardless of their size. Orientation on the North-South line gives uneven lighting. It is also used, but most often only for high varieties.

Some other things come in the event of a greenhouse in the inclined surface. In this case, it is best to focus from north to south. Cultures are planted perpendicular to the direction of the slope. So it turns out peculiar "steps" with greens. Given the small difference in height, the whole of the daylight is sufficient for normal growth.

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_9

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3. Features of the greenhouse design

How to locate a garden in a greenhouse depends on its height and type of roof. In practice, such solutions are commonly used.

  • The flat roof is considered universal. The height of the system is the same in all directions. You can make landings in three or two rows, planting plants of any size.
  • The jump system involves a large height in the center of the room. Here usually placed the ridge of tall cultures. Two more for low do along the walls.
  • Arched construction. Good for medium and low varieties. They plant them along the walls, and the center leaves the passage.

This is not a mandatory rule, for each case you choose your decision. Much depends on the height of the structure. It is quite possible for example, grow tall varieties in an arched greenhouse. It is important that the roof will be raised from the ground to sufficient for free ventilation distance.

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3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_12

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_13

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_14

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4. Vertical landing

To optimally use the space inside the design, the vertical location is used. We list the possible options.

  • Suspended pots or shelves. Good for growing ampels, strawberries and all legumes.
  • Frame with plastic bottles fixed on it, wide trumpets, deep gutters or pots. They plant vegetables or berries.
  • Racks inside which shelves with sideboards are attached. Seedlings are planted in them or the pots with greens are installed.

With this method, the landing of different varieties must be well thought out the lighting. Tall instances should not shade down the lowest neighbors. It must be borne in mind that the grown seedlings will give a large number of born foliage, which will close the light. Therefore, the distance between bushes should be chosen so that this does not happen.

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_16

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Preparation options in Greenhouse 3x4, 3x6 and 3x8 meters

Garders are often installed on the areas of the product from polycarbonate. Industry produces them in size 3x8, 3x6, 3x4 meters. The optimal option for their installation is the orientation from the east to the west. The wall with the doors is placed on the part of the north, and the deaf end is rotated south. When planning the location of the landing, the rules of rational organization of space are taken into account.

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Rules for organizing space

  • The width of the passages should be sufficient for normal operation with plantations. For example, so that the person can sit down and do not break the shoots. The minimum dimensions are 450-500 mm if the batter is planned - 900 mm.
  • Ensuring free access to each lined up. He should have enough light, heat and nutrients. Required for normal ventilation distance between stems.
  • The width of the Girdo may not be more than a meter, otherwise when working with a seadade will have to step on the soil. And it is undesirable.
  • Near the entrance should remain free space. Therefore, if the central garden is planned, it must be shorter than the side.

When planning it is necessary to take into account that over time the tops and foliage will grow and close a part of the track. To make it easier to choose how it is better to locate a garden in a greenhouse, consider three sought-after options.

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1. Two strips

The ridges are placed along the walls with a wide central passage. Perhaps two similar options. In the first plantings are placed along the longitudinal walls. In the second, additionally make another small garden along the front of the greenhouse. Get a P-shaped system with the maximum filling of the useful area. It is clearly visible in the photo.

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3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_21

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_22

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_23

Important moment. At the same time, the location is silent to reduce the width of the passage to increase the landing area. It is impossible to do this, otherwise the care is complicated. Sit down bushes with two rows. A chess order or a square-nesting method is used. In the latter case, the sprouts are placed in the angles of an imaginary square. The length of it is depends on the variety. The center is the irrigation pit. This technique significantly increases yield.

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2. Three strips

Landing is placed in three rows. Usually, narrow beds are located along the walls, but not already 400 mm. Central is wide, since you can care for bushes on both sides. P-shaped layout can be used, but do it rarely. The tracks are the most compact passages. The wheelbarrow here will not pass. You can not do too narrow tracks. It is necessary to place them with the fact that with the time of the tops and foliage, some of the free space will be closed.

On the extreme stripes, it is better to plant determinant varieties with two rows. They are placed, alternating on the principle of a chessboard, or "lines". In the middle, where the roof is higher, tall plants are placed. More often they are planted with "chess". Square-nesting method can also be applied. In detail to consider the three-row location of the beds in the greenhouse 3x6 meters in the photo.

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3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_26

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_27

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_28

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3. Planning "Mittlider"

American Vegetable Vode D. Mittlider has developed its own method of growing vegetables. In particular, he proposed the design of the greenhouse, where the most favorable conditions are created. Garders actively use its technique to increase yield. Even if there is no possibility to equip ventilation fraams as Mittlider advised it, its planning principles apply.

  • Orientation of a greenhouse building strictly from north to south.
  • Placing landings only in two stripes. The width of each 450 mm.
  • Plants on the ridge are placed only in two rows.
  • Height of the gardening side 100 mm. It should be wooden or pumped out of the soil.
  • Surface for landing is smooth, without slope and steps. It is so easier to evenly distribute fertilizers and watering.
  • The size of the central pass is 900 mm or a little more.

Such a disembarkation scheme contributes to the uniform illumination of all plants, ensures each of them the influx of fresh air.

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3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_31

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_32

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_33

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Useful advice

Regardless of which location method is selected, agronomists advise to equip warm ridges. That is, systems with internal biological heating. They assume the use of heat from the decomposition of the organic. It is very simple to equip such a design. On the bottom of the greenhouse box, the manure is stacked, it is best to take Konsky, compost on it. Everything is closed with a layer of soil. Thus, it is possible to warm the seedlings and provide it with a supply of nutrients.

Technical heating can be organized. So do when biological heating is not enough. Then the pipes are stacked into the lower part of the box. It circulates the heated water. She comes from the home boiler heating. It is possible to replace them with a thermokabel that converts electricity to heat. The heating equipment is isolated and covered with soil.

3 rational variations in the location of the beds in the greenhouse 3712_35

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When booking and arrangeing the beds, a drip irrigation system is good. It is very convenient because it significantly reduces the time and strength spent on landing. The correct organization of space inside the greenhouse helps rational plants and get a rich harvest from them.

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