What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices


We disassemble the types of counters and parameters to which it is important to pay attention when choosing.

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_1

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices

Monthly payments for utilities can hit the pocket. To control them, special devices are needed. They are needed to calculate payments. We will understand what a water meter to install in your apartment.

All about choosing a water meter for an apartment

Why he need it

Varieties of equipment

Seven important selection criteria

Mini-rating of the best brands

Why do you need a water meter

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", the owner can choose one of two ways to pay for the water supplied to it. The first is the calculation according to the standards, when a certain amount of the norm is multiplied by the number of tenants. The second is the counter. If he is a general one, then a comprehensive water meter is placed on an apartment building. His testimony is removed once a month and are divided into the number of residents. Both of these options are not beneficial. The user cannot track and regulate real consumption and often he has to overpay.

Itelma Cold Water Counter

Itelma Cold Water Counter

More often choose an individual flow meter, it is also more profitable. His testimony is the basis for calculating the board. The actual consumption is most often very different from standards. Therefore, the consumer benefits will feel immediately. It will automatically decrease and the amount for water disposal will decrease, since it depends on the consumption.

However, many are confident that the water meter is unprofitable, motivating that it is not one instrument. It will be necessary to pay for the equipment itself and for the installation of each. Indeed, if hot and cold water is served, a separate device is necessary for each line. Several water meters will need and in the event that several eyeliner is suitable for the apartment. So sometimes it happens. It is necessary to accurately calculate the price of installation and equipment, payback periods. As a rule, pay for actual consumption still it turns out more profitable.

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_4
What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_5

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_6

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_7

  • What electricity meter put in a house and an apartment: a brief overview of species and checklist

Varieties of flow meters

An error would think that all devices are the same. They differ significantly on the principle of operation, the conditions of connection, accuracy, etc. We highlight the highlights that will show which water meter to install in the apartment.

On the principle of operation of equipment

Depending on the method of measuring the intensity of the water stream, the devices are divided into four types.

  • Electromagnetic. Determine the rate of passage of the jet between magnetic poles. The counting mechanism converts data to the volume of fluid.
  • Superstatic (vortex). Use a swirl through which water flow is passed. It is measured by its speed and time of passage. Based on this, consumption is automatically calculated.
  • Taxometric (wing). The jet rotates the mechanism-impeller. It transmits rotation to the panel counter.
  • Ultrasound. Processing information coming from sensors that are fed to the water flow ultrasonic waves. Then take them back.

It is best for household needs a tachometric device fit. Subject to the rules of operation, such flowmeters serve for a long time and are not broken. Easy design provides them with high reliability. They have a large working resource and low price. Other varieties for apartments are not suitable, although in everyday life are sometimes used. They require special operating conditions, are more often installed in industrial conditions.

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_9
What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_10

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_11

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_12

By the location of the counting mechanism

A countable device in tachometric flow meters can be located differently. Based on this, two varieties of instruments are distinguished.

Dry (drowshes)

Accounting assembly is isolated from water flow with a hermetic partition. To transfer the rotational motion of the impeller, a magnetic coupling is used, which is installed in the case. The magnetic field affects the wing mechanism, which slightly reduces the measurement accuracy. She still remains high. Indications are displayed on the dashboard.

It is possible to install a pulse output device for their remote transfer. The dryers work well in any environment, even with water with plenty of impurities. They are allowed to put on pipelines with hot water. Isolated from the liquid mechanism is not subject to corrosion, serves longer. True, the price of dryers is higher than the "wet" analogues.

Universal Meteer Eco Nom

Universal Meteer Eco Nom

Wet (wets)

All elements of the device are in the water stream. Partition and magnetic coupling are absent. The latter increases the accuracy of measurements. Provided that it serves liquid purified from impurities. Otherwise, the particles stick to the wing mechanism, which reduces the accuracy of its operation. The threshold of the sensitivity of the wets is higher.

The simplicity of design makes them more reliable. If necessary, repair is possible. Wets can be installed in different positions: horizontally, vertically or under the tilt. Options are indicated on their housing. The main disadvantage is sensitivity to the quality of the measured fluid. Therefore, before wet water meter, you must install a filter.

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_14
What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_15

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_16

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_17

The choice of which water meter is better to install in the apartment: a turntive or wet-free, to do correctly in favor of the first. They can work in any media, serve longer. The accuracy of measurements is high and does not depend on the quality of the fluid.

The difference between the flow meters for the DHW and the HALP

The principle of action they are the same. The difference lies in operating conditions. The equipment for the DHW is designed to work with heated to high temperature fluid. For its manufacture chosen wear-resistant materials. He has more strong components and hull. In this case, the measurement error in such water meters is greater. Therefore, the validity periods for them occur earlier than that of devices for HGS.

Equipment partially interchangeable. It can be useful when choosing what a cold water meter is installed in the apartment. Here is possible to install any device. This will not affect measurements. True, DHW water meters are more expensive and more often tested. Only special flowmeters are allowed on the hot water supply. An erroneous installation of a cold water supply device will lead to leaks and measurement distortions. On the housing there must be red color marking and the letter "g". It must be considered when choosing which hot water meter to install.

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_18

How to choose a water meter according to important criteria

In order for the device to last for a long time and did not give its owner of the trouble, before buying, you need to find out several important points. We offer a check list from seven simple items.

  • The presence of a certificate. The absence of a seal, technical support or certificate is the basis to refuse to purchase.
  • Date calibration. It is held at the factory, printing is exhibited in a technical support. The term of the next calibration is counted from the first. Therefore, the sooner it has been done, the faster the new will need. Well, if the equipment is released recently.
  • Quality. It is desirable that the announced model life of the model was at least 7-10 years. The housing was made of good-quality durable material.
  • Method of installation. The direction and altitude of the installation are indicated in the technical documentation. The easiest way to install universal models that can be put in any position.
  • Ability to repair. Theoretically repair is possible any counter. However, find spare parts and components for some models is very difficult and expensive.
  • Price. A good choice is the average for the price of the device. Too cheap model causes doubts in quality.
  • The ability to remote transmission of indications. It is convenient, but requires connection to the power grid.

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_19
What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_20

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_21

What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices 3796_22

Mini-rating of brands of water meters

Before you finally decide which water meter to choose, you need to determine the brand of the product. On store shelves many models of domestic and foreign firms. To simplify the choice, we offer a mini-rating of brands. From the Russian best, the model of companies "Betar, Eco Nom", "Triton" and "Meter" are considered. They are well adapted to local conditions, reliable and inexpensive.

From foreign brands: German Zenner, Viterra, Wehrle, French Actaris. They have high reliability, prolonged intermediate period. Their price is higher than in domestic models. In addition, it is necessary to know that the equipment is not designed to operate in Russian water pipes. You will need to install filters in front of the device.

Universal Counter Valtec.

Universal Counter Valtec.

Summarize. For the apartment correctly choose a tachometric water meter mechanical type. It is reliable, does not need power, compact, accurate. His price is low. Subject to proper operation, the equipment will last no less than 12 years. True, it will be time to take place.

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