10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!)


The remote control from the TV, switches and a shutter for the shower - we tell how to pay attention to the apartment and why your cleaning until today was defective.

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_1

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!)

Once reading an article? See a short video about the subjects on which many bacteria accumulates.

The apartment has a lot of places on which much more bacteria settle down than on the notorious toilet. We made a selection of those things that need to be washed more often, to dive into a dry cleaning or at least wipe antibacterial wipes, arrow and act.

1 phone

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_3

This also applies to mobile and stationary apparatus. They need to be cleaned as often as you wash your hands, because it is from them to the phone, bacteria and microbes are moved. For this purpose, antibacterial napkins or alcohol antiseptics are perfect.

2 remote

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_4

It is logical that the remote from the TV will also be in this list, because it is constantly touched by hands (and not always clean), it often lies on the floor and in other places that it is difficult to name perfectly removed. Even if you have a special case for him - we still recommend cleaning it more often. Savit your cotton wand in alcohol or cologne and walk along the surface, the good is small.

  • 9 small things in the house that you probably did not wash for a long time (and it's time)

3 Towel

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_6

The bath towel is recommended to change more often, optimally - once a week. If you do it less often, then from constant moisture in it can make fungus. And this is a favorable environment for viruses and bacteria. Therefore, put a long wash mode, make the water jogging and start the wash more often.

4 Cutting board

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_7

If you have one board is used to cut different types of products, it makes sense to replace it. There are many microbes from different products on such universal accessories, which may well go from one dish to another. It happens even if you are often my board, so it is worth it or often change, or get a set of different.

5 sponge

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_8

Sponge for washing dishes - one of the dirtiest consumables in the house. It does not matter whether you are doing her dishes or use plumbing to clean, they still live microbes colony. Frequent shift on a new one or, even better, buying a rigid bamboo brush will make the kitchen cleaner.

6 armrests

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_9

The sidewalls on the sofa and chairs are constantly under hand in the literal sense of the word. That is why they are more than on other surfaces, dirt and dust accumulate. Cleaning a special tool or professional clearance at least once a quarter is that you can save you.

7 Sink

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_10

Mandatory attention when cleaning the kitchen needs to be given the sink. Just rinse the visible dirt is not enough. Clean the walls and bottom thoroughly, fill a little cleaning agent into the drain to disinfect it.

8 shower curtain

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_11

Shutter for the soul - not the most obvious seatingman of the dirt, but it also accumulates a decent number of microbes. Erase it in a typewriter at least once in one or two weeks to prevent strong contaminants.

9 knobs

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_12

More bacteria accumulates on the door handle than on the toilet seat. Ideally wipe it as often as you erase dust in the house. If someone is sick in the house, it's worth wipe the handles often: up to several times a day. And when a large number of guests are expected, you can go through accessories in the evening, immediately after their care.

10 Switches

10 items on which bacteria are more than on the toilet (and you probably do not wash them!) 3843_13

They are touched as often as the handles, so cleaning is needed regular. By the way, if the handles are cleaned at least periodically, they forget about the switches completely up to the moment when visible contaminants appear.

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