How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils


We tell how to find and prepare a place for a separate collection even on the tiny kitchen and that it will be necessary for this.

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_1

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils

Everyone knows about the problems of ecology, and the emergency contribution to the struggle for its improvement is a separate collection of raw materials for processing. Where to start, if you do not have enough free space in the kitchen, and that it will be necessary to do this - we tell the instructions below.

1 Remove too much

The most convenient place in the house for sorting waste is under the sink. There is usually a garbage bucket, tools for cleaning and other things. Free this space. Household chemicals are better not to store in the kitchen near the products. Select a separate closed container with a lid for it and put in place inaccessible to children.

2 Prepare raw materials collection

The garbage can be divided into two parts by inserting a piece of cardboard suitable in it. Thus, you prepare two containers of three. If there is no longer under the sink anything, except for a bucket, - place a paper or tight plastic package and sort waste there. It can be fit practically in any place, as it does not have a hard form.

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_3
How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_4

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_5

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_6

If there is enough space near the bucket - look at the containers for separate collection of raw materials.

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_7
How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_8
How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_9
How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_10

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_11

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_12

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_13

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_14

If the sink is impossible under the sink - use savenly baskets from IKEA, which can be adapted under these targets. There are enough two pieces and a free wall.

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_15
How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_16

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_17

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_18

As a last resort, organize the collection of raw materials in another room, for example, in the corridor or on the balcony. But this method is inconvenient because it implies either a lot of movements there, either the temporary accumulation of waste in the kitchen during the day.

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_19
How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_20

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_21

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_22

  • Where to organize home collection of garbage: 12 suitable places in the apartment

3 Create waste sorting system

In one of the tanks, continue to put garbage, now it will take less space. The second container take the fraction leading by the number of raw materials. Most often it is plastic. In the third, sort the paper and cardboard, aluminum, glass - all other types of waste that is accepted in the nearest collection point.

Please note that secondary raw materials should be released from food and pollution residues. This is a standard requirement of reception points, which, in addition to everything, will save your kitchen from unpleasant odors. To save the box of the box, make a flat, bottle in question, insert the capacitance into each other, aluminum cans flatter, cutting off the bottom and cover.

If necessary, start a separate package for hazardous waste: batteries, energy-saving light bulbs, thermometers, etc. They must be submitted to specialized reception items, which you can on the RecycleMap map.

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_24

4 Check the system viability

When the containers with the secondary raw materials are filled, take them to the waste collection point. For the first time, highlight yourself more time on the search for containers and understanding how the reception works. Rate how convenient you organized the sorting and how it can be modified: how much time you need to fill packages, what type of raw materials will be copied faster than the rest and which of the fractions it is better to collect separately.

After a few such trips, you will spend on laying raw materials on containers no more than a couple of minutes, and the sorting of garbage will become the usual thing. Remember that every small step is important. Even if you succeed in recycling only one type of waste, it will already be a significant contribution to the general case to save the planet from irreversible changes in environmental and climatic systems.

How to organize a separate garbage collection, if you have a small kitchen: 4 councils 3920_25

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