9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life


Do not boil the water twice, carefully choose the placement place and do not turn off in advance - tell me what to do if you want to keep the teapot for a long time.

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9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life

Electric kettle - one of the most popular types of household appliances in the house. So that he serve faithfully for more than one year, army by our advice.

1 Periodically empty

It is very rare to meet a person who, after boiling water and used a part, pours the remains of the kettle. Meanwhile it is correct. If you forget to do it regularly, empty the container at least once a week.

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9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_4

9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_5

9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_6

2 Pour enough water before boiling

Dedicated to all lovers to warm the remaining 20 milliliters. If you want to change the device right now - this is a great idea. In all other cases, water you need to fill out at least the heating element. As a rule, most of the models have a special mark of the minimum level of the bay, and if the water does not reach it, you need to add a couple of glasses. If this is not done, the heating system may break.

  • What prevention is needed by your home appliances to serve for a long time and good

3 Do not clean abrasives

The serviceability of the device depends not only on the proper operation, but also from competent care. The more often you remove the scale from the inside and outside, the longer the kettle will last. You can clean the device with water with the addition of vinegar or special means of scale (their important then wash thoroughly). Nothing else will need: gels, cleaning products, especially abrasive compositions are better not to use, plastic and elements inside will deteriorate. During the procedure, it is impossible to immerse the plug and cord into water, the same rule concerns the stand.

4 Do not put in the oven

This location can negatively affect the housing and other plastic parts of the device. From the high temperature of the working oven they can be deformed and fail. This applies not only to the plates, but also all the heating elements.

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9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_9

9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_10

9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_11

5 put the technique only on the table

You can not boil water on your knees, beds and any surface curve. This leads to a breakdown of the heating element due to the uneven level of the fluid. In addition, it is unsafe: the kettle can push and boiling water.

6 Organize timely repairs

It would seem that it is necessary that the faulty instrument cannot be turned on. Nevertheless, this rule is constantly neglecting and continue to use the device with a broken stand, a handle, a lid. It is impossible to do this, because it is unsafe for you and only worsens the state of the kettle. If you plan to use an instrument with a defect and then take care of the repair.

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9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_13

9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_14

9 tips on the use of an electric kettle who will extend his life 3964_15

7 take care of the spiral

The heating spiral is the heart of the kettle. Caring for her, you can extend the service life of the device for years. The main thing is to regularly get rid of scale so that the spiral is clean. Timely care will keep the equipment from breakdown and expensive repair.

8 Wait for auto sound

The difference of an electric kettle from the usual enameled is that you cannot turn off the first when you want. Since boiling time in an electrical device leaves much less than in the usual, waiting for automatic shutdown will not be difficult. If this is not done, the controller can break.

9 Do not turn on twice

After boiling, it is recommended to wait at least a couple of minutes before re-enabled. If the second time run the boiling process immediately, the heating elements can break.

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