Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own


We collected examples of bathrooms, which have changed beyond recognition - there are global alterations here, and options for cosmetic changes that will not entail large spending and dirty work.

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_1

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own

1 out of dull - in a bright bathroom

The transformation of this bathroom proves that there is nothing impossible. From a narrow dark space that did not even save the window, it turned out a bright and cheerful interior. With the fact that the furniture (even the built-in cabinets and the cabinet under the sink) remained the same. Here they changed the decoration of the floor and walls, put a new countertop with mortise sink, lamps, and the main color accent was a curtain for a print of peaches. See how the corner with the bathroom is resolved - a dark contrasting grout maintains a black mixer with a tropical shower. And although black is not too practical choice for the mixer due to the fact that divorces will be visible on it and implications, in this case it is fully justified.

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_3
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_4
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_5

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_6


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_7

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_8


  • 7 wow interiors of bathrooms (worth seeing!)

2 of faceless - in a very stylish bathroom

The designer has changed in this bathroom with a large window of several things: Brake over sink, wallpapers instead of ordinary paint and accessories - mirror, bright oriental carpet. See how graphics wallpaper and gold lamp with the Roman curtain set the mood of luxury, and the carpet adds brightness. In general, such a transformation can even be called budget and with a minimum of dirty work - only the preparation of walls under the sticking of wallpaper.

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_10
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_11

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_12


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_13


  • 6 budget ideas for the design of the bathroom, which will make the interior visually more expensive

3 of little - in a large bathroom

Initially, in this bathroom, the bathroom itself was separated by a partition with the door and the window, behind which the plumbing was actually mounted and inscribed exactly in common. The designer removed the septum, made a global renovation, which includes the expansion of the window opening, and the finish, and the purchase of new plumbing. Now the room more resembles a living space than the bathroom. There is a carpet, paintings, a small table from a wooden log cabin.

Of course, such a transformation can afford a few - bathrooms of such a square occur except in private homes.

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_15
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_16
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_17

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_18


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_19


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_20


  • 6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance

4 of the dark and dirty - in a bright bathroom (without repair!)

If you look at two photos, you can quickly understand that in this bathroom did not make repairs and did not even change the furniture. Changes are work with accessories: a new bright curtain, a laconic plant-cactus, poster in a round frame, a rug for a bathroom and a wicker basket with towels. Of course, the lighter bathroom in the picture "after" seems also due to the lighting, but the role is played and the choice of a curtain, which did not miss the natural light from the already small window.

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_22
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_23

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_24


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_25


  • Before and after: 4 budget transfigations of bathrooms and bathrooms

5 of the outdated bathroom - in modern and bright

This bathroom with shower and home laundry transformed beyond recognition after the owners decided to abandon the reddish tiles in the form of a rectangle and the same outdated tile under the stone with decorative curbs. Instead, the walls partially posted a white tiled, and partially painted into deep blue. Replaced the plumbing and picked up the end of the sink, where all the accessories fit and now they do not interfere with the interior. And also abandoned the basket and put a drying machine with a washing machine into a row, they were covered with a worktop, and the storage system was installed on top. By the way, the suspension toilet allowed the use of the resulting shelf above it also for the decor.

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_27
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_28
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_29
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_30

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_31


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_32


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_33


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_34


  • 6 removable materials for interior temporary transformation (quickly and beautiful!)

6 from an irrelevant bathroom - into the space in Scandinavian style

Bathroom with outdated blue paint and the same plumbing turned into a stylish room in the Scandinavian aesthetics. Judging by the photo, she has undergone global repairs - ranging from the new wall decoration and ending with the installation of new furniture and plumbing. If you have a big bathroom, and the budget is limited, look at the idea of ​​partial trim tiles and combinations of different finishing options. Here the surfaces that are not in contact with water are painted. The niche with the bathroom is laid out with a rectangular glossy tile for several tones darker paint, and the focus has become a wall above the sink and the toilet.

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_36
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_37
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_38
Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_39

Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_40


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_41


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_42


Before and after: 6 updated bathrooms that inspire you to alteration your own 3976_43


  • 6 bathrooms where tiles and wallpapers made friends (you will be delighted!)

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