How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways


Increased colors, classic elements and vases with flowers - disassemble the rules that unobtrusively help your interior look like a lot of resources invested in it.

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_1

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways

1 Choose increhensible colors as a base and accent

If you are at the stage of repair and buying furniture, work the color palette - it is she who creates the very first impression of the interior. In order for it to attract and delayed attention, caused the feeling that the designer worked on your apartment, refuse the most popular basic shades: white and beige.

What colors it is better to choose

  • Grey. Light gray tones look great if you need a color base for small rooms, and a thickening shade and moving to the darker variants, you will greatly emphasize the depth of space and make it elegant. In addition, it is almost impossible to make mistakes with the choice of well-combined shades of gray.
  • Blue. One of the most noble and expensive colors. It looks great on matte surfaces.
  • Green. Select saturated thick tones and avoid neon and too bright.
  • Pink. It employs the same rules as with gray, but it helps to create a more gentle and original interior.

As an emphasis colors for point use, select shades that are best combined with the above. For example, with dark blue perfectly combined with gold, with dark green - orange and yellow tones, and gray and pink themselves perfectly complement each other.

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How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_4
How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_5
How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_6

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_7

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_8

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_9

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_10

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2 Do not forget about the texture

If you buy textiles, finishing materials or accessories, pay attention to their texture. The more different surfaces in the interior, the more expensive and worker it looks. There are many budget ways, for example, instead of a conventional paint roller, you can buy relief, they are about the same, and the result will be more interesting in the second case. You can tie with your own hands plaid for a sofa of a large mating or to open the sandpaper The surface of the old lacquered wooden cabinet to achieve a fashionable vintage effect.

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How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_13
How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_14

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_15

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_16

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_17

  • If white is tired: 4 colors that can be used as a database for the interior

3 Remove more too much

Mostly just looks at the housing in which there is nothing superfluous. That is why it is so difficult to achieve the effect of elegance in small apartments or houses where many adults and children live. Therefore, the first thing, where to start working out the interior, is to get rid of all extra. For this, most likely, there will be a large-scale operational operations in several approaches. Plan a couple of days with an interval in one or two weeks you need so that you are tasted and stopped postponing, just in case, what you do not use, and your eyes have managed to notice new zones that require attention.

Focus on all the battered, broken, ugly. There are cases when you need to be restored, for example, old chairs or dining table. If we spend the forces for repairs and repainting a pity - boldly get rid of the thing.

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How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_20
How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_21

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_22

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_23

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_24

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4 Add classic elements

Create an interior in the classic style is very expensive. But the most beautiful items are even in a modern style or a regular interior without a pronounced style. Such a move will definitely make space look more expensive.

  • Classic, Scand or Loft? What to add a neutral interior so that he acquires the features of the right style

How can you add classic notch

  • Find in the store of goods for artists a gypsum head or bust in a classic style. Such an accessory is win-winning on the chest or shelf.
  • Go to the flea market and pick up a few wooden fears for your photos, paintings and even posters.
  • Use daily slightly outdated household items that are associated more often with the holidays than with a daily routine: tablecloths, tissue wipes with decorative rings, candlesticks with a few melted candles.

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How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_28

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_29

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_30

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5 Establish in the house vase

If you consider photos of the interiors of the houses of the aristocracy or selection of works in the blogs of famous designers, you will definitely notice live flowers or leaves, plants branches in vases. Get the habit of at least once every two weeks refresh the interior with a new composition. At the same time, you do not need expensive orchids or a large number of roses.

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For example, in a glass high cylindrical vase, you can put one large monster sheet - it looks very impressive. Or you can bring field or garden colors with giving. Try to find the flower market close to the house and buy there unpacked seasonal inexpensive flowers. You can even put the branches in the vase or dried in a vase, and it will look more concise and original, and most importantly - you do not have to spend often to spend the update of the composition.

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How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_34
How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_35

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_36

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_37

How to turn the usual interior in designer almost free: 5 ways 4004_38

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