How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways


We are talking about the biological features of Borshevik and how to derive it from a plot with different methods: herbicides, folk remedies, mechanical methods.

How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways 4024_1

How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways

On time not noticed the appearance of Borshevik on the site is akin to a natural disaster. In the shortest time, this weed is able to displace all cultures from him. But this is not the worst thing. Weed is dangerous. Its juice contains toxins causing heavy burns. Therefore, the "possessions of the malicious plant are similar to the poisonous jungle. We'll figure it out how to effectively fight Borschevik to get rid of it quickly and for a long time.

All about fighting Borshevik

Biological Features Pest Plants

Effective methods of struggle

- Waving and digging

- Delete infloretia

- Mulching

- burning

- Remediators and Natural Enemies

- Folk remedies

- Herbicides

Features of toxic plant

In nature, there are no one dozen varieties of this weed. Not all of them are poisonous. For example, Siberian or Crimean is completely safe. But Borshevik Sosnovsky, Mantaggatsi, wildly dangerous. Outwardly, all of them are very similar, but biologists have allocated signs for which toxic varieties are distinguished.

Signs of toxic plant

  • Large and wide sheet sheet with rough and ribbon edges.
  • Height two or more meters.
  • A fluff with the sun-splashes on the stem.
In the people, poisonous weeds are called heroklovy grass for its size and outstanding resilience. It is very difficult to destroy the plant, but it is possible if you study its weak and strengths.

Why Borschevik Borshchevik

  • Preservation of germination for a long time. Seeds germinate at 5-8 years of rest.
  • Self-polling. Therefore, even the only copy will give numerous offspring. In umbrellas ripen from 20,000 to 70,000 seeds.
  • Fast growth. During the day, shoots increase by an average of 100 mm.
  • Frost resistance. Easily tolerates the most severe winters.
  • The ability of seeds to ripen on cut umbrellas.
  • Heard growth point. It is below the ground level by 40-100 mm. Trimming the stem above this point does not give any effect.
  • Easy distribution of seeds. Transfer is possible in different ways: current of water, wind, animals, man, etc.

There is a heraklova grass and weaknesses. So, for example, for the entire life cycle, and it can last from two to fifteen years, the seeds are formed only once. The absence of vegetative reproduction is also a plus for a gardener - if all sleeping kidneys are destroyed, weed stop growing.

In addition, you need to know that he is light-see. Does not like shadows, can not germinate from great depths and poorly tolerate excessive moisture.

How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways 4024_3

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The best methods to combat Borshevik on the site

To withdraw poisonous grass is difficult, but necessary. Otherwise, nothing will remain from the fertile plot in a short time. It will all be filled with high stems with umbrellas, suitable for which is dangerous, especially in sunny weather. We have collected the best ways to get rid of Borshevik.

1. Waving and digging

Mechanical removal effectively, but laborious. Before working, it is necessary to wear protective clothing: a shirt and trousers made of tight fabric, rubber gloves. If juice falls on the skin, it must be washed with plenty of water. Immediately on the spot from juice on the skin under the influence of ultraviolet turns into strong burns. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful.

Before the appearance of the inflorescence, the weeds can be digging. It is necessary to do it with a sharp shovel, carefully pumped the roots as deep as possible. When they are sufficiently naked, take it over the stem and dramatically pull, trying to pull the plant. If the rhizer broke down, the procedure is repeated. Leave in Earth, even small fragments are not recommended. They may have sleeping kidneys that will germinate over time. Digging is possible if single instances are seen on the site.

On the territory, most of which is filled with a poisonous pig, digging will be too time consuming. Shipping here. After the first sprouts appear, they are mounted, the procedure is repeated every month. If necessary, in two or three weeks. The beveled mass is carried out and burned. The leaves can be laid in compost, roots and stalks better destroy. The above-ground part after the mowing will quickly grow, therefore it makes sense to use this method in the complex with others.

How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways 4024_5

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2. Delete inflorescence

It is not always possible to notice a poisonous grass in time, especially if she first appeared at the cottage. When inflorescences are already disclosed, it is late to engage in destruction. The problem is that tens of thousands of very life-life seeds are at the same time in umbrellas. If they fall into the soil, the shoots will definitely. Therefore, everything that can be done is to take a tight plastic package, put it on the inflorescence and fix it. A sharp knife cut the stem. The umbrellas assembled in this way.

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3. Mulching

The essence of agrotechnical reception in the shelter of the soil by any material to increase its productivity and maintain moisture. To deal with a toxic plant, it can also be used. Only in this case, the mulch closes the light that becomes detrimental for gexlery. There are two options for using the technique.

Spring land is drunk or plowing. The plot prepared in this way is covered by a geopolo density of at least 100 g / sq. m. From above, a layer of soil with a height of 30-50 mm is stacked. It has a mixture of three or four varieties of hiding herbs. Sowing density - about 1 kg of seeds per hundred. After the appearance of the heads, periodic mowing is performed. It will be possible to use land for growing any cultures in two or three years.

With polyethylene film

In early June, mesh is held. The divyan prepared in this way is covered with a black polyethylene density of at least 100 microns. So that the shelter does not move on top of the sand bags, large stones, etc. Moisture and light will not be able to fall under the film, which will destroy the roots with sleeping kidneys. Shelter leave for a year. Then it is removed, the land is drunk.

Mulching effectively, but wait for the result for a long time. It is actively used in territories with a large number of weed grass.

How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways 4024_8

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4. Burning

Apply only where there is a sufficient amount of free space to build, trees, communications. Poisonous piglery and ground under do not pour fluid to ignite or just gasoline, ignite. While burning takes place, they are following the flame, they do not give him too flaunting and spread. The cooled ashes is dripped, fall asleep on top of fresh soil. At this place it is not recommended to plant berries and vegetables throughout the year.

5. Plants Remediators and Natural Enemies

Hercules Grass can be crowned with removators. True, it is advisable to do on large strongly clogged areas. Any fast-growing legumes or cereals will help. The galley is considered a good choice, she is a goat, and a fireless fire. You can plant a Topinambourism or potatoes. If there is a desire, raspberry is used as a remamp. It quickly grows and displaces weighing plants.

In some recommendations, how to destroy Borschevik Sosnovskogo, oh there is advice to use his natural enemy - Borshevichny mole. Indeed, she will quickly cope with the problem. But at the same time will destroy all umbrellas in the garden. The only safe natural enemy for other cultures is a phoma complanata fungus. But its use in personal farms is impossible.

6. Folk remedies

There are several ways to destroy the weed plant with remedies. The easiest is the use of cook salt. On the infected area, a large salt is scattered at the rate of 1,500-2,000 g per square meter. M. Then the soil is deeply loose, so that the substance falls into the deep layers. The big minus of this method is that the earth becomes unsuitable for landing. High salinity does not allow you to grow any culture here. Special processing will be required.

How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways 4024_10

It is possible to get rid of poisonous pigs with acetic essence. Practiced three options.

Three ways of applying acetic essence

  1. With the help of the syringe, vinegar is introduced into the tissue of the stem and root. It stops the growth of the weed and gradually kills him.
  2. A solution from liter of water, two citric acid sachets, liter of acetic essence, four tablespoons of detergent and 50 ml of alcohol are prepared. The mixture is poured into the pulverizer and spray the pigs into a windless sunny day.
  3. After cutting the umbrellas inside the stem pour acetic essence. After some time, the acid will destroy harmful grass.
Important moment. If there are cultural landings near the poisonous stroke, it is better not to risk a garden. The stems are scattered, shook the roots and spill them with acetic essence. This is most securely as possible for useful places.

7. Herbicides

The extreme measure is going to save the country's territory from Borshevichny Zaroshi. For processing, they buy any suitable agent: "Roundup", "Hurricane", "Tornado-Forte", etc. It should be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise it is possible to harm fruit and vegetable and berry cultures. With competent use, the processing of herbicides gives a quick and effective result.

In the councils of specialists, how to get rid of Borshevik to the site forever, recommendations are often found to combine methods. So, after mulching it is good to sow remidiators. Black film is collected and sow beans, goat and mustard. They will not only displacing unwanted shoots, but also "work" as sitarats, restoring the soil. In the autumn they are smelled or dripped together with the ground.

How to get rid of Borshevik in the country area: 7 effective ways 4024_11

There is another effective combined technique. On large areas of early spring, after friendly sections perform treatment with herbicides. After 25-30 days, plow, then conduct dispensing. If you notice single shoots, everyone repeat. During the summer period, several such cycles are carried out. The following year, the soil is completely cleaned and ready for seasonal work.

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