We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist


It is no secret that fashion is cyclical, and this pattern is traced in all spheres of design. It is for this reason that we are witnessing a return on the scene of the Japanese art of creating Iquiban.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_1

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist

Since ancient times, people have tried to decorate their homes in different ways - this is rock painting, figurines, paintings, flowers. In a traditional Japanese house, a special niche was shown - toconom, where the scroll with hieroglyphs hung and the composition of Iquiban was hosted. In saturated speeds and objects of the modern world, people are increasingly beginning to give preference to minimalist interiors of apartments, where the compositions of the Iquibans of the Japanese school Sogets are fit.

In the work on the interior composition there are no trifles, when building the Iketibana, everything is taken into account: color, shape, filling of space, landscape outside the window. And if all these details have not been unnoticed, then success is guaranteed. To create Iqueban on the canons of School Sogets, any materials are suitable - even home-made utensils, which, as if by chance, can find himself in work. The creation of a minimalistic composition is available to everyone - it is worth only a little to show fantasy. Cashing by Icybana, we begin to pay attention to the bends of branches, dried herbs, drawing of moss on trees and stumps, opening the whole world of simple, but incredibly beautiful natural things and phenomena unexpectedly.

One of the required installation rules of Iquiban is to cut flowers and leaves with a secateur under water. This reception prolongs the life of plants.

1 with cocktail tubes and disposable forks

Plants and materials

Chrysanthemum Baltazar, Liligrass, black cocktail tubes, wire, disposable forks, Kenzan, bamboo vases, secator, capacitance for planting plants.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_3
We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_4

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_5

The compositions in the style of Iquibans due to their "art objects" are able to become an integral part of the modern interior, adding it the original importance.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_6


Slide cocktail tubes on a wire, then twist them arbitrarily, creating a "grid". Install Kenzana in vases, pour water. Secure the grid from the tubes over the vases, creating an asymmetrical frame. Place chrysanthemums - they should not be a lot. Add Smooth Liligrass lines for the volume. Complete the work of disposable forks, placing them arbitrarily as if playing.

2 with a ceramic vase

Plants and materials

Chrysanthemum Antonov, leaves Ksanada, larch branches, Kensan, ceramic powder, author's metal object, secator, capacitance for planting plants.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_7
We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_8

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_9

Masters Iquiban often become authors of non-standard VAZ and structures. The design of this art stand is designed by Elena Kilchevskaya. At first it was made by a prototype of foil, according to which the original of the welder has already been ordered.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_10


Place the flap with Kenzan on the base of art design, pour water. Install the chrysanthemum first on Kenzan, then larch branches. Finish work with leaves. If you do work in the cold season, you can witness the revival of the kidneys on the branches.

3 with palm leaves

Plants and materials

Chrysanthemums Saffina and Baltazar, bleached palm leaves, ash branches, Ksanada leaves, mounting plastic ties, metal vases-support, secator, capacitance for plant trimming.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_11
We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_12

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_13

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_14


Building plastic screeds While the twigs of the ash, paint the resulting frame into the black color. Install it between vases, secure. This technique will help create a solid base of the composition. Then place the palm leaves. Create a colors with three chrysanthemums. And as the final chord of work add green leaves.

Creating compositions in two vases, you can make stronger and significant work. One vase with flowers is always beautiful. A duet enhancing each other creates a more ringing picture. In this case, the effect is achieved also with the help of contrasting color combinations the same in the form of the VAZ.

4 with ash branches and formum leaves

Plants and materials

Chrysanthemum Anastasia Dark Green and Korona, Formum leaves, ash branches, ceramic vases, a secateur, capacitance for trimming plants.

The main difference of school ikebans

The main difference between the Sogets School of School is that, if desired, anyone can do it - in any vase (or completely without it) and from any number of material.


Set the branches between the vases, secure them. Add yellow with Korona solar chrysanthemums. It will give the work of the necessary brightness, taking into account the fact that it will stand on a black background. Single green chrysanthemum in this case will be an emphasis in work. Add smooth lines from formuum leaves, pre-breaking them along the central alcohol.

5 with Magnolia branches

Plants and materials

Chrysanthemum Rossano Charlotte (painted), Magnolia Branch, Ksanada sheet, ceramic vase, secateur, Kenzan, Capacity for plant trimming.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_16
We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_17

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_18

Restrained bathroom and accessories dictated the creation of miniature, non-market work. This design is well suitable for hotels and apartments.

We make Iquiban from chrysanthemum, which will decorate the modern interior: 5 ideas from Florist 4052_19


Start this minimalistic composition from installing Kenzan and filling the vase with water. Secure the chrysanthum on Kenzan, then the branch of magnolia. Complete the work with a small green leaf of Ksanada. Of course, the branch of magnolia is not an ordinary component. It can well be replaced by a branch of another plant with large kidneys.

Elena Kilchevskaya, Master Ikeb & ...

Elena Kilchevskaya, Master Iquaban:

The theme of the decoration of the modern interior compositions in the style of the Japanese school Sognce is extremely relevant. First, it is always following the stylistics of the room. Secondly, it is fiscal, since, in contrast to European compositions, does not require a large amount of material. And if the works use such "long-playing" flowers like chrysanthemums, then you can get a wonderful inexpensive interior design for a long time. In addition to the foregoing, Chrysanthemum is the national plant of Japan. Its image can be found on the cover of the Japanese passport, on all seals, Japanese coins. Yellow or orange inflorescence is included in the emperor's coat of arms. Chrysntera Ancause considered a symbol of longevity, which is associated with its resistance before the onset of cold weather.

The editors thank the Flower Experience Internet platform, Just Chrys for help in preparing the material.

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