What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs


We tell about the principles of selection of plants for landing along the fence and offer a description of the best options.

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_1

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs

The most expensive and spectacular fence will seem boring without bright greenery. But landings are not only beautiful, they clean the air, create a shadow in the heat and close the privacy of the inhabitants of the house from curious neighbors. We'll figure it out that planted along the fence in the country to get the best result.

What plants put along the fence

Criterias of choice

What can land in the country

- Trees

- Shrubs

- Flowers

Criteria for plant selection

To landing pleased the eye, it is necessary to choose the right plants. We made a brief check list that will help you do.

  1. We determine the illumination of the site. Most of the day here is the sun, shadow or scattered light. We select options growing in such conditions.
  2. Determine the purpose of the landing. They must close the fence, replace it or harmoniously combine with it.
  3. We define how much space can be left under the plantation. If the plot is small, you should not overload it with a lush greens. Otherwise, it will seem even less.
  4. Find out the depth of the underwater and the type of soil. For each culture there is a set of favorable conditions, otherwise it will not develop normally.
  5. Determine the amount of time planned to devote landing care. If it is a little, choose unpretentious varieties. Decorative require constant attention.

Having answered these questions, you can determine the type of crops that will feel good on the site. Specialists advise on the possibility of planning landings at the construction stage or even designing the fence. In this case, the schemes of the liked models like and pick up landscaping. The best solution is embodied in life.

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_3

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What plants put along the fence

An important point in the choice is to determine the height of plantations. They can be tall. Such land along the fence located near the road to protect the site from road dust. Sharply good for decorating the fence. If there is a place, they are located in several rows, component with the average, etc.


Only fruit trees were usually planted in summer cottages. Now the trend is changing. Owners are increasingly growing decorative coniferous and deciduous rocks. This is a good solution if you need to choose what to put along the fear from the street. High landings will close the summer territory from road dust and indiscreet views. But such a solution is not suitable for all sites.

A small territory surrounded by high trees will seem small and uncomfortable. The area should be large enough. There are other features. So, when the tree grows, it will close some part of the site from the sun. It must be understood and planning planting so that there is no harm to shading. In addition, the root root system can eventually destroy the fence. Therefore, seedlings are placed at a distance of at least 300-500 cm from it. We list suitable for planting rock.

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1. Thuya

Evergreen conifer from the family of cypress. Unpretentious, considered a universal fence. Thuya is characterized by a variety of species. It grows in the form of shrubs and trees with a height of up to 70 m. It has a soft cheese and a strong aroma. It is planted in living hedges, their height is up to 15-20 m. It transfers well, with good care lives 50 years and more.

Design options A lot: single or multi-row hedges, live sculptures. Well looks in compositions. Blue ate, blooming shrubs, juniper, pine - this is what can be planted between the tongs along the fence. Interesting landscape solutions are obtained with a combination of coloniary and conical varieties.

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What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_7

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_8

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_9

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2. Spruce

Evergreen slowly growing swear. Saves a juicy color at any time of the year, decorates the landscape. Thick branches are tightly intertwined, creating a barrier for dust, immodest views from the street and unauthorized penetration. A varieties of ate differ in color: green, blue, yellowish. This allows you to create interesting compositions.

For each locality in nurseries, a variety adapted to the climatic conditions can be found. It tolerates shading well. Excessive amount of ultraviolet causes burns, especially in a young row. Does not tolerate dry, salinization and stagnation of water. Easily tolerates trimming, lives 60-70 years and more.

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What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_12

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_13

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_14

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In the recommendations that put along the fence from the neighbors, the trees are most often mentioned. They are planted not only in one row, other solutions are possible. For example, firing, green or blue are planted in the foreground. The second row form varieties with a fluttering crown, such as willow or birch. The closer to the fence is placed high deciduous rocks.

Planting not only decorate the site, they can carry a functional load. So, if the fence is required for the fence, you need to plant aspen, rowan or lipa. The planting fruit is apple trees, plums, pears - will give an opportunity to harvest in the fall.

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Bushes are good for decorating the fence. They are small, so suitable for a spacious area and for a small one. Dacha owners choose between fruit and decorative varieties. Raspberry, blackberry, currant, gooseberry are suitable from the fruit for the fence. In the season they hid the berries that eat fresh or harvest. They are planted at a distance of 150 cm from the fence, so collect the crop will be convenient.

Decorative form an attractive hedge. For winning design, they are beautifully cut into the shape of balls, cubes, etc. We list suitable shrubs for giving.

1. Deren.

Unpretentious fast-growing bush with beautiful motley leaves. There are many varieties of different colors and size. Protects, you can try to give it a certain form. In the summer, the dender blooms, falls in autumn. In winter, leaves fall out, glossy shoots of bright color remain. Shrub does not tolerate droughts and constraints.

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What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_18

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_19

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_20

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2. Amur Lilac.

Long and richly blooming shrub. Flowers are bright with a strong aroma. Needs a trimming, otherwise it grows and becomes neakkurat. Does not tolerate the shadow, excessive humidity. Lilac will not be able to grow where groundwater is located close to the surface. Sensitive to low temperatures. It is advisable for the winter a bush.

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What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_23

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_24

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_25

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3. Barbaris

Unpretentious fruitful shrub of medium sizes. His branches are long, so it is impossible to plant it near the fence. Receive at least 200 cm. It is undemanding to illumination. Barbaris is suitable for those looking for what to put along the fence in the shade. The sun he also tolerates well, but the cold wind is not desirable for him. Therefore, it is better to land it from the south or west. During the occurrence and ripening of berries requires abundant irrigation.

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What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_28

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_29

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_30

In addition to these plants, a good choice: Spirea, Rosehip, Becklecom, Magonia, Kiznicker Brilliant, hawthorn.

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Flowering plants are selected so that they bloom at different times. Then the fence will always be beautiful. You can land tall and low-spirited varieties, composing them in an interesting composition. Another good solution is curly and wearing cultures. They form a multi-level structure that adorns the site protects against dust and curious. We list five curly plants that need to be planted along the fence.

  1. Pleet rose. Large selection of colors and shapes. The flower is unpretentious, requires good lighting and abundant irrigation. Flowering falls on June. In the fall needed trimming and shelter.
  2. Ivy. Fast growing plant with beautiful leaves. Unpretentious and vitality. In areas with a mild climate, it retains an attractive view all year round. Good background for blooming compositions.
  3. Wisteria. Liana with bunches of white, pink or lilac flowers. Svetigubiv, requires a solid support. Therefore, it is grown near brick, stone, concrete fences. The most popular varieties: Chinese, Japanese, abundant.
  4. Bind. The flower lives about a day, another is formed in its place. The flowering period begins in June. There are several dozen varieties of this plant. All of them are rich in blooming. For the landing, the fence will fit the basin of field and borovy, calipery fence.
  5. Clematis. A curved plant with large bright colors resembling a star form. Disgrace in early June, bloom until autumn. With competent caring, flowering is prolonged to the first frosts. Clematis are demanding of the illumination and fertility of the soil.

What to put along the fence in the country: a selection of trees, colors and shrubs 4070_32

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It is only five of the many blooming crops. Campxis, campling hydrangea, curved honeysuckle, wild or maiden grapes can be planted. The fences seized by greens will become a good background for tulips, dahlias, poppies, petunias and other colors.

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