6 items that will help save water and do not lose comfort


You can save water, not only regularly turning it off during washing and in the shower. We tell how the usual glass, dishwasher and intelligent mixer will help us and the family budget.

6 items that will help save water and do not lose comfort 4135_1

Once reading an article? See short video about how you can save water

As a rule, saving water is taken for two reasons: due to concerns about ecology or attempt to reduce accounts. Few ready to seriously change the lifestyle and their habits, because household comfort suffers from unnecessary restrictions. We found ways as with minimal efforts or at all without them to kill two hares at once: save water resources and not spend a lot of money for a communal service.

1 Glass for Water

Hotels put in their rooms for water for water not only for your personal convenience. With this simple item in the bathroom is not only very convenient, but also economically: pour water there when you brush your teeth, and close the crane. Use only the fact that it is nano in a glass, and you will be surprised how much water will be saved.

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2 Smart mixer

The mixer, which is arranged on the manner of the electronic dispenser for soap, works only when the hands are driven to the infrared sensor. Due to the fact that the water is not poured constantly powerful pressure, it is possible to use a smaller volume. Of the minuses - yes, it will be necessary to periodically bring hands to the sensor under the crane. Of the advantages - besides economy, around the mixer due to the absence of the valve less space for the accumulation of dirt, and therefore it will be easier to clean.

3 Toilet bowls with two types of flushing

Now you can still meet the toilet bowls on the drain tank of which two buttons. Do not everyone know what they are for. Everything is simple: half the volume of the tank pours out one of them, and by pressing the other - the whole volume. Depending on how much water you need to wash, you press the first or second button. The savings are achieved due to the fact that the full tank is not always devastated, often enough half of the accumulated volume of water.

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5 Good pipes

This nuance is often not noticeable immediately, especially if you live in a house with old communications. Often there are microcracks in the pipes, through which water flows gradually, but regularly. It is bad at once for two reasons: more water isted, a mold can be formed around, which is then very hard to remove. Therefore, be sure to check the pipes before you buy or rent an apartment, and if you find a crack or dampness - call plumbing. And do not forget about regular prophylaxis.

  • Postpone the sponge: 6 things you wash too often (or in vain)

5 dishwasher

The belief that the washing of dishes is saved by the resources, incorrect. It has long been proven: dishwasher consumes much less water than manual cleaning. All thanks to the optimization of the process: water is fed under high pressure and even doses, it does not flow constantly during the entire procedure, as if you were manually soap.

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6 washing machine

Another household assistant, to which non-economy label undeservedly hung. In fact, the washing machine consumes not so much water compared, again, with a washing manually and rinse. If you are able to periodically clean your own cleaning with your own hands - you not only do not protect the water, but also you will spend your own strength. There is one "but": using a washing machine, do not leave the drum half empty, it will reduce all the savings on no.

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