What is the lesing formulations for wood and how to use them: a detailed review


Those who want to protect the wooden facades, arbors, fences from external influences, give the surface an interesting shade, but to leave the natural pattern of the tree, the lesing compositions are suitable.

What is the lesing formulations for wood and how to use them: a detailed review 4139_1

What is the lesing formulations for wood and how to use them: a detailed review

What threatens a wooden finish on the street

First of all - moisture. Humidity fluctuations provoke a tree movement (swelling and shrinkage), as a result of which internal stresses appear. In addition, with high humidity of air, colonies of mold and fungi are actively multiplied, which is fraught with damage to the wood structure.

No less detrimental effects of UV rays, temperature drops, the accumulation of dust and dirt, from which the tree grives and loses strength. Therefore, manufacturers of paints and varnishes are advised after the end of construction does not bag begin to protect and decorative processing. The fact is that the farther this process is moved, the more polluted and weakened will be a wooden surface and the worse the adhesion of the paint and the quality of the finished coating will be. So, his periodic update will have to be carried out more often, and it will be more expensive.

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The lesing paint forms a translucent coating.

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Pasting paint forms an opaque finishing layer.

Rules for choosing compositions

Natural tree as the material is incredibly effectively. Maybe therefore, many owners of country houses instead of shelled paints use lesing compositions - lazuries and impregnations. They give the surface the desired shade and retain, and sometimes emphasize the characteristic texture.

How to choose the right shade of the lesing composition - the question is not idle. In addition to paint on the end result affects the color of the tree. The same coating on the pine will be lighter than, for example, on larch. The absorbency and resinness of wood, as well as the method of processing, contributes its contribution. Thus, the coating consumption on the plane and chopped surface is noticeably less (sometimes 2 times) than on the sawn. The latter absorbs more paint, which naturally affects the color. The result will be quite expected if you make trial cuts on the sheathing boards, which remained from the construction of brisms, etc.

Do not forget about the practicality of the finish. The facade of the house, located near the lively road, quickly covers the layer of dust and soot. Therefore, it is better to choose non-lass shades for him: brown, gray, on which pollution will be less noticeable. At the same time, the coating of dark shades on the sunny side gradually burns out and becomes dim.

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What is the lesing formulations for wood and how to use them: a detailed review 4139_9

Facades of unusual architectural forms are quiet, neutral colors. The geometric simplicity of the structure compensates for bright shades, for example, from several layers of lazuries.

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The facade covering and other wooden structures will last longer if they are well ventilated, the roofing and drainage system work properly, the drainage functions without failures, and the lowest elements from the tree are located at an altitude of at least 30 cm from the ground.

In our market, the lesing formulations for wood are represented by companies: Akzo Nobel (Brand Pinotex), Belinka, Caparol, Meffert, Benjamin Moore & Co., Teknos, Tikkurila, Rogneda. The price of their products begins with 400 rubles / l.

Interesting quality

What additional properties can be interested in demanding buyers? For example, the effect of self-cleaning of the painted surface. They possess the Pinotex Extreme (Akzo Nobel). It includes colloidal silicon dioxide. We often use this substance (in the form of powder from the smallest grain crystal) as an absorbent in poisoning. Due to the porous structure and less than in particles of paint, mass, silica fraction accumulate at the very top of the colorful layer. Water absorbs them, penetrates the particles of dirt, after which the swollen pollution is easily flushed with rain. Moreover, moisturizing occurs only in the upper coating layers, and wood remains protected for up to 12 years.

A similar effect of self-cleaning has a lustering antiseptic "Aquatex Provence" ("Rogned"). Due to the high wax content, it forms a mud and water-repellent coating. Water is not absorbed by the surface and is not held on it, but, rolling, captures dust and dirt particles.

Naltti Arctic pearl facade azure (Tikkurila) based on alkida from vegetable oil, except for slowing down the absorption of moisture in the wood and the opposition of UV radiation, creates an interesting visual effect. Gentle pearl gloss resembles a surface taken by frost.

An unusual decorative effect has a HK-LASUR GREY PROTECT (REMMERS) azure on a solvent. Combining the properties of impregnation, primer and lazuries, it gives the logs of a log cabin or the facade trim a natural gray shade, which acquires the untreated tree over time.

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The duration of the interval between the renovation of the colorful coating of the facade determine the location on the northern or south side of the building and weather conditions of the area.

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Decorative lazuries protect the tree from destructive processes for a long time. And yet do not forget to monitor the condition of the surface and update the coating in a timely manner.

Work with lesing paints

Preparation of the foundation

The condition of high-quality wood protection is the correct preparation for staining. It is pre-laundered or cleaned. Speaking resin scrape or removed by a solvent. Plots with mold are cleaned with a scraper, a metal brush, and if necessary, processed by a special bleach, then washed. A well-prepared surface should be dry, clean, without remnants of washing or surfactants, fats, resins.

Painting the tree is best at air temperature above +5 ° C and air humidity not more than 80%.

Manufacturers do not recommend applying protective lazuries into very hot or windy weather, under the right rays of the sun. A similar situation contributes to the too intense drying of the composition, which is why the depth of absorption is reduced or the surface film is formed too quickly and does not gain the desired strength. Repeated prophylactic staining is carried out every 5-7 years. Areas where frequent contact with water or long exposure to UV rays are processed with special care.

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At all stages of surface preparation and staining, wood should be dry (moisture content of no more than 18%).

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Humidity is measured by a special instrument - moisture meter.

Calculation of the amount of paint

The actual consumption of colorful composition is influenced by the method of its application and the applied tool (roller, brush, paintopult), roughness and absorbency of the surface, as well as the qualification of the wizard. For an exemplary consumption of the material, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​the painted surface (M2). Then split this value to the flow specified on the package (m2 / l) corresponding to the surface type, and multiplied by the number of the layers, which is planned to be applied. A more accurate flow rate can be determined after the trial staining of the area of ​​a specific area. The desired paint volume is obtained after rounding the number of liters to the whole value. Most of the compositions are poured in a capacity of 1, 3, 10 or 20 liters. The degree of filling them is about 90%. A small space manufacturer leaves for inputting pulling pigments.

Tips for staining

  1. After opening the packaging, the paint is thoroughly mixed, with a large amount of work it is periodically repeated.
  2. Two lands of paint are applied to new wooden surfaces, for previously painted - one or two, depending on the state of the base.
  3. Before installing wooden parts or elements of the sheath, it is desirable to paint from all sides at least one layer of paint.
  4. The ends of the bar or login need to be soaked in colorful composition until complete saturation, otherwise they will remain vulnerable to moisture and water.
  5. In the process of staining, you should not hurry. Instead of one layer of high thickness, it is better to apply two thin.

Coloring paint on wooden surfaces with old colorful coating

  1. Before applying paint, the wooden base should be clean and dry. If necessary, the stakenik is thoroughly washed with a sponge dipped in a soap solution.
  2. To remove the layers of old paint or make the surface with a smooth one, the planks are treated with a grinding machine.
  3. After removal of dust, the stakenant is covered with a layer of soil. He deeply penetrates wood and provides good adhesion of paints to the base.
  4. The lesser composition is thoroughly stirred and applied in two layers with intermediate drying. The time of complete drying of the protective and decorative coating is 24 hours.

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What is the lesing formulations for wood and how to use them: a detailed review 4139_23

Tree cleansing.

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Grinding machine treatment.

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Stakeholder coating soil.

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Application of the lesing composition.

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