We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without


We give a detailed plan for the installation of an artificial waterfall with the pump: from creating a bowl before connecting electrical pumping equipment. And we tell what options can be used if there is no electricity on the site.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_1

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without

Make a waterfall at the dacha with your own hands is easy. It can be any sizes. Its power depends on the performance of the electrical pump connected to the network, or the battery running. What it is higher, the stronger the flow. To increase it or divide, several pumps are used. The equipment is placed together, having a line, or put at different points. There is a variant of equipment and without a pump, in such design, the jet leads in motion the pressure difference outside and in the hidden chambers, pushing it onto the surface. Such methods are almost not used now. Their disadvantage is that the supply of fluid in the pipes is difficult or even impossible to disable. Permanent journery tires, especially if it is nowhere to hide in a small area. At night, it will interfere with the owners of the site and their neighbors. Another minus is the complexity of the installation. To simplify the task, it is better to collect a mini-model using the screwdriver.

All about how to make a waterfall in the country

Design features

Assembling pump system

- Elements

- Mounting bowls

- Equipment slope

- Installation of pumping equipment

- Design with hidden reservoir

Options for fountains without pump

- meal from the well

- Upper tank

- heon fountain

Ways to decorate

Design options

Dual waterfalls differ in design. For sections of the midline, several options are suitable. They are used when creating a waterfall in the country with their own hands with the pump, as well as self-electrical systems without electrical equipment.

  • Cascade - it consists of one or several steps. On the slope, the bowls are installed either form flat terraces.
  • A gentle slope is different from a cascade type with more smooth transitions between tiers. The stream does not fall, and smoothly flows from one bowl into another.
  • Water wall - it is formed when flowing through a flat line of the font, located strictly horizontally.
  • Glass or stone wall with a dropper located in its top.
  • Design with a hidden reservoir - it is hidden behind the grille covered with rubble.
  • Portable compact devices. They are drawn up under vases, bowls, elements of natural landscape.

The stream strength and its volume depends on the power of the equipment. Water can smoothly drain, rolling straight or climb a few meters. The form creates the edge of the bowl. The jet can be concentrated, scattered or flat.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_3

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How to assemble a waterfall with the pump


In most cases, the stream is created using electrical devices. The system includes four main elements.

  • The tank is usually a small pond, which can be built of stone or concrete. There are ready-made plastic products of different depths and widths. Leave the ground base or fall asleep the bottom of the sand - the equipment quickly clogs, and the pond will turn into a swamp.
  • The relief in which the flow flows. To create it, you may have to spend large-scale landscape work.
  • Pump pumping water from below up.
  • Domestic communications - hidden from the eye pipe leading upstairs and wires.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_5

Creating a bowl

Its shape and size depends on the preferences of the owner. The place is better to choose away from the garage and septic, if there will be a recreation area near the reservoir. When installing, it is important not to hurt underground communications. The depth on average is 1 m. Before making a waterfall with their own hands in the country, you need to put it on the territory plan, and then mark the markup, using stakes and stretched rope between them. This will help visualize the object and correct the shortcomings in its location. Accounting follows not only a deepening, but also brush.

Deciding with the meter, digging pita. As a rule, he is attached to a rounded complex outline as a real pond. The bottom and walls should be hermetic. There are several options for their device.

Polymer film

Normal polyethylene will not endure loads and will give to flow. As a last resort, take a thick greenhouse film, calculated for several years of operation. It is installed for a while. If the final installation is carried out, it takes a dense butyl rubber membrane. It is used when creating swimming pools.

The relief of the bottom and walls forms the pit. Its surface is cleaned of stones and branches that can break the canvas. Soil tamper. The layer of sand is placed on top, smash it with robbles and compact.

The surface is lined with geotextiles and closed with a film. It should go to the surface by 20-40 cm. It is necessary to put it with a solid web, so that the moisture does not flip into the ground through the seams. First straighten the bottom, then gradually go to the edges.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_6
We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_7
We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_8
We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_9
We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_10

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_11

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_12

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_13

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_14

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_15

The shores and underwater ledges are placed by stones - boulders and pebbles. Film should not be visible.

Plastic Bowl

It is a factory stamped product of about 130 liters. An old bath or other capacity of the desired size is suitable.

Drive should exactly repeat the outline of the tank. Before starting earthen work, the bowl will diverge the paint so that a noticeable trace remains on the grass. It serves as a markup.

The bottom of the pit trambet and fall asleep with sand, creating a layer with a thickness of about 7 cm. It is not compacted in this case, but only smash. Then they put the container and fill it so that it takes out its working position. The space between the plastic and the earth wall fall asleep with sand. This layer is compacted, watering from the hose. At the final stage, the reservoir is decorating.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_16
We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_17
We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_18

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_19

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_20

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_21

Equipment of the slope of waterfall

He is satisfied with Bruvier, giving him the necessary shape and the tampering of the soil fortified by rubble. To create an impenetrable coating, pillow pillow from sand and stelite polymer membrane.

If the drops between tiers exceed 30 cm, the platforms are cementing so that the jet is not destroyed. The terraces are tightly tamped, their perimeter is strengthened with stones and bricks. On each tier they make flooring from rubble and sand with a thickness of 10-20 cm. From above it is poured with cement. The material allows you to form any relief. The solution is completely collapsed within a month. Works can be continued for two weeks later.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_22

Installation of electrical pumping equipment

Two parameters affect its choice.
  • Power - It depends on it the ability to lift a fluid pillar to a given height. It averages 1-2 m.
  • Performance - it determines the volume of fluid pumped into a unit of time.

Submersible devices are used. They are installed on the bottom into the grid filled with boulders. The grid protects the equipment from the cloth. It is tight outside with a miley plastic canvas, delaying small particles. On the outlet, the hose is mounted through which the water will come upstairs. It is passed through the pipe installed in the slope to not close tightly.

Installation of construction with hidden reservoir

Instead of the bowl in the ground, they make a slotted recess in the width of the stream. Its from the inside is covered with sand and covered with a polymer membrane. The top is closed with grille. It can be made independently from reinforcing rods, but it is better to use materials that are not subject to corrosion. Ready lattices of plastic, concrete, ceramics or galvanized steel are suitable. From above, make a mound from small stones. The design must be removable. Down on the bottom put the submersible pump, spending it hose to the top of the structure.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_23

  • How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence

How to make a waterfall on the cottage without a pump

It is well suited for sections without electricity. Here are three options here.

Food from the well

The source serves a well supplying water under pressure. From it to the water, a separate tube with a crane is paving, withdrawing it on top of the slope along the hidden channel. If necessary, the feed is overlapped with a crane.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_25

Upper tank

From it the flow flows down the slope. Capacity is filled manually. Its volume should be sufficient for long work. In such systems, the strength and volume of the flow is small - so that the device worked longer, you need to save water.

Heon fountain

This design was used before our era. Old fountains work so far. To build something similar in the country area is quite difficult - it will be necessary to dig a deep pita. It is easier to collect a portable mini-model of plastic bottles, hiding them for the decor.

The design consists of two vessels located vertically. The top is a funnel connected to the lower closed vessel through a hermetic gasket. She should not pass gas. Two tubes are inserted into the gasket. From the first liquid will come upstairs. It is lowered closer to the bottom of the lower tank. The second is attached to the bottom of the funnel - it will flock down on it.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_26
We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_27

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_28

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_29

To launch the waterfall, fill both of its parts. Entering down, water increases the pressure inside the bottle. As a result, the dispensable liquid rises to a funnel.

There are also more complex systems with three chambers, however, to form a flow of enough and two.

Ideas for decorating

When making an artificial waterfall, you can serve as an excellent source for inspiration. There are ready-made decorative products forming a landscape or decorating it. It is possible to draw it out.

The most common solution is imitation rocks and mountain rivers. The relief is formed in Bruvier, which appeared when digging the pond. As a rule, such an elevation is enough to create the necessary effect. The decor serves real stones or the factory manufacturer panel, imitating the natural landscape. A one common solution is picturesque ruins on the reservoir. Large fragments of ceramic dishes are suitable - VAZ and pots. Often use garden sculpture, tile, gypsum and cement decor fragments. Produced ready-made products in the form of destroyed columns and porticors.

We make a waterfall in the country with your own hands: instructions for a system with a pump and without 4143_30

The decor should be not only beautiful, but also functional. If the surface crepts and blurs, soon it will change its appearance. Particles falling into the pump can clog it. This is one of the reasons why sand and small lightweight filler for bowls.

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