8 things that time to throw away from your bathroom


Unused cosmetics, medicines and old rods - it turns out, even on a pair of square meters there may be a lot of superfluous things! We tell what to get rid of.

8 things that time to throw away from your bathroom 4195_1

8 things that time to throw away from your bathroom

To stay in the bathroom has become more comfortable, get rid of this unnecessary trash, and your evening rituals and morning fees will become much more pleasant and faster.

1 Road versions of hygiene

The so-called travel sets miniatures for the shower and creams are a great option not to overload luggage, at the same time capturing everything you need. But if you in the near future do not plan to travel, you should not make a strategic reserve of mini-packs. They are absolutely useless in everyday life and occupy a lot of space. Start only when you go on a trip. The rest of the time we safely get rid of this garbage.

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2 Old Spirits

The toilet water is stored for about three years, then the smell is changing for the worse, and the composition of the spirits are disintegrated on oils and fragrances. Replace expensive bottles can be replaced by a smaller format or simply reduce the number of exhibits of your collection to have time to use everyone until the end of the shelf life.

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3 Hair Styling & Care

No, it's not about shampoo, because it is usually spent on time. As a rule, all sorts of serums, oils and masks are stored on the shelves. Switch these stocks: throw away the delay, and what you do not use or you do not fit, distribute or dispose of it. You will see how much valuable place will be released.

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4 gum and hairpins

Even if hair accessories are folded in a box, a jar or container and do not occupy a lot of space, they still need to get into them. All stretched, broken, with irradiated paint are subject to immediate destruction.

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5 medicines

Read the instructions carefully: to many drugs are contraindicated excess humidity and high air temperature. All boxes that were stored incorrectly must be thrown away. Please note that water-soluble tablets and capsules are better to rinse into the sewer - it is safer. The remaining medicines shred up to the state of the powder and pack into a jar or a package with a node so that animals cannot be reached on the street to them. Powerful drugs can be recycled to the clinic or pharmacy.

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6 Used razors

Paradox - a razor, which is called one-time, can be successfully used two or more times. But this does not mean that it can be stored for several months as the usual machine. We regularly get rid of old razors: it is dangerous to use them, you can apply infection, and they do not add aesthetics.

8 things that time to throw away from your bathroom 4195_13

7 old uroalks

By the Word of aesthetics, nothing spoils the interior of the bathroom, like a tortured old urine, cuddling on a hook or towel dryer. Take care of the appearance of not only wall and floor covering, but also take into account accessories that fill space. Old urine is the subject that in a beautiful bathroom should not be. Replace it with a new one and remove where it will not attract too much attention.

8 things that time to throw away from your bathroom 4195_14

8 jars and boxes

Do not leave jars after you have ended with cotton wands, boldly get rid of them. If you want to systematize storage with a similar packaging, you will need to stock at least several banks, and this is a fairly long period of time. It is much easier to abandon this idea in favor of the same baskets or storage boxes that suit your bathroom interior. By the way, they can be made independently if you know how to knit.

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