How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems


We tell about the system of the system and give a detailed plan, how to make the simplest auto oppression from bottles, a drip system and an irrigation irrigation.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_1

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems

Before making auto oppression in the country, you should weigh all the "for" and "against". The system will make rid of heavy manual labor. With her, it will not be necessary to carry heavy buckets and watering cans. The need to stand in the evenings with a hose, irrigative lawn. There will be less broken stalks on the beds - moving the hose, it is easy to damage plants on a garden or to hurt a garden sculpture. Strong pressure blurs the soil and is able to break a small branch, and automatic devices can be programmed to a certain mode, setting the time and duration. Systems are self-made and mechanized. In the first case, the reservoir operating on the principle of water tower is mounted. It is put on the racks or have a hill. In the second - use pumps connected to the power grid. Of the minuses: the container takes a lot of space and looks rather unattractive, especially at high altitude. The devices consume electricity, which leads to certain costs, so such schemes are usually used in large areas.

All about how to make auto oppression in the country

Elements of the system

Water for irrigation

Proper pressure in the system

Sources of water supply to the site

Laying channels to plants

Variants of autopoly systems

- Devices made from bottles

- drip and root irrigation

- Rainst irrigation

Elements of the system

It includes three main parts.

  • The water source is a water pipe, natural water, located nearby, well or tank on the site, for example, a large barrel of 2 m3.
  • Channels connecting beds with source.
  • Sprayer, underground irrigation or drip.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_3

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What water is suitable for irrigation

  • It must be warm - coldly tolerate plants. If it is taken from the well, it is better to install a container for heating outdoors. On the surface in the summer, the temperature is usually higher than in the well. In a sprayer, creating small drops, you can serve cold moisture - it will have time to warm up with air contact.
  • It is important to have impurities - the dropper can clogged with sand and sludge, as well as rust particles. Some impurities damage the plants. On the channels laid from the river or pond, as well as communications connected to rusty pipes, it is better to install coarse cleaning filters.

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What should be the pressure in the system

For intensive spraying, no less than two atmospheres will be required. To get such a pressure, use pumps operating from the power supply. In drippers, a strong pressure is not needed. To reduce it, put the gearbox. The optimal indicator is about one and a half atmosphere. If the liquid comes with gravity, it is important to calculate the height of the reservoir - the stream force and the area it should be covered by it. It is necessary to take into account the height of the soil in the site. To force the flow to flow up, you will have to make higher racks under the barrel or tank. It is advisable to arrange it at the highest point, but it is not always possible.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_6

Sources of water for the system of autopolivation in the country

Scheme without water pipes

In this case, the tank is used, filled with a submersible or drainage pump. Capacity is necessary for two reasons. The first - fluid should be warm up, as for many plants, especially for greenhouse, the temperature is very important. Even the culture familiar to the cold climate is better growing in warmth. And the second reason - the tributary may not be enough to create the necessary pressure in the sprayers.

So that inside the algae, the container is covered with black film or other material that does not let the sun rays. Without light, algae will not be able to continue their livelihoods.

Equipment is manually controlled. There are programmable stations that allow you to install the feed mode. Available pumps and valves with a timer. There is a simpler way to automate the equipment - you need to mount the valve with a float from the drain tank, overlapping the feed when filling.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_7

Connecting to communications

If the outlet temperature is too low, and the pressure is not enough, it is equipped with a storage tank. Copper in plumbing pipes can only be done from its branch. If you want to fill the tank, there is no need to make a cut, since much pressure is not required - it is enough to wear a hose to the already installed crane or output.

For drip irrigation, special grid, disc, electromagnetic filters catching large particles are used. The liquid enters the soil through narrow holes of about a millimeter wide. They are easily clogged with sand, clay, sludge and rust. Clear them not easy. The sprayer is clogged. In addition, a hard sediment accumulates on the bottom of the pipes and hoses, with time scoring them. Cleaning is still needed in order to increase the service life of the equipment. Abrasive particles destroy the wiring material and wash the gaskets of the valves.

Auto Poll System Channel Device

They are hidden under the ground or lay on the surface. The second option is more convenient at low water treatment quality when the wiring has to be cleaned often. Underground channels are buried on a depth of 30 cm. If you arrange them above, they will experience external influences. They are easier to damage the shovel or motor-block. It is advisable to mount them below the level of ground freezing.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_9

So that the moisture is not delayed at low and direct sites, make a total bias of 1-2 degrees.

Apply plastic and metal fittings. In plastic more advantages - it does not rust, it is easier to mounted and withstands the calculated loads not worse than steel. The material is more plastic and better withstands pressure when the water is freezing remaining inside.

Usually choose pipes with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 cm. They are joined using fittings. Products do not need to weld and cut the threads in the places of their connections. Details are ready to use. They are sold in the bays.

Before collecting auto oppression for beds in the country with your own hands, it is necessary to draw it a scheme on the plan of the site. Pipes should not intersect with sewage and pass through underground structures - wells, septic tanks, underground. To prevent an error, the track is placed with stains with a rope stretched between them, marking the position of each exit.

Variants of autopoly systems and how to make them do it yourself

1. From plastic bottles

The simplest solution that does not require large-scale work - plastic bottles with perforated lids. They are self-sufficient devices, with all the necessary elements - source, channels and output. This is the easiest and most uncomfortable way of drip irrigation. Near each bush in the ground, the count is thick with a thickness of about a centimeter with a bottle attached to it. The hole in the lid is done with a thin nail, pins or needles. It is better to heat them so that they make it easier to pass through plastic.

There are special elongated cones from plastic, wear on the neck and stuck in the ground. They do one or two holes on the sides. If you do it from below, it will score the earth when the bottle is inserted. With this method, the moisture comes directly to the roots, without eroding the soil. It is well suited for greenhouses and small sites. The disadvantage is that the bottles must be filling separately. It takes a lot of time and effort. Each of them needs to be pulled out, open, fill, close and return to the place. Watering from the hose requires smaller efforts with the same periodicity, but the jet is blurring the soil, and the flow temperature may be too low. If you charge bottles for several days, the time gain will be obvious.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_10

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2. Device of drip and root irrigation

To correctly carry out the calculation of such a system, the help of specialists will need. It is necessary to take into account not only the necessary consumption, but all the descent and lifts that accelerate the flow or slow down.

There is a universal solution that does not require accurate measurements. The easiest option is the reservoir from which the moisture comes in gravity. Its quantity depends on the capacity of the container.

The slope on the site should be at least 1 degree. The main parameter determining the design is water consumption. It is necessary to know the number of liters that is required for watering at each point. If the distance between the rows of plants exceeds 0.4 m, the individual line should be paved to each row.

If necessary, the consumption of time is selected equipment. Its productivity must be 1.5 times more minimal, otherwise the equipment will work at the limit of their capabilities and will quickly fail.

Droplets can be bought or made independently. To do this, the rubber hose is suitable, which can be put on the reinforcement. It is summed up to plants and poured in the right places. The hose is buried under the ground, put on the ground or placed on short racks.

There are ready kits, for example, the "Beetle" system. It is located outside either under the soil layer.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_12

Homemade diagram of drip autopolis in the country in the greenhouse

The water tank is put on a steel frame with a height of 1-2 m. The profile thickness is taken with a margin. The volume for the round-the-clock irrigation of one greenhouse by 15-20 bushes will be about 200 liters.

The pump is connected to the barrel to fill with water from the lake or well. If the source serves as a local water supply, the gearbox is mounted, which limits the pressure. The ball valve is fastened at the exit of the barrel. A coarse cleaning filter is connected to it, the valve with software and fix fittings. In this case, the pump is not used.

Two ways of pipe laying
  • Ground - it is suitable for seasonal use. In autumn it is removed, merging the residues of the liquid.
  • Underground - it is mounted for continuous use. In the area on the markup, the trenches of the width and a depth of 30 cm and put the pipes, unwinding the bay in them. If the soil needs to be put on the lawn, the grass is covered with a polyethylene film.

Polyethylene PND pressure pipes are suitable, connecting with finished thread fittings. To make a branch, the eyeliner is cut with a metalwork and insert a tee. Pipes are wrapped with geotextiles that protect against freezing. They will withstand the voltage arising from the expansion of ice, but multiple freezing and thawing will reduce their service life. To drain the residues, calculate the lowest point and the drain valve is mounted in it. Voltage can be too high. This case has valves automatically triggered when it is exceeded.

All connections must be in the viewing wells with hatches. The leaks most often arise precisely in these places, so the joints must be constantly affordable.

When the line is ready, drippers are connected to it - homemade or factory.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_13
How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_14
How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_15
How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_16
How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_17

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_18

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_19

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_20

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_21

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_22

3. Device of the Rain Irrigation System

Communications are laid in the same way as in the previous case. PND pipes will withstand the necessary pressure.

The difference lies only that the pressure should be stronger. This requires a pump that feeds water to nozzles. It is mounted at the exit from the tank. Sprayers are two types of stationary and rotating. With a large radius of action, they do not need to be tied to the rows of plants on the beds. This greatly simplifies the communications scheme.

In the Scheme on the site, you can integrate the sockets for connecting hoses or set the cranes if the pressure allows.

How do you make auto oppression in the country: Tips and instructions for 3 types of systems 4204_23

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