7 households that can be done during quarantine


Sleep the apartment, correct small shortcomings and transplant home plants - we tell how to spend your free time with pleasure and benefit, clearing the house and preparing for the spring.

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7 households that can be done during quarantine

1 Spend a large-scale breakdown

There are many techniques that help to clean the house from unnecessary things, making it spacious, cleaner and easier. You may not be addressed to this all day, you can, for example, take a rule to get rid of a dozen different items daily throughout the quarantine. Choose the morning room in the morning and take care of the garbage bag. At the beginning to cope with the task will be easy, but gradually it will have to choose the items consciously. It is this refusal of unnecessary things that can radically change your philosophy of consumption and even attitude to life.

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2 Try sort garbage

Free time can be spent with the benefit for the planet and try to make a place to separate garbage collection in the apartment. The habit of sorting the garbage is better to start gradually, like any other, not to quit halfway. Start with small: fold all the glass packaging separately. Then separate all paper and cardboard. After that, you can go to the plastic. Although he seems more important because of harm to the surrounding space, but it is still somewhat more complicated to sort it, since many packaging will have to wash.

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3 Correct small shortcomings

It's time to walk around the apartment with a piece of paper and a handle and write down all the faults, breakdowns and just annoying moments. Replace blinking light bulbs, sorted a bunch of wires at the desktop, make it yourself convenient storage for office supplies, tide a dug-out corner of wallpaper - when you start doing this, constantly new and new little things that can be improved. As a result, you will get acklessly more beautiful and comfortable home and get out of weightless thoughts with benefit.

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4 Get decorating and restoration

Try to dedicate one or two days by alteration of some furniture item. You can engage in an old wardrobe, smearing the scrubbing loops, removing the old cracked varnish and repainted it in a new bright color. Or rebuild the old chair, painting the legs and the back of water-based paint. In a couple of days, you can even cross the wallpaper in one of the rooms or paint some wall by making it contrast. If you have a sewing machine, try to sew new covers on pillows or curtains in the living room. Paint the interior blogs in search of inspiration, walk around the house and determine what could be decorated, and then create a pair of stylish accessories from the girlfriend with your own hands.

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5 Peresan the plants

Remember when the last time you transplanted your home plants and fertilized the soil. Usually such things are constantly postponed, as it is dirty and time-consuming long process. But once a little time was released, why not take care of her green neighbors. Perhaps they will answer you reciprocity and begin to grow more actively and blossom.

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6 Disassemble books

Get all the books from the shelves and from the bookcases, wipe the dust from them and spend the revision. Something you will definitely not re-read or even start reading - such books are removed in the cardboard box and after quarantine enter into some library. Some copies you want to store at home - think over beautiful storage. And books for which I have long wanted to take, it is worth transferring closer to a reading corner. If it is not yet - there is a reason to arrange. Try to remove the entertainment applications from the phone and resume the habit of reading, then the forced stay of the house will be perceived as a rest and useful pastime.

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7 Change seasonal textiles and clothing

It's time to get from the Spring-Summer Curtains from the cabinets, to update the tablecloth on the table, change the warm winter plaid on the bed on thin and colorful. Winter textiles at the same time goes to washing, then strokes, packaged in covers or boxes and hides until autumn on the upper wardrobe shelves. Lesson for one day, at a minimum. Also you can gradually clean, wash and put in order the warmest winter things that will not be needed, sort them, get rid of outdated and also remove into the cabinets. And lighter spring, on the contrary, to get and preparing to wear so that in the first warm days do not spend time at this time.

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