7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine


Leave clothes and shoes outside the apartment, wipe the phone, carefully cleaning - remember simple, but effective rules for the behavior of the house, which will make it a safe and comfortable place.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_1

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine

1 Leave the upper clothes and shoes outside the apartment

As a rule, people remove shoes in the corridor, hang a jacket in the same place or carry into another room, where there is a wardrobe for outerwear. During quarantine, it is worth providing the opportunity to leave shoes and upper clothes in the external corridor, if you have good relationships with neighbors and unnecessary can not get into your common corridor. If you leave things outside - it is not an option, prepare the hallmarks to storing things. You can use fastening covers for jackets, remove shoes in the closet, packing them before in the package.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_3
7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_4

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_5

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_6

2 change clothes immediately after arrival home

A logical consequence of the first council is to remove the upper clothes as soon as they came home. Do it immediately before hug a pet or patch a pet.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_7

3 wipe phone and laptop

Everyone around is talking about the importance of regular and thoroughly washing hands, but often forget about items, which in ordinary life, without quarantine, are mud carriers: telephone, laptop and other gadgets that we constantly touch your hands, we use in public places. Get out the napkins, impregnated with an antiseptic, and handle the technique after it visited the apartment.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_8

4 Disassemble shopping in the corridor

Many product networks call on visitors to use disposable gloves in order to take for food. In general, indeed, sick vegetables or fruits, a sick person could sneeze on the shelf with products. Therefore, do not forget to wash and wipe everything that they brought home and, if possible, get rid of shopping packages immediately after returning home.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_9

5 Do not let animals in the bedroom and in the kitchen

Do not let the pets that come on the street, on the bed or on the kitchen - a good rule even at normal time. Still, not every owner is very carefully rinsing the paws and animal wool after a walk. During quarantine it is better to be restrained and follow the hygiene pet better.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_10

  • 7 households that can be done during quarantine

6 Clean air

Do not forget to regularly venture the entire apartment, especially if it has to spend most of the day. Air can be disinfeated using electrical cleaners or use citrus oil aromalamps.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_12
7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_13

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_14

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_15

7 Conduct disinfection and thorough cleaning

During the usual cleaning, start paying more attention to cleaning the door handles, refrigerators, cranes, switches - everything is often touched by. Use for this disinfectant, and if they are not at hand, the alcohol or hydrogen peroxide is suitable.

Also, do not forget to devote the time of wet cleaning, wipe the floors in the apartment and in the general corridor with your neighbors. Specify the management company of your home, whether it is possible to make the cleaning of stairs, corridors and elevator more frequent, ask what deteriorates they use.

7 useful household habits that should be remembered during quarantine 4238_16

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