Not only for washing: 8 ways to use oxygen bleach in cleaning and everyday life


Oxygen bleach is an eco-friendly replacement of the habitual chlorine substance. But only the removal of stains from clothes is not limited.

Not only for washing: 8 ways to use oxygen bleach in cleaning and everyday life 4253_1

Not only for washing: 8 ways to use oxygen bleach in cleaning and everyday life

Before use, test the tool on a small area of ​​the subject. And put on gloves to avoid an allergic reaction.

1 Clean carpets and welded mats

Best oxygen bleach helps to cope with fresh spots on the carpet. First you need to get into the place for which you were shed or dropped dirt. Then mix the stain remover and hot water in proportion one spoon of the stain pressure on 500 ml of water. Pour the resulting solution into a bottle and shake it. Then put on a stain and leave for 5 minutes, but not to dry. Loose with a clean towel and repeat the procedure until the stain disappears. After that, rinse the area with clean water and get into the dry towel again.

It is not necessary to rub the carpet, the neat floting will help keep the fibers of the product favings.

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2 Remove the upholstery spots of sofas and other upholstered furniture

Before cleaning the oxygen bleach, you need to spend the upholstery with a special nozzle for furniture to remove dust. Then mix bleach with water in the same proportions that are indicated to clean the carpet, but do not apply on a stain on the upholstery, but on a clean white fabric. And already a cloth to get a stain. The procedure can be repeated until the stain disappears. To remove all soap particles, wet a clean white towel and flow this area.

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3 Refresh the sports inventory

Helmets, knee pads and other sports equipment can be delivered from unpleasant odor and refreshing them in a solution with an oxygen stain pressure. To do this, it is better to use a liquid detergent, dissolving approximately half a cup of water bucket.

4 Clear dirty grout on the seams between tiles

For persistent dark dirt, you can cook the paste from the powder stainover and water and apply it using an old toothbrush. You can leave the paste on the seams for 5-10 minutes and wash off with water.

5 Remove labels with cans

Sticky labels are often not removed from the cans completely, but leave traces that are difficult to remove. You can use the oxygen cleaner. To do this, fill the pelvis (it is possible to sink) with hot water and add a spoonful of the stain pressure. Lower banks with stickers. Labels must move themselves within an hour.

Not only for washing: 8 ways to use oxygen bleach in cleaning and everyday life 4253_6

6 Clean the garbage bucket

The oxygen bleach, of course, does not so well disinfect as chlorine, but also has such properties. Therefore, it can be used to clean the garbage buckets. Despite the fact that today almost no one uses them without trash bags, the buckets are still contaminated. To clean the bucket, make a solution from an oxygen bleach and water, take the scraper and clean the surface with the effort. After rinse the bucket under running water.

7 Refresh the plastic shower curtains

The oxygen bleach helps to get rid of the remains of dried soap foam and even nascent places of mold. Make a solution, you can even dial the bath for this purpose. And soak the curtain in it. Leave for 15 minutes, and then spend problem areas. Cast cool water and let dry.

8 Clear Pet Trays

Act the same principle that with cleaning the garbage bucket. Prepare a foam solution and wipe the surface of the tray and pretty. The bleach will help deodorize and disinfect the thing.

Not only for washing: 8 ways to use oxygen bleach in cleaning and everyday life 4253_7

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