9 common mistakes in the use of a vacuum cleaner, which are reduced to "no" every effort in cleaning


Vacuine too quickly, not on time to change bags for garbage and clean the containers, clean the vacuum cleaner of the liquid and glass - if you still hold these rules, our article will help to look at the home assistant differently.

9 common mistakes in the use of a vacuum cleaner, which are reduced to

9 common mistakes in the use of a vacuum cleaner, which are reduced to

1 Do not clean the device

It does not matter, the bag you have a vacuum cleaner or container - periodic cleaning is needed by each type of device. Moreover, this process includes not only the shaking of dust and garbage from the container or replacing the bag, but also washing (replacement) of the filter. Otherwise, the capacity and quality of work will decrease significantly, moreover, untimely cleaning will negatively affect the quality of cleaning. By the way, the brushes also need to be cleaned regularly, otherwise you simply take all the collected dust and stuck dirt in the bristles on the floor.

Xiaomi Deerma vacuum cleaner

Xiaomi Deerma vacuum cleaner

2 wait until the bag or container is filled to the end

The problem that directly depends on the first - many are waiting for a bag or a garbage container to be filled to the end, but in such cases, the efficiency of cleaning is often significantly reduced. The vacuum cleaner does not suck so much dust and dirt as it can. Clean the rule to clean the container after each cleaning, and the bag after 2-3 months of using the device. Replacement indicators can be too strong noise during operation, unpleasant odor.

9 common mistakes in the use of a vacuum cleaner, which are reduced to

3 Use disposable bags re

If you bought a set of replaceable disposable bags for a vacuum cleaner, do not attempt to use them again. The manufacturers of the technicians themselves warned that the porous material of the bags perfectly absorbs dust and dirt, so that even if you smoke everything from there, it still settles on the material.

There are special reusable bags.

Reusable bag for vacuum cleaner

Reusable bag for vacuum cleaner

Conclusion: if there is no instructions for reuse, do not attempt to save. The quality of cleaning is definitely not improved, as well as the work of the vacuum cleaner.

4 neglect by different nozzles and vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner does not only effectively clean the floor and garbage from it, there are other things that can be removed with it: for example, blinds, window and doorways, air conditioning filters, furniture, plinths. For furniture, it is recommended to use special nozzles, and clean the plinths simply with a hose without brush. Thus, it is possible to really simplify and speed up the cleaning process.

Kitfort vacuum cleaner

Kitfort vacuum cleaner

5 Do not adjust the brush

We remove not only carpets, but also laminate, linoleum, tile. And for solid surfaces, it is necessary to adjust the brush so that the housing of the nozzle does not scratch the floor finish. About this, alas, often forget.

9 common mistakes in the use of a vacuum cleaner, which are reduced to

6 Collect the vacuum cleaner what can spoil it

Liquids, small fragments, land or construction trash - all this is better not to clean the usual household vacuum cleaner, if you do not want to spoil it.

Bosch vacuum cleaner

Bosch vacuum cleaner

7 Vacuine too quickly

Of course, I want to spend the entire apartment in 2-3 minutes, but then you can forget about quality. Do not rush - then you will collect more dust and dirt and, perhaps, the next cleaning will not need so soon.

9 common mistakes in the use of a vacuum cleaner, which are reduced to

8 move in one direction (or chaotic)

Cleaning will be much better if you don't just move along the trajectory from point A to the point B. Better a few times walk in one site in the same way, and not to move chaotically on the room - it's easier to skip some corner and Leave dirt that will quickly spread.

Vacuum cleaner Karcher

Vacuum cleaner Karcher.

9 Vacuine at the very beginning of cleaning

We often resemble a simple rule - build a cleaning sequence so that it is better. Applicable to the vacuum cleaner, it is more correct to do as follows: first wipe the dust from the shelves and all horizontal surfaces, and after it is already taken for the vacuum cleaner. The fact is that if you remove the dust with an ordinary cloth, even wet, some part flies on the floor. You will relieve it with a vacuum cleaner, and if you act in the reverse sequence - the dropped particles will remain on the floor waiting for the next cleaning.

9 common mistakes in the use of a vacuum cleaner, which are reduced to

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