We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture


We tell how to organize the workflow correctly: to move the furniture and in which sequence to lay the material. And warning - in what cases it is better not to take.

We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture 4304_1

We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture

To perform work on laying outdoor coverage, you have to solve impracticable tasks. How to move heavy furniture on linoleum without damping legs and coating? Where to rearrange a huge wardrobe, occupying two walls at once? These questions only at first glance seem unreashed. There are several ways to solve the problem. It is necessary to work at least together - to raise a heavy sofa or a chest of chest of detail. The main thing is what you need to take care - safety. Dragging gravity is easy to get injured. Work better without a rush. In order not to trim the back, it should be kept smooth. Large mass raise, squatting. If you go ahead, you can injure the spine. People with osteochondrosis, heart defects, other diseases that limit their capabilities, better not to move large-sized items with a large mass.

Stool linoleum in a room with furniture

When the task is not possible

How to move furniture

- Folk advice

- Special equipment

Step-by-step instructions for laying material

- Tools for work

- Preparation of the foundation

- laying material

When it's better not to take

  • If you are going to work alone. One person is unlikely to make a wide written desk or sofa. If you drag furniture with wolf, legs break and floor floodplain. To stick on legs slippery gaskets that reduce friction, they will have to raise them. Glue material more comfortable with two hands. Of course, you can cope with one. It is difficult to imagine that at the same time the second hand will keep the weight of several tens of kilograms. Automobile jack will help to leave the position, on the working surface of which fabric was laid. It should protect the tree from scratches. They can leave a metal top, resting in a wooden housing covered with varnish. With this method, work will take a lot of time. Without assistant, it is better not to take.
  • If the interior items are a lot, and they have nowhere to clean. However, if before laying, it will be possible to release at least a quarter of the square, it is already not bad. Tubes, tables, chairs put in several tiers. It is important to arrange them so that they do not fall and cause injury.
  • If large-sized furniture is built into the room, such as a huge wardrobe. It is often impossible to take it out - for this, the design will have to disassemble. Such an operation leads to a weakening of links between the details. As a result, they begin to break and quickly come into disrepair. The prefabricated elements from the chipboard and the natural array easily lose their shape, we are mnouted, crack. There is a risk to break some of them. The assembly and disassembly process will take a long time. The output is very simple - if you get the laying under the wardrobe, it is difficult or even impossible, you need to put a new web around it. In the end, why replace part of the finish, which no one will never see. The exceptions are cases when the wardrobe rises. Then it will have to disassemble it to align and strengthen the base.

We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture 4304_3

  • If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance

How to move furniture on linoleum to not damage it

The objects of the situation must be raised so that the legs are on the weight. So they will not break, clinging to the finish, and will not spoil her.

Folk Tips and Methods

Sometimes the furniture has to drag the wolf - it is impossible to raise it because of the big weight. In this case, the racks are closed with slippery soft gaskets. There are several ways to make them.

  • Felt - the fabric is easily attached and well slides along the polymer surface. There is an old proven method. Flap on the legs, putting inside the plank. Without them, holes in the soles. The method only works with natural felt. Synthetic slides badly.
  • Natural wool - an old writing desk or a massive wardrobe can be shown in two or three pairs of woolen socks.
  • Soft plastic pieces that will not leave scratches. Smooth streamlined coffee covers are suitable. They slide better if they are covered with soap or detergent for dishes. Thus, you can at the same time have a wet cleaning in the apartment. For lubrication, oil is not suitable - it is difficult to delete it. Powders are also better not to use - undisputed solid crumbs leave scratches.
  • Polished wooden boards - they resemble skis and act according to the same principle, evenly distributing the load over the entire area and reducing it at individual points. One board is put under the right side, the other is under the left.
  • Plates cut from potatoes. Their thickness should be about 3 cm. They will leave the trail, but it is easy to remove with a damp cloth. In order for potato juice to be absorbed into a tree or chipboard, the legs are wrapped with polyethylene.
  • Salah's peel - it is attached to the legs, turning down the inside. Fatty traces are removed by detergent.

We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture 4304_5

Special equipment

With a large amount of work before putting the linoleum in the room with furniture, it is better to call movers. You can rent the equipment they use.

  • Platform on the rollers. It rises and falls in a few seconds. All mechanisms are powered by a handle that performs the function of the steering wheel. The device is very maneuverable - the front wheel turns around its axis.
  • Slings - belts, with the help of which clasp the case, sell them from below. It is more convenient for them than for smooth walls and bottoms with sharp protrusions.

We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture 4304_6

How to carry out the flooring

Tools for work

  • Hammer and chisel.
  • Spatulas and a container in which it is convenient to prepare a mortar.
  • Planked, saw if the floor is on lags.
  • Roulette, ruler and pencil.
  • Straight rails at which you can make a smooth slice.
  • Joiner knife, scissors.
  • Adhesive toothed spatula
  • Smoothfall - short board with handle. She smoothes the canvas.

Preparation of the foundation

If it has drops from height throughout the area, they will not be able to align - for this you need to completely free the space. About the leveling screed will have to forget. It can only be placed on free square meters to eliminate local irregularities. The work is reduced to the embeltance of emptiness and eliminate bulges. Sluts with swept edges are extended by a spatula. The surface is purified from old finish, fat spots and garbage. To bring down the frozen residues of the solution, use the hammer and the chisel. The floor is wiped, then impregnated with antiseptics and strengthening primer, paying special attention to the variables. The impregnations must completely dry. Only after that the solution is placed. It is processed with soil and antiseptics as well as the base. The remaining errors are eliminated by putty. Read more like Sitting Linoleum in a room with furniture, where the floors are posted on wooden lags, you need to raise the boards and inspect the details of the design. Plots affected by mold are cut. Details that cannot be recovered are changed to new ones. Elements of the frame and the board, if necessary, dried. They are impregnated with antiseptics and covered with varnish, preventing moisture penetration into fibers. Perhaps you have to increase the thickness of the parts, navigating with nails or sticking on top of the plank of the desired size.

We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture 4304_7

Laying material

It should be carried out at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees. Linoleum is placed by canvas. The smaller the seams between them, the better. The coating should not be cut if it is not possible to deploy it from the wall to the wall. Calculate the stripes can be in parts. First, completely liberate one side and carry out installation on it. Then the items rearranged to a new finish, freeing the opposite edge, and conduct work on it. Before changing the linoleum, without pulling out the furniture, you need to think through the entire sequence of actions. It is necessary to know in advance, in what order the plots go, and what is their area.

Stages of work

  • The canvas, rolled into the roll, spread on the base. Then it is cut into pieces of the desired length with the picture.
  • Slices are straightened for several days, putting the cargo from above. Usually grabs two days. The process is considered completed after the bends and folds disappear.
  • Sheets are placed with a small overnight for three walls. To the fourth, it should approach a distance of 5 mm. Indoor with uneven walls make a nourish from four sides. Calculating the position of the canvas, it is necessary to pay attention to their drawing - it should look symmetrically throughout the area.
  • The parties set on the walls are bend in the corners and cut into a sharp knife along the perimeter. You need to do it in a straight rail or long line. This is the only method that allows you to fit the sheets under the wall curves. It is not worth a hurry. It is better to gradually remove the material, seeking coincidence with the contour of the room, than to try to save time and cut off more than you need.
  • One or two bands can be laid without glue on an area of ​​up to 25 m2. If the space is greater, and there is a middle canvas that are not attached to the walls in the middle, the glue is necessary. Special compositions based on water, acrylic, latex, rubber are used. They must be compatible with the material of the cloth. It can have a beetle, felt, foamed, tissue coating. Linoleum is produced, smooth on all sides. Compatibility information is indicated on the package. The glue is applied from the tube or apply a toothed spatula that can create smooth stripes of the same width and height. On the surface pass the ironing.
  • The joints are left untreated or installed on top of moldings. On a large area, the sheets are joined with cold welding.
  • The perimeter is closed by plinths. Soft materials must be searched for one month and give shrinkage. If you close them immediately, waves and folds will appear. Solid linoleum does not give shrink.

We solve a difficult task: how to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture 4304_8

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