How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology


In order for the masonry to be durable and durable, it is necessary to make a solution properly. We tell how to choose the proportion and mix the components.

How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology 4312_1

How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology

The strength of the structure affects not only the quality of the main material - you need to properly prepare a masonry solution for bricks. It is used for external and inland walls, underground structures, fireplaces, channels for gaskets, as well as internal and external finishes. The properties of the mixture depends on its purpose. Conditions inside and outside the building are very different. Outside, the surface must withstand low temperatures in winter, mechanical loads and constant temperature and humidity differences. Ceramics are used in the construction of basement floors and foundations that are in constant contact with the soil. Underground walls withstand the pressure of groundwater and displaceable earthy layers. It is used in the construction of furnaces and lining of the furnace. Special requirements are presented to wet premises - water destroys a solid mineral structure as well as strikes and friction.

All about cooking for brickwork

Requirements for finished materials


Preparation of cement and sand-based solution

Using crushed lime

Requirements for construction mixtures

  • Compliance with its intended purpose - anti-corrosion materials should well tolerate cold, and moisture-resistant - dampness. Special properties are created using special additives. They can be entered independently or buy finished powder, which remains easy to mix with water and sand.
  • Plasticity - the device depends on this quality. Plastic mass fills the voids of the base and strengthens its structure. It holds better on its surface. This property is important not only during construction, but also when wearing cracks. It depends on the consistency and the number of binder. To improve it, additives-plasticizers are introduced. The beneficiality allows you to apply thin uniform layers, without applying considerable effort.
  • Adhesion - clutch with the surface. It depends on the plasticity. For its improvement, glue is introduced.
  • Time setting - it is necessary to adapt to it in order to have time to work out to solidify it. If the lower rods have not yet grabbed, the upper can destroy them. There are accelerators and residers of hardening.
  • The heat and sound insulation characteristics - the porosity of the material affects them. The more emptiness, the higher these indicators, and the lower the strength. The requirements for heat and sound insulation are usually not high, but they are taken not lower than that of ceramic stone. The production uses special air ductures and gas-forming additives.

How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology 4312_3

The composition of the brick laying solution

It can be bought in the finished form or make it yourself. It includes three required components.

  • Binding substance - cement, lime or mixture thereof. As a rule, cement is used. It has the highest strength. Its technical characteristics depend on the brand. The higher, the better the strength indicators, and the more shrinkage.
  • Filler - sand shallow fraction. Size of grains - no more than 2 mm. The less impurities, the higher its quality. To get rid of garbage, the material is sieved. Cleaning it from chemical impurities is more difficult. This can be done only in production conditions. White sand is the cleanest. In yellow larger inclusions.
  • Water - plasticity depends on its quantity. It should not contain impurities in large quantities. It is desirable to filter it from rust and large particles. It is impossible to take it from stocks and wetlands.

Frequently use additives that improve certain properties. Prepare complex chemical reagents at home will not have. There are folk ways that are used so far. For example, to increase adhesion and convenientness to the desired level, clay add to the cement mixture. Calculate its exact consumption per cube is not always possible, because for this you need to know its characteristics. Adhesion increases PVA glue.

How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology 4312_4

It is easier to work with finished powders. They are poured with water, they give it to stand 5-15 minutes before laying, then applied to the surface with the time of the seizure specified in the instructions on the package.

To give a seam of the desired shade, add water-mounted paint or mineral crumb. To create dark tones, soot or fine ground coal will fit.

Cooking a mortar for brickwork on a cement basis

Required tools

  • Plastic pelvis, trough or other flat roomy container. It should be cleaned so that the garbage does not get into the seam. If it used to be checked in it, the remnants were removed - they can no longer enter into a reaction with water and only reduce strength. With a large volume it is more convenient to prepare a mass in the concrete mixer.
  • Shovel or building mixer. A small amount is mixed with a drill with a nozzle.
  • Buckets for water and filler.
  • Libra.

How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology 4312_5

Ratio of components

The proportions are calculated by weight. The higher the cement brand, the lower its flow rate to obtain a mixture with certain properties.

Brands of finished mixes

  • M25 - suitable for decorative finishes.
  • M50 - applied in low-rise construction.
  • M75 and M100 - universal materials that can withstand heavy loads. Suitable for external and internal works.
  • M150 - used in extreme conditions, for example, in the construction of foundations in movable soils.

Table with proportions of solution for masonry brick

Mark mixes Brand cement Proportions of dry components (cement: sand)
25. 300. 1: 9.5
fifty 300. 1: 5,8.
fifty 400. 1: 7.4
75. 300. 1: 4,2
75. 400. 1: 5,4.
75. 500. 1: 6,7
100 300. 1: 3,4.
100 400. 1: 4.3.
100 500. 1: 5.3.
150. 300. 1: 2.6
150. 400. 1: 3,25
150. 500. 1: 3.9

Calculator Flow

The calculation is made after leaving the proportions when the ratio of the components is already known. If you calculate how much the binder is required, it will be easy to find out the amount of sand.

  • Calculate the volume of the walls: we multiply their area on the thickness, then subtract the volume of window and doorways.
  • The volume of the finished mixture is calculated, multiplying the volume of walls on the coefficient of 0.25.
  • Knowing proportions, calculate the number of components.
  • Consumption is indicated in mass. To translate the volume into the mass, multiply it on the density. The cement density is 1300 kg / m3.
  • To understand how much packages need, we divide the value for a mass of one package.

How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology 4312_6

Stirring components

First check the number of materials and their condition. The binding substance should not be wet, otherwise it will begin to capture in the package, forming lumps. It is advisable to sift it before laying. Bags are stored on pallets or film. You can not allow their contact with water.

First produce dry dams, then water is adding to it with a temperature of 15-20 degrees. The resulting mass must be homogeneous. Thanks to the correct preparation, you can set a small thickness of the solution in brickwork even with a small water content.

The amount of solution depends on the performance of the construction brigade and the timing of the setting. It is necessary to manage in an hour until it started to push and harden. The air temperature should be higher than zero - otherwise the grasp will not happen.

Cooking mixtures based on crushed lime

They differ from cement low durability and thermal conductivity, higher plasticity. They are used when creating furnaces, chimneys, light walls. Before stirring, the binder is sieved, removing lumps with sieve with cells up to 1x1 cm.

Limestone dough is also used as an additive that increases the mobility of cement-sand mixtures. The material is well suited for the construction of foundations and lower floors experiencing heavy loads. Its properties depend on the ratio of components and features of chemical additives.

Consider the process of creating a solution for brick masonry M100 brand.

What do you need

  • 10 kg of cement M400.
  • 50 kg of sand.
  • 5 kg of lime.
  • 50 liters of water - its volume is equal to the mass.

Cooking process

First sift the components. Then pour 30 liters of water in the pelvis or concrete mixer and fall asleep the entire cement and lime. After stirring, we fall asleep the residues of sand and felt the remaining water. Let's prevent for 5 minutes.

How to prepare a solution for masonry brick: proportions and proper technology 4312_7

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