We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps


We tell what kind of brick barbecue design it is better to choose how to prepare the platform, make the foundation and lay out the oven.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_1

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps

To make a brick barbecue with your own hands, you must first think over its design and make a drawing. The furnace should be durable and stable. This will require a reliable foundation and a suitable playground. You should choose a zone at a safe distance from a residential building and buildings where gas cylinders are stored, gasoline canisters, flammable materials. Security requirements are among the most important. It is necessary to correctly calculate the volume of the furnace, diameter and height of the pipe, as well as their ratio. These parameters affect the performance of the furnace and on its traction. With a bad burden, smoke will fly around the plot. To prevent a mistake when designing, some photos and videos are small. Further leadership, describing the masonry and making methods, is necessary. Build a street grill at the cottage can be independently. Professional equipment and helping brigade help will not need.

We make a brick barbecue

1. Design

2. Selection of space in the territory

3. Preparation of the site

4. Installation of foundation

5. Instructions for masonry oven with chimney

1 Determine with the design

The basis of the furnace is a hearth with chimney and cooking equipment. Such equipment includes grill with grille, cookbar, cauldron, oven, smokehouse for meat and fish, shelves and hooks under food and kitchenware, countertop. If you can bring water, the sink is installed in the worktop and the drain is set in the sewer.

It will also not hinder the lighting and mow into the wall an electrical outlet. And in hot weather, and in the rain, it is better to spend time under an awning or light roof.

The simplest barbecue of the brick is three walls with protrusions under the grill and pallet, collecting fat. It does not differ convenience. Its main advantage - saving places and costs for construction work. It is much more convenient to the oven with big brazers and countertops.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_3

2 Choose a place on the plot

Before making a plan, it should be determined, in which location can be put on the territory. It is installed on an open area, in the house or in a specially equipped gazebo.

Open space

This option is chosen most often. Time is more pleasant to carry out in the fresh air. In addition, in this case there is no need to rebuild the room under the fireplace room or to bring a solid foundation under the terrace.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_4

It is possible that from a wide focus with the fence will have to abandon even with a large area.

What to take into account when choosing a place on the plot

  • Fire safety - coals departing from the hearth can cause fire wall or dry trees. It is dangerous to put it next to the garage where canisters with gasoline are stored, or with a construction adapted for warehouse logs, straws, combustible materials. Barbecue is dangerous to place near the part of the building where gas equipment is installed.
  • The distance from the windows of residential premises and kitchens is the more distance, the less smoke will fly into the windows.
  • The brazier is better to build away from the playground.
  • Do not look for a place near septicists and other objects with a characteristic unpleasant odor.
  • It is important to take into account the features of the soil. It is better to find a dry and even plot on the hill. It should be comfortable and wide enough to fit the barbecue complex of bricks, designed for several people. The soil must have a good bearing capacity. The solid stony base will endure any load. The raw plot with a high content of Suglinks will have to strengthen and carry out drainage channels for drying it.
  • Before applied onto the plan, you should make sure that the walls do not interfere with the passage, do not block the passage of the car and do not close the view from the windows of the first floor. To clearly imagine the outline of the future building, along its circuits stretch the rope between the stakes.


The design of large sizes is difficult to place in the already built house. It is usually designed together with the building. A separate foundation is erected under it, since the overlap will not stand the weight of several tons. Bearing elements, hearth and finishing must comply with fire safety requirements. It is necessary to properly design the pipe and arrange it so that it does not take a lot of living space.

The easiest way to equip the brazier on the terrace. Light wooden building will have to convert by creating a reliable base. It is desirable to finish the floor with non-flammable materials. One of the main problems is the location of the chimney. It is desirable that there are no windows of residential rooms nearby. The veranda must accommodate not only the oven, but also also zone for billets, firewood and coal. It should not be cramped for guests. Proportions with the main building should be observed so that both buildings look organically together.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_5

3 Prepare a platform before working

When the place is found, it is checked by level. Dissolves eliminate. The protrusions cut off, the pits fall asleep. With high humidity, the base will experience the constant impact of moisture that destroys material. Located on the territory covered with puddles, uncomfortable. To solve the problem, in the bottom of the trenches digging, allowing you to remove excess moisture from the soil. They are laid out from the inside with tiled or rubble. Use finished gutters that can be closed with a grid in the kit on top. Channels are discharged into a common wastewater.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_6

4 Mount the foundation for the furnace

Plate base

It is used for the least heavy designs. First apply accurate marking of the pit. Then the upper layer of the earth is 20-30 cm thick. The bottom is checked on the construction level and fall asleep with rubble. In movable soils, an additional top layer of sand will be required. In this case, the pit is root deeper. The thickness of each interlayer should be about 20 cm. The pillow of sand and rubble are sealing vibrating or spilled with water from the hose. The furnace is better to surround non-flammable materials. Plot under the platform covered with paving slabs, fall asleep with sand.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_7
We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_8
We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_9

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_10

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_11

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_12

On the resulting pillow, they make a screed of concrete M250 brand. It is poured into a formwork lined with rubberoid sheets. Make it needed immediately for several hours. If you hold the fill with a large interval, the coating will cut down. First, the reinforcement is installed on the bottom: down the mesh is placed, along the edges they collect walls from steel rods with a diameter of 1 cm. They are fastened with plastic clamps, knitted wire or a welding machine. To make the fittings not in contact with the bottom, it is put on special plastic holders. The solution is then fed. When laying it, it is necessary to constantly pond a rod, the release of air, which is inside.

Plate thickness - about 10 cm. The mixture is gaining vague strength for a month. During this period, construction work should not be carried out. On the surface you can walk in a week.

Ribbon foundation

It coincides with the perimeter of the walls of the furnace. It should be wider than their thickness for several centimeters. In the ground, there is a trench around the perimeter in a depth of about 40 cm. Then pillow pillow from sand and rubble and emit formwork. The height of the concrete base is 20-40 cm. The reinforcement is a volume frame of rods with a thickness of 1 cm. They are placed horizontally parallel to each other, tieting to vertical steel brackets. The step between the rods from above, below and on the sides - 10 cm. The mixture laying technology is the same as when creating a slab basement.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_13

5 Making a bake barbecue from bricks with chimney

Consider step-by-step instructions for laying a barbecue from brick.

Required tools

  • Master OK.
  • Rubber cizyanka.
  • Pelvis or trough.
  • Construction mixer or shovel for mixing.
  • Long rail with a flat surface at which you can check the quality of work in the process of their execution.
  • Roulette.
  • Building level.

Selection of material

For the street, facing and full-length ceramic stone will be suitable. In the room, it is recommended to use chamoten - it is better to withstand a high temperature and spends it worse. On the street, the furnace is cooled faster than in the house.

Preparation of masonry mix

Cement mix with sand in the ratio of 1: 3. So that the mass is more mobile, you can enter the lime or a special additive that increases the plasticity.

There is another recipe for a masonry solution. In the pelvis fall asleep clay and poured it with water. After 5 days it is stirred, adding some sand and cement.

Installation of walls

The first row is better to lay out without a solution, as shown in the photo gallery. It is necessary to make sure that the calculations of the sizes are carried out correctly and the number of prefabricated elements corresponds to the length and width of the entire design. To designate seam, leave the gaps of 1 cm.

The base is a reinforcedal foundation. Bricks are laid in length. Each subsequent row is shifted so that the seam accounted for the center of the product located below. Spread the ceramics into two equal parts is difficult. It is better to make a slice with a baccle with a disc on concrete. The solution is placed in the same layer of 1 cm. For verification, a reinforcing bar is used by a cross section of 1 cm or a coach - rail with dimensions applied to it. Every three tiers are tapered with a roulette and a building level. In order to properly set the prefabricated element, on its sides and on top tapping with rubber xy.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_14
We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_15

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_16

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_17

If you fail to do on the corners, they are reinforced with a wire or perforated ribbon.

Installing jumpers

Upon reaching the walls of the calculated height, horizontal supports under the center and the countertop lay out.

Ways to create supports

  • The row are put on the metal plate close to the sidewalls. In blocks, you can make a chute and place them on steel corners folded by the sides together. Parties should look up. They are placed in a gutter facing to the bottom. Suitable durability has a cross section from 45x45 mm. His face should not be outside the masonry. The cutting depth is taken with a reserve - steel expands when heated and can destroy ceramic products.
  • Hollow products are riveted at the reinforcement rod or frame and fasten the cement-sandy mixture.

The spaces between jumpers can serve for storing wood or kitchen accessories. The drawings and photos of the brick barbecue will help you find a solution, how else to use this zone.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_18
We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_19

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_20

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_21

Layout layout

It is located at the level of the jumpers. Steel profiles serve as a support for its bottom. They are close in the walls. The hearth is a vault or a rectangular chamber of chammed brick. The binders serves a special heat-resistant solution. It is sold in the form of a powder. To properly breed it with water, you need to explore the instructions. Bricks are horizontally in two rows with a dressing that protects the lower seams. Instead of bricks, you can make a concrete screed.

The walls of the chamber are elevated simultaneously with external - it is more convenient to lead work. Between them make a gap of 1 cm. It protects the external coating from high temperature, and internal - from cracking with uneven thermal deformations. Prefabricated elements are connected in length.

To create an arch, it will be toured - a metal or wooden arc. It is fixed in the opening, and on top set a row, repeating the shape of the arc. The upper brick is placed in the opening last. Neighboring rely on it and therefore do not fall. Arch from the inside protects the refractory layer.

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We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_23
We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_24

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_25

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_26

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_27

Construction pipe

Refractory materials will not be required. The rows are placed inside the width, creating an elongated pyramid. At a certain level, go to a flat vertical masonry.

The ribbed inner surface is more difficult to clean, so sometimes the ribs are cut or closed with flat shields.

We make a brick barbecue with your own hands: Instructions in 5 steps 4346_28

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