13 meaningless home habits that spend your money


Constantly included light, a large number of household chemicals and disposable things - tell me how to combine the idea of ​​budget saving and reasonable consumption.

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13 meaningless home habits that spend your money

Often we do not notice how the family budget is drowning behind the dripping from the tap. The included light or air conditioner, convenient only at first glance using disposable plastic dishes and packaging - all this is impractical habits, from which it's time to get rid of.

1 put too high heating temperature

Of course, it is not about frolic in your own home. But adjust the air temperature and do not overheat the apartment useful at once for several reasons: first, it saves your money, because the result will be less. Secondly, cool, moderately moistened air is an excellent tool for strengthening immunity. And thirdly, a comfortable temperature is considered to be 21 ° C, and this is very cool.

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2 Use the heater without need

Another lifehak that will save on heating. Do not leave the heater included all day. As soon as the temperature becomes a little more comfortable, turn off the device immediately. Next time begin heating when you feel that it has become cool. Think perhaps you should prefer to prefer more warm home clothes with a riser air?

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3 Do not turn off the warm floor when you are not at home

Warm tile is blissful for feet. Of course, when moving from the room to the room there is no need to turn off the warm floor - the home movement occurs regularly and the special savings you will not achieve. But if you are planning a trip to visit or for the city for a few days, be sure to turn off the warm floors. See how much the bill will decrease for utilities.

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4 Buy a lot of cleaning products

To fall in extremes and buy one bottle of chlorks on the whole apartment is also not worth it. Stains She, of course, will output, but useful such a way of cleaning is difficult to call. It is better to select 1-2 universal detergents with a non-aggressive composition and they wash all the surfaces. This is economically, and safely.

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5 Acquire the items of rare

If you are in good relationships with your neighbors, there is a wonderful way to save. Leg out the items that rarely use, for example, a fan or heater, neighbors or lease.

13 meaningless home habits that spend your money 4382_9

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6 Use packing once

Inspire the experience of our grandmothers, which dried bags from under the battery, to then ship the croup to them. Of course, now the packages from the milk are no longer worth useing, but the plastic disposable packages in favor of glass containers are an excellent solution that will save not only your money, but also the environmental resources of the planet.

7 save on serious purchases

"I'm not so rich to buy cheap things," do this phrase by your motto when it comes to large purchases: furniture, technician. Do not save where you do not need to pay twice.

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8 Buy a lot of disposable items

Refuse disposable items in favor of more long-playing. In the picnic or day of birth can be replaced with glass or at least plastic, but long-term use. Instead of a sponge for washing the dishes worth using a bamboo brush - it is more environmentally friendly, less microbes accumulate on it.

9 Pay cable

Replace cable TV Internet broadcasting, speed and video quality will not be affected, but the family budget will only be better.

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10 Leave air conditioning included

If you are not in the room, the air conditioner is excess there. Are you afraid of colds? Cool the room in advance, immediately before your arrival, but do not leave the device to work for several hours while you are absent.

11 Download washing and dishwasher half

The washing machine is an excellent tool for saving water and your resources, but only if the drum is loaded completely, and not half. In the latter case, you spend not only excess water, but also electricity, and also so the car is faster than it.

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12 Comer refrigerator

The correct loading of the refrigerator is three quarters from its full volume. So nothing will prevent normal air circulation, electricity consumption will decrease, and at the same time the products in the refrigerator will remain in better safety.

13 Do not turn off the light

Get a useful habit: When you leave the room, turn off not only electrical devices, but also light. Use the illuminated empty rooms nobody bring to anyone, but the resources are consumed noticeably.

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