6 changes in the interior for your beauty and health (it is easier than it seems!)


In the most "Women's Day" a year, we argue, what transformations in the apartment and the house will help make the skin of the hands always moisturized, the body is slim, and the style of clothing is thoughtful.

6 changes in the interior for your beauty and health (it is easier than it seems!) 4394_1

6 changes in the interior for your beauty and health (it is easier than it seems!)

1 Pour the nourishing hand (or body) in a beautiful dispenser

Simple action - apply a moisturizing cream into the hands or body - many neglect or forget. And it is clear if the cream hides in the closet in the bathroom. You can put all the jars on open shelves, but not always needed - there is a risk to visually climb the room. Apply Simple Lifehak - Pour cream to a beautiful dispenser and put in the bedroom, hallway or immediately in the bathroom next to liquid soap. So remember the care will be much easier.

2 Make a bathroom seating and relax area

Take leaving procedures much more pleasant if there are all the conditions for this. And if you get to the beauty salon or spa there is no possibility, arrange such a zone at home. Choose a day once or twice a week when you can take a foam bath, stock with aromatic candles and oils, make self-massage of the body and face. You can even include pleasant music on the phone, just put it on the shelf away from the water.

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3 put the mirror in the hallway and organizers with cosmetics and the comb

When we are in Zeietnote and in a hurry we are going throughout the morning, there are no speech about careful make-up and hairstyle.

Put the mirror in the hallway and take a look at yourself before leaving the house. In there, hide a beautiful basket with lipstick, powder and comb (just hide, otherwise these items lit the input zone). To fix the tone on the face, give lips a beautiful swelling with the help of a glitter or lipstick and spend the hair through the hair quickly, if not running in search of the desired thing around the house.

4 Equipment Sports Zone

On sports in the gym Sometimes there is really no time, especially if the office is waiting for work, and at home - husband and children. And at the weekend you want to spend time with your family and do not spend a few hours on sports exercises. But at home you can also do, albeit without special simulators.

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To do this, it is enough to buy a rug for yoga, a pair of dumbbells (to adjust the load and change it from time to time) and fitness gum. Highlight yourself a couple of square meters in an apartment for exercise. This is a glazed and insulated balcony, angle in the bedroom or living room. And find where sports equipment is hiding at a time when there is no strength at all.

5 Surride the wardrobe

In order not to spend a lot of time for fees, learn how to cook clothes in advance and get a wardrobe. If we are talking about beauty, then in the process of racking, think not only how long you did not use this thing, but as far as it is stylish, relevant and suitable for other items of the wardrobe - that is, it is possible to enter it into different images. If not, and you will have to buy a whole set of things to her companions, then it is better to give it or attributed to processing in clothing stores.

6 Conduct a revision in the kitchen

Proper nutrition is the basis of health and beauty, because the fresh color of the face, harmony and good states are directly dependent on what we eat.

6 changes in the interior for your beauty and health (it is easier than it seems!) 4394_5

Spend the audit of boxes in the kitchen with groceries, sweets and ... home appliances. Yes, maybe you should give up the wafflelnia and put a multicooker on the table top to prepare less calorie dishes faster and easier.

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