How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally


We tell how to create an independent planning scheme and make furniture for the hallway.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_1

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally

Do it yourself with your own hands on foreign drawings and schemes, photos and videos are pretty risky. Even in typical apartments, the length and width of the room, the height of the ceilings, the distance between the corners and the openings may differ. The reason is the features of planning and finishing, taking or adding several centimeters on each side. In small apartments, the screed, suspended ceiling and a thick plaster layer are capable of changing the proportions of the corridor. More significant changes occur when reorganization and redevelopment. Before starting work, it is necessary to measure. Perhaps you will have to develop your scheme that takes into account the features of the room. These features do not always allow you to successfully enter the standard furniture that is collected from the finished parts. The case and its filling can be made according to its size to order or collect it yourself.

We make furniture in the hallway with your own hands

Selection of material

Drawing up a furniture project

Production of an open design with a column

  • Tools for work
  • Necessary billets
  • Production and assembly of parts


Selection of material

Materials differ in appearance and technical parameters.

What to take into account when choosing

  • Moisture resistance - details should not lose their properties when contact with a wet cloak or umbrella. Special requirements are presented to the legs in contact with the puddles from street shoes, because in winter, when the snow falls into the embossed sole, it is not always possible to remove when tapping a boot on the floor. Shelves that constantly put things, quickly dumps, and they have to often wipe the wet rag. It is desirable that their outer layer be completely impenetrable for water - otherwise it will begin to brew, and the internal base is to collapse.
  • Resistance to abrasion. Doors and shelves are used constantly. They put bags with metal fasteners and decor, heavy packages with products. Scratch may appear from acute buckle on the surface. That this does not happen, the coating should have high resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Strength - often stored on the shelves not only clothes, but also metal tools, or leave spare parts from the car, so they should not be fed. If traces remain on the external coverage with weak pressure, it is better to use it for clothes or things that do not create a load.
  • Resistance to aggressive media - in the corridor often store shoe sprays, cleaning products and other household chemicals. If you get to the surface, they should not destroy the external coating and leave on it intignable stains. Shelves and walls should be made from materials well carrying cleaning using chemicals.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_3

Material options

  • Natural array - billets are not distinguished by good performance. Their advantage is an appearance, but it perfectly imitates veneer. Use natural pine or beech only when it is a matter of principle. The array distinguishes low resistance to temperature-humid deformations. Details of large sizes bend and breathed even in normal conditions. This is due to the fact that their fibers change the content of moisture evaporating in hot dry weather, or absorbed from the atmosphere, saturated by steam. Fibers are susceptible to rotting. They must be dried for several days, and then impregnate with antiseptics and cover the layer of varnish protecting against raw air and direct water entering. Unlike factory products, natural have many defects. The quality affects the presence of bitch and resin sublishes. To assemble your own hands from a tree, it is better to use ready-made shields that have passed the necessary processing.
  • Chipboard - plates from glue and sawdust. They have no defects characteristic of the array. Products do not change their shape when the temperature and humidity changes and are not different from natural. They are inferior in durability and hardness to oak and wenge, but such varieties are rarely applied. Good quality has products covered with veneer or melamine paper. They are not afraid of dampness and resistant to the effects of chemically active substances. Billets do not need additional processing.
  • LDSP - chipboard with laminated coating. They are distinguished higher operational characteristics. They often finish the walls, floor and ceiling in wet rooms. Laminate is a paper polymer film. It provides a high level of protection against moisture and abrasion.
  • MDF - Panels from fine dried sawdust and binder. They are placed in layers and form a hot pressing method. Products are stronger than analogs. They are more racks for loads and dampness, but they are much more complicated to handle them. To cut the workpiece, you will need much more forces and time. The blanks are covered with melamine paper and veneer.
  • DVP (organitis) - thin sheets for rear walls, not experiencing mechanical loads. It is easy to cut, caught up for the desired size. It is well tolerating wet cleaning, and in the case of wetting does not lose its properties. The appearance does not matter when creating interior design. Rear walls are usually hidden from eyes.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_4

Options for finishing chipboard

  • Caching - paper lacquered coating, staring on the base of the chipboard. Quickly comes in disrepair in rooms with high humidity. Poor tolerate mechanical loads.
  • Melamine paper (artificial veneer) - it is placed under a layer of transparent melamine resin, through which the drawing is perfectly visible on the outside. The resin moves well the impact of moisture and chemically active substances. It has high abrasion resistance and is perfect for the creation of furniture.
  • Lamination is the applix of the film from melamine resins that increases wear resistance several times. There are two classes of coatings. CPL class - smooth surface, HPL class - imitation of natural stone or wood fibers.
  • Postforming - decoration of multilayer plastic. Often used for walls and countertops with rounded corners. In essence, it is lamination by several layers.
  • Sampling is sticking to the surface of a thin sheet panel cut from an array. Products outwardly do not differ from natural analogues, while they are deprived of their main flaws. They are not subject to mold and retain the form in any environment.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_5

  • How do it yourself make a wall hanger from a tree or its analogues

How to make a furniture project in the hallway

Before proceeding to work, you need to make a plan for the location of the furniture and carry out the calculation of its parameters. It is better to make a design project with color visualization and technical part where information on dimensions, filling and materials will be contained.


The room will measure and draw his plan on scale. You will need an image of the floor and walls. In the scheme according to the ruler, the cabinets, shelves, cabinets, hinged furniture, wall mirrors are drawn.

The length of the cabinet depends on the number of residents. One person relies at least 40 cm wide. Standard depth - 40-60 cm. The space is divided into zones for clothes, shoes, hats. The top is better to adapt to things that are rarely used.

Filling is chosen after zoning. Shelves and retractable boxes can be made with their own hands. Metal parts - hooks, rods, grids - buy or placing.

You should consider the location and nutrition of the point lamps of cabinet furniture. They must have switches. When laying wiring it is forbidden to stroke bearing walls and overlaps. Channels are allowed to lay in the finish.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_7

Planning options

The arrangement and dimensions of the elements depend on the area and the form of the room. As a rule, the hallway includes a wardrobe, a shoe tube, a seat - it is often combined with a bed, shelves and hangers, countertops or chest.

The basis is the wardrobe. The remaining elements of it only complement. They can be moved and outweigh, but a huge body is created for a certain place where it is most likely to be left forever.

Cabinets are linear and angular, swing, coupling and open. The last option is suitable for small rooms, there are no doors in such models and the housing. Filling is fixed on the rear panel. Clothes are stored on the shelves and hangers - outdoor either wall. Below can be a tabletop, under it - retractable or swing boxes. The mirror is hanging on the wall or placed above the chest or table.

Cuppeted cabinets allow you to save space - for opening doors do not need to release the passage. Wide mirrors can be located on their front, visually expanding the room, but now such a move is not quite relevant.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_8

If there is little space, you can put one narrow column, taking the remaining meters with hooks, shelves and couches. It is this decision that we now consider.

Instructions for the manufacture of an open headset with a column

Tools for work

  • Roulette and pencil.
  • Electrologist and hacksaw.
  • Screwdriver and screwdriver.
  • Emery paper either Bulgarian with grinding disk.
  • Joiner.

Necessary materials

The case will make it from LDSP - such a solution is used quite often. Rear wall cut out of the organity. As fasteners we will use conventional furniture screws. Professional joiners drink grooves in the ends of the connecting parts and plant them on glue. The compound is solid and more accurate. This requires skill. You can perform work, but it will take a lot of time.


  • Corners.
  • Loops.
  • A pen.
  • Door closer.
  • Rod for shoulders.
  • Adjustable legs.
  • Stoles from the drawer.
  • Holder for basket or bottom drawer.

Before you make a hallway with your own hands, you should collect everything you need to work. In search during the assembly is very uncomfortable.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_9

Production and assembly of parts

  • The sizes of the column will be taken as: 2 x 0.4 x 0.4 m. From the sheet of LDSP with the sides of 1.6 x 0.4 m, we cut the walls, top, bottom and shelf, separating the cabinet into two zones. Sheet thickness is 18 mm.
  • The width of the internal space will be 400-18x2 = 364 mm. The same will also be the width of the inner shelf.
  • Wall height: 2 000-18x2 = 1 964 mm. Top and bottom with installed legs are attached to their ends.
  • The parties are tightened by stability constructions. Shelf put on holders. Behind you feed the organity.
  • Instead of one door you can hang two. They will close both internal zones separately. Such a solution allows to reduce the load on the accessories. We screw the ceiling to the ceiling.
  • To the column, stick the lower unit consisting of two Tumb. They can be given different widths and heights. The nearest construct two-door. Its depth will be equal to the depth of the cabinet. The height is 0.4 m, the length is 0.8 m. Dalun tube split the shelf. We will make it above the neighboring 20 cm and twice already. Under the table top will place the retractable box. He must freely go inside. Its parameters are calculated taking into account side poloz. The bottom is usually cut out of the organity. So that it does not be fed, we design it from the same material as the walls.
  • Stand over the couches. We base the vertical stripes from LDSP placed with the same step. From above, fix them with a shelf on triangular holders from cropping LDSP.

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How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_11
How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_12
How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_13

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_14

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_15

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_16

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_17

Build a wardrobe in the hallway

The body is arranged on the same principle as the column. Distinctive feature - sliding doors. They consist of two canvases, each of which moves in its rail. The mechanism is better to buy in the finished form. He takes 10 cm from the depth. This value should be added to the depth of the internal space in order to obtain the overall indicator for horizontal planks.

The sidewalls connect the rod for the hangers. Fill it at an altitude of 1.8 m. If there is an internal vertical sidewall, then the adjacent zone is filled with shelves.

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_18
How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_19

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_20

How do it yourself make furniture in the hallway so that it is stylish and functionally 4409_21

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