Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size


You can organize the storage system in the bedroom of any area. We tell and show how to do it.

Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_1

Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size

Equipment systems for storage of things - the necessary event. In most cases, a separate wardrobe is much more convenient than just a wardrobe, albeitcoally. The article we understand what to pay attention to the bedroom layout with the dressing room.

All you need to know about the dressing room in the bedroom:

Types of Systems
  • Built-in
  • Part of Square
  • Passing
  • Angle
  • Space in space

Little Rooms

Features of finishing


How to think about the organization of storage

Options for arrangement

The arrangement of the wardrobe room in the bedroom depends on the area and the parameters of the room itself. Conditionally, you can select several types of storage systems.

Built-in system

This is a large-sized design that occupies all or almost the entire wall. Often the door opening mechanism is made according to the principle of the coupe to save space.

Convenient if the room is less than 20 square meters. meters, and at the same time you need to consider the storage of a large number of clothes. If there is a niche or open, you can install here. Thus, the wall "align". And this option looks much harmonious of a separate furniture object.

Built-in designs to order are manufactured, so you can consider the height and number of shelves under your needs.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_12

Part of the room

Perhaps one of the most popular species. In addition, a good option for the premises of the wrong shape, for example, elongated. Thus, you can burn a part, visually making the space more proportional. If the room is square or not too narrow, the wall is erected opposite the windows along the bed. In the design of the bedroom design with the dressing room, which is presented below, it was decided to replace the built-in wardrobe on a small pantry. It looks very neat.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_14

Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_15

Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_16

If the interior is made in a modern style, you can use more interesting materials and textures. So, the door to the dressing room in this project is complemented by rails, which "facilitate" her. In addition, the problem of ventilation was solved.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_18
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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_24


In our selection, two examples of this type of implementation. The first is a dressing room behind the bed in the bedroom. It separates it from the rest of the space narrow simpleness, which is also an emphasis. There is a built-in wardrobe, a dressing table and a mirror.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_26

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_28

The second project is a passage near the door, more precisely - at the entrance. What is noteworthy: the top of the glass wall makes it easier and fills the dark room with natural light.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_30
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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_36

As you can see, such a system is also suitable for medium-sized rooms. The walkway wardrobe is disjointed, but with a competent organization - functional and spacious.


In the mid-size premises, you can consider the corner layout of the dressing room in the bedroom. This design often consists of a M-shaped headset.

Select the wardrobe using a curtain or partitions. Recently recently transparent variants from glass. In fact, this project actually turned out a built-in wardrobe with translucent matte doors.

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And here is a whole room.

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Space in space

If the bedroom area is more than 20 square meters, you can think about it division into the storage system and a place to sleep. Classic zoning option: a full wall with a doorway. Then two separate places are obtained.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_50
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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_64

But you can build more interesting commonness, but in fact it will be one space. Sleeping, by the way, do not only from drywall, but also from glass. A more functional option: from the side of the wardrobe to equip shelves for clothes.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_70

Sometimes for the equipment of the wardrobe donate not the bedroom, in the event that the area is insufficient, but by other rooms.

For example, in this project they decided to sacrifice one bathroom, as well as part of the room for sleep. As a result, the area of ​​the latter turned out 13 square meters, and the wardrobe - 5 square meters. At the same time, the room was able to fit the bed, bedside table and even a dressing table. Better cabinet fit between the door and wall.

Pay attention to the bed: Soft corners here - not only tribute to fashion. Since the passage is narrow enough, there is a chance of touching the case with quick movement. A blow to the upholstery will not be painful.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_78

  • How to make a dressing room yourself: Tips for placement, planning and assembly

Wardrobe in the bedroom of small size

In small rooms there are several techniques for the arrangement of the wardrobe. The simplest-discovered system behind the curtain. So they did the owners of the apartment presented in the photo below.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_91

This is an open storeroom, which is behind the curtains of mustard colors. And they, by the way, became an accent of the interior decorated in Scandinavian style. Shelves and cabinets are Algoth storage system from IKEA (by the way, now it comes out of the range and the Swedish brand offers an analogue "Jonaxel".

What to take into account when arranged

  • Curtains are not suitable for each interior. But they soften white, they add warmth and comfort.
  • Visually, such a design looks smaller than solid frame furniture. But it is placed here more things, because they can be stored actually from the floor to the ceiling.
  • If the active bright color is getting tired, update the curtains much easier than repaint the door.
  • The main minus of this storage: dust settles on things, so it will have to wash them more often.
  • If there is a small baby in the house, try to follow him during games. Since high shelves are actually in an affordable zone.

Another option for a small apartment - Rail. Of course, not to hang a huge number of things here, you will have to limit the minimum. But, if you already have a wardrobe, where the bulk is stored, why not use the hanger for daily images? Cons - all the same dust, settlement on clothes, and the need to always maintain order. Otherwise, everything will look closed.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_97

Design and Finishing Features

Before the embodiment of the idea about the built-in wardrobe in the bedroom, it is worth identifying several important points that relate to its planning and finishing.

Important moments

  • Ventilation is a necessary element of a dark room. Even the small room in volume should be periodically ventilated. Casting air is fraught with the appearance of mold, moths and unpleasant odor. In this case, the active strong extract is not needed here, in the closets you can do the ventilating grille at the bottom and upstairs at the ceiling.
  • Small windows are equipped in separate rooms. They simply open them sometimes.
  • It is not worth experimenting with the floor finish, the most appropriate solution is the same coating as in the adjacent spaces. Laminate and parquet are suitable - there is a soft medium without temperature drops.
  • But you can find a new shade in the design of the walls. The easiest way is to take paint or wallpaper on the tone lighter or darker those in the bedroom. The main mass is still unlikely to be visible for things and shelves.
  • Wooden panels are not the most relevant solution for the walls, it is still better to use wallpaper or plaster. And well, if they are waterproof. Infrequently, but they are still preferably wipe from dust.

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Wardrobe with window is rare. In 90% of cases, this place is generally without natural light. However, it is all loved to try clothing with good lighting.

What to pay attention to

  • Place the lamps at different levels, not only on the ceiling. So you will be able to consider every corner.
  • The central light source in the form of a chandelier is not the best idea in a small space, it is better to use several point lamps. If the area is large, combine two light scenarios.
  • Even if you have a wardrobe, look at the LED backlight of the shelves - it will not be superfluous. Such a tape will be relevant on the shelves. LED lamps do not consume a lot of energy, do not heat and serve for a long time with proper operation.
  • Inside it is better not to use halogen lamps, they are installed on the ceiling. They are quickly heated, so they can create a fire-hazardous situation.
  • In order not to distort the colors, choose the closest lamps closest to the natural light. It is better to abandon colored, too yellow and cold.

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How to think about the organization of storage

Even in the photo of the design of the dressing room in the bedroom, you can understand how convenient it is to use it. In order not to make a mistake, stick to several important rules.

1. Combine shelves

Instead of scoring the walls from the floor to the ceiling by the same type shelves, we offer to arrange hangers at different levels. The first is higher, so that dresses and long wear fit here. And the second level is lower, pants and jeans, folded in half, will hang here.

Shelves are also desirable to do different in height. Do not forget about drawers for underwear, socks and other things - the more, the better.

You can also make crossbars with a sliding mechanism, then things that you do not need this season can be plugged.

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Everyone's dream is a wardrobe room in the bedroom: how to arrange correctly and accommodate even in small-size 4427_121

2. Select hangers

ATTENTION should be given and hangers, there must be several species. For outerwear, we need massive, with wide shoulder. And, for example, lungs are suitable for scarves and blouses. Do not mix objects, and combine coats, raincoats and jackets on one hanger is also no need. You can save the place, hanging trousers with blouses and light shirts or sweaters.

3. Do not forget shoes

Storage of shoes - a separate theme of a big article. The most important thing here is to clean on the shelves those pairs that you will not use soon. Boxes and covers We recommend to sign or even glue the stickers with the image of the content - so find and get the necessary will be easier.

4. Mouse over to accessories

Sunglasses, scarves and scarves, ties and gloves are also better to pack or hang on the hanger, depends on the system of the organization. But, looking for a place for accessories, consider how often you use them. If every day, it makes sense to put them in sight. If not, remove deeper.

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