How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block


We deal with the conditioner device in detail, we tell how to clean the details of the indoor unit, the external block and which rules should be adhered to the user so that the split system served for a long time.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_1

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block

Split system needs maintenance, like many electrical devices. Before cleaning the air conditioning at home yourself, you need to understand which parts it consists. Full information is contained in the instructions and technical passport. Disassemble and correctly assemble the device itself will be easier, if you follow the schemes specified in the manual. If the technology is violated, the risk will damage the device or suddenly detect extra prefab elements that have not been placed under the case. Work can be done at home. Special skills and professional equipment will not need.

All about cleaning the air conditioner

Design device

Signs of pollution

Processing internal block

  • Required tools
  • Cleaning filters
  • Cleaning radiator with refrigerant
  • Sink rotary fan
  • Cleaning drainage hoses

Service external block

Operation rules for long work

Split system elements

The system includes two blocks. One is installed on the street, another indoors. The external is needed to cool the warm refrigerant and eliminate condensate. It is impossible to get to it independently, if it hangs on the top floor of a high-rise house. You have to contact the company engaged in split systems.

Device external block

  • Fan.
  • Condenser, cooling freon.
  • Compressor, compressing refrigerant and forcing it to move through the channels.
  • Filters installed in front of it.
  • Valve, changing the direction of Freon, when the device works on heating.
  • Outputs of inner nozzles.
The internal unit works more difficult and requires constant maintenance.

Elements of the inner block

  • Front Panel.
  • Net filter - large dust particles are delayed on it.
  • Coal, antibacterial and antistatic filters. They are not installed in all models.
  • Rotary fan, providing air flow.
  • The evaporator is a radiator with freon, cooling flow.
  • Drainage pipes connecting the internal block with external. According to them, condensate formed on the radiator comes out.
  • Blinds, air guides to the room.
  • Control Panel.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_3

Signs that need maintenance

A large air flow passes through the device, carrying dust and steam, saturated with fat from cooking. On the inner surface accumulates garbage and moisture, which create conditions for the formation of mold. With a large cluster of dust, pliers appear. Dust is able to cause allergies to provoke an asthma attack.

The precipitate affects the quality of air and the operation of the split system. The deterioration is well noticeable. The only means is a preventive inspection of the inner block at least once a week. External disassemble at least once a year. To understand how often cleaning the air conditioner in the apartment, you need to explore the instructions. It has all information about what kind of maintenance is required, and when it should be produced.

Signs of contamination of the device

  • Unpleasant odors that appear only after the device is started. If a few minutes before the launch, they were not felt, then the reason for their appearance is probably accumulated inside the sediment.
  • Reducing the flow of processed air is likely to be overlapped with a thick layer of deposits.
  • An increase in power consumption - possibly dust and fatty dams interfere with the engine operation.
  • Pressing and permanent hum - they occur when the engine or filter is marked. One of the reasons is a raid on the fan blades.
  • Leaks and characteristic squats appear when clogging channels or incorrect operation of the device.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_4

How to clean the internal unit of the air conditioner at home

Before inspection, the device must be turned off from the outlet. To get inside, you need to open the lid on the front side.

Required tools

  • Small brush. Suitable.
  • A vacuum cleaner. It is more convenient to work with a small hand vacuum cleaner.
  • Soft rag.
  • Capacity with water wetting rags.
  • Soap or other means that does not contain chemically active reagents. There are special compositions for care for prefabricated elements. They contain antiseptics that prevent the appearance of bacteria. In addition, they protect metal parts from corrosion.
  • Gloves and respirator. Dust and dirt will be a bit, but contact with them is harmful and unpleasant.

Processing filtering elements

In each split system, filter grids are installed, as a rule, from polymeric materials. They should be removed and wipe with a damp cloth. When removing the plate is lifted and pull down towards the room.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_5

Fat flooring can be washed off with a warmth. If it does not leave, the grid is kept in warm water for half an hour. Soap mortar will help cope with fat. In the tank, the usual soap is bred, adding liquid. After soaking when fat completely comes down, the grids are washed under clean jet, gently wipe the soft dry cloth and dried at room temperature. Hair dryer and radiator cannot be used - plastic can melt even at 70 degrees. Before installing the inner space should be pressed. To prevent an error in the installation process, you need to explore the instructions before cleaning the home air conditioner.

Coal, antibacterial and antistatic traps are replaced with new, when they fail, or when their service life expires.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_6

Clean the radiator with refrigerant (evaporator)

The evaporator is a slightly assembled metal plates along which freon moves. The item is located under the bottom cover on the housing of the indoor unit. It should be removed from the housing, and after processing insert back.

When cooled from the air, condensate is distinguished, settling on the surface of the radiator. Dirt particles are clogged between the plates from which it consists. If dust is not mixed with condensate, it is easy to assemble it with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Wet and dried dirt are cleaned with a wet rag.

Old layers, absorbed into the surface, deleted independently impossible. It will take professional equipment acting on a hot ferry.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_7

We process the blades of the rotor fan

Unlike the usual, it consists of plates located around the shaft parallel to him. The device resembles a rotating unit for cutting of non-sections, installed in front of the combine. Copying on the blades, the plaque is able to bring the device out of order. They will be clinging for other design details, gradually deforming and breaking the smooth operation of the engine. A drive connecting the shaft with a motor can suffer. If the system is broken, the motor burns.

Before starting the walls of the walls and items located nearby, it is better to hide with a plastic film. Rotating plates can spat them.

First, we prepare a washing solution from slicing and liquid soap, diluted with warm water. It is neatly applied to the entire surfaced surface, rotating the drum. It is impossible to put it hard on it, otherwise it will break, and then you have to change the entire fan. It is better to spray liquid with a brush. Mud splashes half an hour. After spending on the surface with a sponge and making sure that the flair softened, the engine should be launched on low revs. So that the splashes do not scatter around the room, you can keep a wide sheet of plywood or organisa in front of the drum. Film, paper or fabric use for these purposes - they can fall under the plates. The residue of the plaque is deleted manually when the drum is turned off.

How to clean the drainage air conditioner

It is a tube on which water is output from the housing, glass from the radiator. Moisture is going to the tray. It is formed when air cooled, falling out on the evaporator in the form of condensate. When the moisture break seeps outward through the connections. It is able to damage the decoration of walls and gender. Inside the housing there is a mold creating an unpleasant smell.

The tubes are treated outside with soap solution or a tool for dishes, trying not to damage the connections. Then the solution was washed away, the remaining moisture is removed. The pallet should also be washed and wipe.

Channels can be disconnected and produce with a vacuum cleaner. If they are strongly clogged, the drainage is completely disassembled and the parts in the soap solution are completely soaked.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_8

Liquid can pump a vacuum pump. It is cleaned with the help of a special compressor. Such equipment features maintenance companies.

How to Clean Exterior Block from the Street

If it hangs low, and it is possible to get to it yourself, the inspection is recommended to be made every three months. In the case when the body is high, and to reach it only by climbers, you should contact the serving company. It is necessary to remove the trash at least once a year or six months.

There are no complex nodes under the case that you need to dismantle and disassemble. For work, a vacuum cleaner is required, a brush and a flushing with a flat container for wetting.

Electrician must be disabled. Under the lid is the wiring. To not damage it, the surface should be taken carefully. Dry leaves and dust are removed by a vacuum cleaner. The remains are erased with a rag. Hot steam will cope with the lived mud.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_9
How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_10

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_11

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_12

It is necessary to clean the air conditioner or with the involvement of specialists not only in the summer, but also in winter. Snow accumulates under the lid and I am mercy. They create pressure on the tube, deforming them.

Rules of operation of the split system for long work

The level of contamination depends on the quality of air and the position of the device. In the kitchen when cooking, there is always a lot of steam saturated with fat. It quickly clogs filters, and with insufficiently effective protection settles the thick layer on all the details. Problems can create a wall valve in a nearby apartment connected to the kitchen hood. Dust is much more in the apartments whose windows overlook the busy street.

Improve the level of protection is impossible. This requires a more sealed body and additional filters. There are rules to increase the service life and prevent premature breakdowns.

List of rules

  • In the room when the device is turned on there should be no draft - it increases the load on the compressor and the fan.
  • The body is better to hang in a place protected from direct sunlight - otherwise it will overheat strongly.
  • It is impossible to put items on the device.
  • It should be protected from pets and birds.

How to clean the air conditioner at home: detailed instructions for washing the inner and external block 4436_13

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