How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law


It is possible to glacify the balcony yourself, but for this it will be necessary to prepare and coordinate the project. We tell how to perform work correctly.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_1

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law

Glazing balcony with your own hands is easy. There are several ways to close the free space between the fence and the top plate. You can install double glazed windows or a design that resembles the wall of the bus, which consists of a metal frame and glasses inserted into the rubber seal. There are frameless models. They look more modern, but inferior to their analogues for operational characteristics. It is important to consider the purpose of the room, since the temperature inside directly depends on thermal insulation and heating. If the space is equipped under the bedroom or the office, you will need an insulating layer and a reliable heating device. Works are carried out according to the project, which must be coordinated in government instances. Calculations must comply with the requirements of the legislation and technical standards.

How to glare balcony

How not to disturb the law when reorganization

Technical solutions and their features

Instructions for performing work

  • Measures
  • Preparation for mounting
  • Installation of plastic frames
  • Installation of aluminum profile
  • Removal
  • Instructions for frameless models

All about aging glazing

Lends permission

According to the Housing Code, the space outside the apartment is generalic ownership. Residents do not have the right to dispose of them at their discretion. This will require the resolution of BTI.

Work on re-equipment is considered redevelopment, if the changes need to be made to the supasport. As a rule, it contains information about external structures, but of all the rules there are exceptions. If the data is not submitted to the documents, you should contact BTI to make corrections or find out if there is a need for this.

The legislation is not always able to determine what category refitting is related to, and whether to draw up a project to hold it on a legitimate basis. For example, in clarification of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 3, 2006 it is said that the approval is necessary only in certain cases when the opening is expanding during the repair process, and the external space becomes part of the living space. This is contrary to the Housing Code, where the definition is given to the reorganization and compulsory approval is required.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_3

The conflict that created is not allowed in favor of self-use. In practice, the permission of government instances is always required.

Drawings and calculations owner of housing has no right. He must contact the engineering organization with the admission of SRO. Only an experienced engineer is able to determine whether the stove of the loggia or balcony can withstand additional loads from translucent structures. The likelihood is the probability that there are restrictions of the bearing capacity and it is possible to install only light fences. It is possible that the panel is in disrepair and it must urgently strengthen. Diagnostics can be carried out only with the help of professional high-precision equipment.

What is prohibited

When planning, it is desirable to find out what exist bans on the glazing of the balcony do it yourself: they will differ in Khrushchev or elite high-rise building, as they depend on the characteristics of the building and the status of carrier elements. Here is the list of conditions in which the documents will not be able to agree:

  • The use of fire-hazardous materials, such as wood, plywood, expanded polystyrene. During the fire, they will make evacuation through the windows impossible. Impregnation with antipirens - substances preventing fire, does not solve the problem. The materials will still burn under the influence of open flame. The polystyrene is distinguished by poisonous gas.
  • Reducing the strength of carrier elements or their destruction. Under the ban enters the expansion or narrowing of the external console, an increase in loads on it.
  • Violation of the architectural appearance of the house. This applies not only to architectural monuments, but also many buildings built according to an individual plan.
  • Violation in the work of fire fighting devices, external communications and other equipment.
  • Removal of heating water radiators outside the kitchen and residential premises.
  • Using tees and extension cords. For electrical radiators, a stationary socket with a protective shutdown device (UZO) is required.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_4

How to coordinate the project

It must be ordered in the engineering firm with the admission of SRO. Only such organizations have the right to draw up a project. Calculations are conducted on the basis of data that is contained in a technical passport. The company will conduct a survey and issued a conclusion about the status of structures.

Before glazing the balcony with your own hands, you will need to assemble the necessary package of documents. Their list approves Article No. 25 of the Housing Code.

List of necessary documents

  • Statement of reorganization.
  • The guide document is an extract from EGRN or its copy, certified by a notary.
  • Technical certificate.
  • Project of reorganization.
  • The written consent of all residents registered in the apartment and neighbors from adjacent apartments.
  • Certificates from Rospotrebndir, managing organization and other instances.

You may also need photos of the facade.

List of instances where you need to coordinate:

  • Managing organization engaged in the service of generalicity.
  • Rospotrebnomputer (SES).
  • Mrs.
  • Moskomarchitecture either district stopping. If the house is non-type, you should contact the architects that created it.
  • Department of Cultural Heritage - It is necessary to turn there if the building is a historical monument.
  • Department of Housing Policy - Persons living under Honing Agreement are addressed to this organization.
  • Housing inspection or district government is the last instance where references are provided from the listed organizations.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_5

After receiving permission, you can proceed to work on the reorganization. When they are completed, the act of acceptance signs employees of the housing inspection and the management company. When the compliance with the project is confirmed and the act signed, the engineer from BTI makes changes to the technical passport.

Possible technical solutions and their features

Their choice depends on how the room will be used, and what should be the temperature inside. We will not consider homemade systems - they are too cumbersome, or inffective. "Bus" method gradually goes into the past. The frames quickly rust. They look unattractive and are not able to provide a high level of thermal insulation. There are two common solutions.

Glazing options

  • Swing and sliding windows of plastic and aluminum. They almost do not differ from ordinary modern windows.
  • Frameless systems mounted on the profile. Transparent canvases work like sash and fraamuga. They are easy to fold, completely freeing the space over the fence. The canvas of different widths and height are produced. You can install floor blades to the ceiling.

The second option is bad for insulation. The room temperature will be higher than 10-15 degrees outline. Pleep them better non-residential loggias and balconies. The sealer protects from wind and noise, absorbing 50% of sound waves. This is enough for the house on a busy street. The material is characterized by high strength and in this parameter is not inferior to standard products with PVC frames. The advantages of the system is a good light light and a small mass.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_6

What to take into account to create a good microclimate

  • The material from which the frame is made. Best temperature spends aluminum.
  • The number of internal chambers in plastic or aluminum windows. The use of wooden frames, most likely, will not be allowed Mrs., since even after impregnation, the natural array is well lit. Single-layer structures are not able to protect from the cold.
  • The presence of emptiness in the external fence.

Installation methods

  • Parapet, if it has sufficient strength. If necessary, it can be strengthened and sealed.
  • On a specially created base around the perimeter of the stove. It is made from the hollow brick or foam blocks. Metal fences are erected. Steel single-layer models do not provide protection from cold. You can create two layers by filling out the space between them with thermal insulation materials.
  • External canvas occupy floor space to ceiling. Parapet dismantle or leave on the inside.
  • The transparent part is carried out beyond the borders, expanding the floor or creating inside a wide window sill. Such a project is more complicated. The panel must have increased strength, as it is experiencing additional loads.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_7

Step-by-step instructions for glazing balconies with their own hands

As an example, consider the installation of standard plastic and aluminum systems.


  • Height - it is measured throughout the front edge in 1 m step. Take the minimum value. The zero level serves as parapet, gender or additional fence. The top is the ceiling plate. If you plan to install plastic systems, 10 cm are taken from the resulting value. For aluminum, the difference will leave 4 cm.
  • Width - it corresponds to the distance between the edges of the base. In the case of PVC systems from the obtained value, 5 cm are torn, with the use of an aluminum profile - 2-3 cm.

Prefabricated elements are made to order. It is necessary to prepare a scheme, indicating on it the location of opening and fixed flaps. Pauses should also be noted. The size of the upper and lower panel must match. The distance between them, taken by vertical, should be the same on all perimeter.

It is better to use the Measurer services - it will be easier to avoid errors. The specialist will help draw a list of parts and components.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_8
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_9
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_10
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_11
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_12
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_13
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_14

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_15

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_16

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_17

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_18

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_19

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_20

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_21

Preparation for mounting

Before glazing the balcony yourself, it is necessary to clean the space from the garbage and make it all things. The carrying ability of the floor and the ceiling was to be checked when developing a project. Defects on their surface must be eliminated. Sowing concrete remove, cracks close up. Perhaps you will need to enhance plates.

If necessary, parapet warms and strengthen. You can use only non-combustible materials - mineral wool, polyurethane foam, plasterboard trim. Use lining and foam is prohibited.

The base should be treated with strengthening primers and antiseptics. It is in constant contact with the external environment. Even after careful waterproofing inside, bacteria and moisture may appear.

Installation of plastic systems

  • The kit is unpacking and check, whether all the parts are in place.
  • Double-glazed windows are removed from the frames, shutters removed.
  • On the bottom side of the design fasten the support profile. At the edges on the self-tapping screws are fixing plates. For them, special grooves are done. The distance from the edges to the plates - 15 cm.
  • Rama put in the opening and level up. It is fixed on the anchors and self-tapping screws. Can be used fasteners included in the kit. In the case where the system consists of two blocks, they are stitched together, without leaving the gaps.
  • Empties around the perimeter are fought. Foam is applied to a dry surface.
  • Outside, mounted fits, inside - windowsill. The upper tide serves as a visor that protects against snow and rain. Nizhny closes the seam filled with foam. Galvanized screws are used for attachment. The top is fixed on the ceiling plate, bottom - on the fence.
  • Folds and double-glazed windows return to their places.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_22

Installation of aluminum profile

It weighs less plastic, but has a higher resistance to mechanical loads. Products are painted or have a natural shade.

  • On the aligned and purified base with the help of brazers fasten wooden planks. Details are located in terms of level.
  • On the ends of the guide rails put gaskets. The details of the frame are joined and tightened by self-drawing. By its perimeter, perforated fixing plates made of metal are placed.
  • A window sill is mounted on a wooden bar. Top to it is screwed with a tump consisting of plates laid with a small adhesive.
  • In the opening, the frames are installed, connecting them between themselves. Screws are placed inside the frame.
  • The locking plates are attracted to the reinforced concrete panel, alternating them on a dowel-nail. Each step must be checked using a construction level.
  • There is a visor between the plates and top board. The gaps are treated with the gathering inside and outside the room.
  • In the opening hang sash. Sliding elements are inserted first into the upper, then in the lower guide.

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How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_24
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_25

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_26

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_27

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_28

Glazing with removal

The maximum distance to which you can endure the top of the front wall is 50 cm. Considerate the floor expansion is quite difficult. In the buildings of the typical series, it will not withstand additional loads, in old houses and elite new buildings such a reorganization will not be coordinated by architects.

The extended window sill is kept on the supports connecting it with the bottom plate or the outer side of the parapet. They are steel corners. The straight angle is directed up and facing the room.

In the absence of parapet, make a frame of a steel profile by mounting it on the floor. After examining the carrier ability of the panel and obtaining consent from government instances, it can be made rectangular, expanding the floor. Details are connected by welding. The calculation of the section and a step of the prefabricated elements should produce an engineer that makes up the project of the reorganization.

Not only the lower part will be expanded, but also the ceiling. The upper frame is mounted for reinforced concrete base on anchors.

Design is separated by siding, creating straight or inclined walls.

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_29
How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_30

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_31

How to glazing the balcony with your own hands and not break the law 4460_32

Installation of frameless models

Old window sill and parapet are removed. The opening is cleared and levels. Installation starts from the top profile, then the sidewalls are fixed on the corners. The lower element is fixed last. Glasses are inserted first into the upper guide, then in the lower one.

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