What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters


Form and dimensions, material and types of structures - We tell what it is important to pay attention to when buying a bathroom sink.

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_1

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters

Repair or arrangement of the new bathroom is rare when it costs without buying and installing plumbing equipment. It is difficult to choose the sink: what width and form requires which material and the installation method is better. The choice of plumbing in specialized stores is wide. An inexperienced buyer must be navigated in this diversity to choose what he needs. To do this, it is necessary to determine for yourself three important points.

Criteria selection of shell

What makes them make

How they are fixed

Form and dimensions

1 Material

The device will last for a long time if it is durable and wear-resistant. Well, if at the same time it will retain an attractive look and it is easy to care for it. All this depends on the material from which it was made. We have collected useful information about different solutions.


Ceramics for which inexpensive raw materials is used. Produced in a wide variety of colors and forms.


  • Resistance to temperature drops, aggressive chemistry and dyes.
  • In the manufacture, you can paint in any color. Over time, he retains its intensity.
  • Low price.


Freshness should be noted fragility. For example, an additional hole will not be drilled. On cheap models quickly erases the glaze. Over time, any faience is covered with thin cracks.

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_3


Raw materials for him becomes high-quality clay. Long-term firing increases the material density, makes it resistant to mechanical damage.


  • The smooth surface on which contamination does not accumulate.
  • Durability and durability.
  • Resistance to the effects of any aggressive means.


Minus only one is a lot of weight, which requires a reliable tube or stand.

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_4

Stainless steel

As part of alloy steel, nickel and chrome. The last two components should be about a third, then a high-quality stainless steel is obtained.


  • Strength and durability.
  • Easy to care and hygiene.
  • Square for chips and corrosion.
  • Variety of shapes and sizes. It is possible to apply decorative coating, imitating silver, gold, etc.


These include the noise that makes the water attacking about the bottom. In contact with sharp objects, scratches appear.

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What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_6

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_7

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_8

A rock

Products with an exclusive appearance, because in nature there is no identical bump. For plumbing, most often take granite or marble, but other options are possible.


  • Resistance to chips, mechanical damage, stratification.
  • Simple care, restoration.
  • Durability.


High price and considerable weight. The latter complicates the installation and requires the installation of a solid holding structure. Acid and alkali destroy the material.

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What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_10

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_11

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_12

Fake diamond

Externally does not differ from the natural, but the price is lower. Therefore, it is more often chosen when they decide which shell is better to choose for the bathroom.


  • Durability.
  • Strength is higher than that of a natural analog.
  • Good wear resistance and small water absorption. Does not darken during operation.
  • Smooth surface for which it is easy to care for.


The disadvantage is considered sensitivity to acids and alkalis.

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What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_14

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_15

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_16


For the manufacture of cups, tempered glass is used, the thickness of which is not less than 15 mm. A variety of colors and shapes.


  • Resistance to any chemistry, temperature drops.
  • Reliability and durability.
  • Service life - 20 years.


  • Sensitivity to abrasives.
  • Complex care.
  • Footprints from dried droplets are clearly visible on the glass surface.
  • Transparent surface does not close the engineering communications supposed to it.

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What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_18

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_19

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_20

2 How to choose a saccine in the bathroom by the method of fastening

To choose little to know which sinks are in the bathroom. We must understand how they are fixed. By the installation of the plumbing is divided into several groups.

Suspended walls

The bowl is installed on the brackets firmly attached to the wall. Usually they come complete with equipment. Mount the suspension design is allowed only to the capital partition or wall. If it is impossible, you need to choose another model.


  • Simple and fast installation.
  • The space under the sink is free, it is easy to care for it. If you wish, you can place the storage system of suitable size.


Of the shortcomings it is necessary to note the need to mask engineering communications. They are hiding in the wall or build a decorative box. The base for consolidation should be durable. The space under the washbasin is difficult to organize.

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_21


Plumbing is set (superimposed) on a tabletop or a tumb. If the installation is performed correctly, wood cooker, from which the furniture is most often made, it remains dry and not destroyed.

Pluses of false chashes

  • The strength of the wall, next to which the design is standing may be any.
  • Tumba masks communications and counters.
  • The space under the device is effectively used.


It is necessary to mark a high price, because buying a kit with furniture. The legs of the cabinet interfere with cleaning. In the latter case, you can recommend a suspension cabinet for a bathroom with an overhead washbasin. Then the wall should be durable, since the washbasin is attached to it and gives a significant burden.

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_22


Mounted in a tabletop three ways: in the bottom with the base, under it or based on the framework.


  • Communication liners hide in furniture.
  • Space under plumbing is used to store the necessary trifles.
  • Can stand at the wall of any strength.


A minus of the built-in equipment is considered complex installation.

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_23

Plumbing with a pedestal

It is also called "tulip" for similarity with flower. The bowl lies on a narrow stand, where the eyeliner is hidden. Mashed to the wall, but the main load falls on the pedestal. Typical "tulips" have a round form, but are now available and square.


  • Simple installation.
  • The ability to install at the wall of any strength.
  • Low price.


  • Eranny use of space under equipment.
  • The presence of the stand complicates cleaning, as dirt accumulates behind it. You can choose a model with a semillocation. It does not reach the floor, so it is much easier to remove it.

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What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_25

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_26

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_27

Bowl over the washing machine

Convenient for small bathrooms. The washbasin is installed above the machine, completely closes it from above.


They can be attributed to the savings of free space, which allows you to put both plumbing and a washing machine.


Experts emphasize that there are many minuses. Therefore, it is necessary to choose it only in the most extreme cases when it does not work differently.

First of all, the location of the electrical appliance under plumbing equipment is potentially dangerous. Spilled water will cause closure. The usual bowl is not suitable. It must be a device of a small depth, with a drain near the rear wall or in the corner. Such a kind called the "water lily". Important installation is important. Errors inevitably provoke a breakdown of technology. In the recommendations, how to choose a sink above the washing machine, advise to look for sets of washing and bowls. Some brands are released. Models are characterized by maximum safety, since the equipment is selected very accurately. The probability of leaks and other faults is minimized.

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What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_29

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_30

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_31

  • How to install shell over the washing machine: detailed instructions for choosing and installing

3 Sizes and shape

Gastechnic dimensions must match the size of the bathroom. Compact and full-sized models are available. It is necessary to know that the standards characterizing a comfortable bowl are developed. Its width is 0.5-0.65 m, and the distance from the posterior wall to the front side of 0.5 m. If these values ​​are less, wash and not spray water throughout the bathroom will not work.

Those who are looking for which shells are better for a small bathroom, advise corner models. They occupy a minimum of space, but at the same time they fully cope with their task. True, the splashes and drills protect badly. Plumbing shape can be any. When choosing, do not forget about functionality. No matter how pleased the unusual design of the device, wipe the puddles after each use it quickly getsten.

What kind of sink is better to choose for the bathroom: we study 3 important parameters 4464_33

We found out which sinks in the bathroom. To choose correctly choose the device, you need to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of your bathroom. Based on this, choose the method of fastening the bowl, material, sizes and shape. After that, it is determined with color and trim. Proper equipment will serve for a long time and trouble-free.

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