5 reasons why in the hallway - always mess


Scattered shoes on the floor, lack of storage systems and even lack of aesthetics - these and other reasons contribute to the creation of disorder in the input zone. We tell how to fix them.

5 reasons why in the hallway - always mess 4496_1

5 reasons why in the hallway - always mess

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1 on the floor shoe shoes

No matter how carefully you did not make shoes on the floor, it will still leave the feeling of litters. In addition, it is not entirely hygienic. You have to find the opportunity to hide it somewhere. Timely sorting will help in this: very often in the hallway store shoes, which corresponds to the season, but not very comfortable or beautiful, therefore, once at once, the choice drops on the other pair. And the second stands and weeks, or even months, and waiting in the wings. Sometimes it even happens that the shoes from the previous season were still not removed into the closet.

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It is worth allocating for each family member one or two pairs, which will be stored in the hallway, and for the rest to equip place in the wardrobe.

2 Incorrectly selected a place for storing shoes

In a small hallway, it can be difficult to enter a good and comfortable roomy shovel, so they put a small and narrow model. If this is your case - it is better to give up such an idea. Boots or large boots will not fit into the small junk, and only 3-4 pairs of sneakers or shoes can be folded. The rest passes on the floor.

If you have a small entrance hall, combine together two functions: put a bench on which you can sit down, while putting the transparent plastic boxes with a lid, in which shoes hide. High-top boots store in the closet.

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3 Not highlighted place for important trifles

In order to bring order once and do not make much effort to maintain it, organize a place where you will keep the keys to the apartment and car, travel and other little things, without which you do not leave the house.

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The perfect zone for storing small things - immediately near the entrance door. If you have a chest of drawers there, put the basket on it and then you can, without thinking, throw keys in it. If there is no chest, hang on the wall shelf, hooks or a special key.

4 Not thought out space design

In an uncomfortable and ill-visible room, I do not want to linger and pay attention to her. If you do not like how the entrance hall is likely, it is likely that it will not want to disassemble the ripples in it and organize thoughtful and convenient storage. Therefore, start with aesthetics - highlight this section of the apartment, paint the walls in the color you like, decorate the space, for this there is enough pair of posters. During this process, learn photos of projects of the hallways that you like, and select a suitable storage system. Then the mess will become less than less.

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5 stored things that should not be in the hallway

Often, when entering the apartment you can find boxes with tiles left after repair, bike and skis, leaning towards the wall, which all stumble, and a lot of different items. Unload space moved part of things to other rooms. For example, for skies in the summer you can use an angle in the closet, and the bike is hung on the balcony with special hooks. From things that have not been used for more than a year, try to get rid of - they will no longer bring use, but their absence will help create a feeling of order.

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