How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions


We tell where to find an extra meter on the worktop, if the area of ​​the kitchen is only 5 squares (or even less).

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_1

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions

Leave the free space on the table top is simply necessary, and not only from aesthetic considerations. A shortage of area for manipulations with food leads to a clutter of the dining table and makes your culinary workshops extremely uncomfortable. Lay in dimensions at least 60 centimeters between the sink and the cooking panel. It is also necessary for safety so that the water does not fall into hot burners. There are 5 ways to find a free space in a very small kitchen.

1 Remove everything too much

At the maximum, remove all extra technique from the working surface. What you use no more than once a week, fold into the boxes and put on top boxes, and the technique that can be needed more often, leave in boxes without a box and in a more affordable place. In addition to the technology, from the working surface it is worth removing all banks and storage containers, decor, dishes and other household trivia. Make a list of strictly necessary things you need, and all the rest disappear into the cabinets or dispose.

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_3
How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_4

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_5

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_6

2 Use the plate surface

The owners of induction plates, this lifehak will not need - the working surface and so does not heat and can be put on it a cutting board to prepare. For all other ideas, actively used in the last century, will be very by the way. The cover you will close the cooking panel or gas stove can be made to order, and some models are already equipped with such. You have a full-fledged workspace on which you can conveniently stay.

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_7
How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_8

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_9

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_10

  • Lack of storage space in the kitchen? 6 ideas that will help accommodate 2 times more

3 Put smaller cooking panel

Compact kitchen - Compact technician. It is illogical to put a huge four-door slab if you do not have a room for cutting products. Limit two burners. The situation is rarely the situation when you use all the burners at once, mostly prepare a maximum of two or three dishes at the same time. With a compact cookbook, your kitchen will not lose in functionality, but will acquire an additional 20-30 centimeters of useful area. By the way, such a panel can be placed horizontally - as in the photo. Then you will get a small free space in front of the cookbook and behind it.

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_12
How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_13

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_14

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_15

4 Make a drawn tabletop

More precisely, it will not say a worktop, but the table. It can be used as a dining or expand with it using the work area. By design, it can be a retractable or discovered underground. Take into account the height - if you do not want to buy an extra bar chairs, make the table slightly below the table top. Then you can use conventional chairs.

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_16
How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_17

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_18

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_19

5 Enter the windowsill

When there is not enough space in the kitchen, use the windowsill surface. This is an extra meter of a useful area that can seriously help you in organizing space. For example, it contains techniques and storage items that stand in the working area, or turn the windowsill in the worktop and equip there directly work surface. Yes, this is not the most convenient place and you will have to run from the refrigerator to the stove, but you will not get used to the cutting board and cups on the patch in tens of centimeters. As a bonus is a wonderful view from the window.

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_20
How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_21

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_22

How to find a free space for cooking, if you have a small kitchen: 5 solutions 4520_23

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