9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!)


In addition to standard carpet cleaning, the vacuum cleaner can be used to clean the mattress and upholstered furniture, air conditioning filters or even the refrigerator panel.

9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!) 4539_1

9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!)

1 Blinds and Curtains

On window textiles and blinds, dust accumulates very quickly, especially in the warm season, when the windows are open to ventilation. Before you wash the fabric curtains, they can be cleaned of dust using a vacuum cleaner. To do this, exhibit minimum power. Tulle is unlikely to refresh this way, too light fabric will constantly suck the hose. But if you have a manual vacuum cleaner, you can try. For blinds (plastic, metal and wooden), this device is simply indispensable!

2 Window and Door Operactions

Try to open the window. If you did not make a cleaning recently, then you will probably see that many dirt and dust and dust accumulated in the opening. To remove all this with a cloth for a long time, but the vacuum cleaner will help speed up the process. Similarly, you can remove the accumulations of dust in the corners of doorways.

9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!) 4539_3

  • 9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!) 4539_4

3 mattresses

Quickly refresh the mattress will help Simple Lifehak: Pull some soda packs on the surface, leave for several hours and then collect her vacuum cleaner. From strong contaminants, it will not help get rid of. It is also necessary to consider that after the collection of soda, most likely, you will have to change the bag of the vacuum cleaner (if you have a bag).

  • What should not be cleaned by a universal cleaning agent: 9 examples

4 Upholstered furniture

Sofas, chairs, puffs - to collect all small dirt and dust can be with the help (yes, you already guessed the vacuum cleaner. Conduct preventive cleaning at least once a month or a couple of weeks.

For cleaning upholstered furniture there are special models of detergent vacuum cleaners, but their price on the market does not allow you to immediately get a useful device. If you do not want to buy such a fitting home, look for rental equipment in your city.

9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!) 4539_6

5 plinths

Plinths are included in the list of places that are brushing rarely. And this is understandable - cleaning dust with a rag with them is quite tedious and requires a lot of time. But the vacuum cleaner will help significantly speed up the process. To do this, you can use a manual device or remove the brush from the usual instrument, leave only the hose.

6 Ventilation lattices

Ventilation grilles in the kitchens in typical houses and in the bathrooms in modern new buildings collect a lot of dust and dirt. While cleaning them is the easiest to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and after you already remove and rinse under the water.

9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!) 4539_7

7 roots books

If you have an extensive library, then you probably know that books also collect a lot of dust. During general cleaning, you need to free all the shelves and it is desirable to wipe each tomik slightly damp cloth. If you are not ready for such a large-scale action, vacuuming the roots of books, but do not forget to set the minimum power of the device.

8 Refrigerator

On the rear panel of the refrigerator, an incredible amount of dust accumulates, which is almost never considered. Correct it during the next cleaning. In order not to mess with rags for dust, take the vacuum cleaner. But acting carefully, there may be important communications on the rear panel for the refrigerator. And be sure to turn off the device from the power (socket).

9 things that can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (exactly trying to try!) 4539_8

9 air conditioner filters

Before starting the next season, do not forget to clean the air conditioner, so that the summer in the apartment was not only a pleasant coolness, but also purity. Remove the filters and spend them, and then rinse under running water.

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