Linoleum, laminate or PVC tile - what is better? Comparison of materials and opinions of experts


We disassemble the pros and cons of each finishing material: laminated floor, vinyl and linoleum.

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Linoleum, laminate or PVC tile - what is better? Comparison of materials and opinions of experts

Choose floor covering is not easy: many options, manufacturers regularly offer new products, improve traditional materials. The buyer is difficult to independently understand the variety of proposals. In this article, we will facilitate decision making and wonder what is better: laminate, linoleum or PVC tile.

Choose the best flooring

Features of Laminate

All about PVC tiles

Pros and cons of linoleum

Short out: what to choose

Expert opinions

All about Laminate

The basis of laminated finish - plate from HDF. The reliability and durability of the product depends on its density and strength. The decorative layer of paper with a pattern is superimposed on top of the stove. He "answers" for appearance. Most often is the imitation of different wood species, but there may be a stone, tile, metal. A layer of melamine and acrylic resins is applied on pressure under pressure. This is a protective laminating film. Based on the basis of the stabilizing layer. It is a cardboard with a moisture protective film that protects it from temperature and humidity drops.

Each panel is equipped with a lock-spike lock system, which makes the assembly easier. The result is a "floating" floor. If necessary, it is easy to dismantle or replace the spoiled bar. Initially, the laminated coating was produced, which was laid on the basis. Now it is practically no.

The laminated board varies in thickness: from 6 to 12 mm. The lamel thicker, the more stronger. There is a finish classification: from 21 to 34 class. This indicator illustrates the wear resistance and durability of the protective layer. When choosing, focus on the intensity of the movement in the room where the laminate will be laid. The most sought-after version is 32 class.


  • High strength and wear resistance. It is only characteristic of a high-quality high-quality product. It corresponds to all declared characteristics, oppose abrasion and mechanical damage. Protective film on low-class cheap lamella quickly erases and lags behind the edges. Especially dangerous for her legs of heavy furniture.
  • Easy to care. The material simulates the floors from a natural tree, while it does not need special processing: cyclove, applying wax or oil. It is enough to spend it and wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • You can choose a solution for any design room design. The lamellas of different colors are used for zoning, creating a geometric ornament.

  • Engineering board or laminate: Compare a popular finish of 5 parameters

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The advantages of laminated finishes often include good thermal insulation. However, it is necessary to understand that by itself it does not have such qualities. Heat keeps the substrate that must be stacked. Depending on what it is made, the heat-insulating properties of the finished floor are manifested.

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Laminated finish has a number of shortcomings affecting its operation. List all them.


  • Sensitivity to moisture. The basis of the product is wood stove, which causes low moisture resistance. If water gets into the water, it absorbs the liquid, swells and deform. The most "dangerous" sites are the edges of the lamella, where the edge of the decorative film is located. It is at the joints that the water most often penetrates the inside of the details. Some manufacturers spend special edges processing, but they do it only for expensive models.
  • The presence of toxic substances as part of the base and protective film. Under certain conditions, especially when heated, they are released into the air. Therefore, models with the E1 or E0 emission class are chosen for the house. Their environmental friendliness is confirmed by the relevant certificates. They are laid on the warm floor. Low quality lamella with high formaldehyde emissions can be dangerous to health.
  • "Noise." Laminated planks well resonate sounds. Mute them can only lay the substrate. The best noise insulation is at traffic jam. But you should not make a layer of substrate thicker than recommended. The sound does not remove, but it can break the locks and deform the planks at the joints.
  • Installation is not complicated, but the preparation for it is quite laborious. The base should be smooth, dry and clean. Best to put the finish on the screed.

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Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl tiles

There are two types of PVC tiles. The base for vinyl is polyvinyl chloride. It is pressed into the plate on which decorative and protective layers are sequentially applied. Quartzinyl facing is manufactured similarly, only 80% of sand is additionally introduced into the framework. This significantly improves the strength of the decoration. Both types are produced in two varieties: for lock and adhesive mounting.


  • Moisture resistance. Polyvinyl chloride is not sensitive to moisture. It is recommended to put in "wet" rooms and rooms where significant pollution is possible. So, in the dispute, which is better in the kitchen: laminate, linoleum or PVC tile, will definitely defeat the last option. It is not afraid of even a large volume of spilled liquids, it is easily washed away from any contamination.
  • Strength. The surface is resistant to abrasion, mechanical effects. It can be damaged, but for this you need to make significant efforts. The greatest danger is heavy furniture with sharp legs.
  • A wide selection of colors, shapes, textures and sizes. This allows you to solve the most complex designer tasks. From quadrangular or hexagonal plates of different colors, if desired, geometric patterns are made. Vinyl qualitatively imitates stone masonry, wood, cloth and other coatings.
  • Easy installation and maintainability. Castle plates are stacked using a spike-groove type connections. Among glue varieties there are self-adhesive models that are easiest to mount. Stacking can be carried out in stages, that is, to separate the room with parts, moving furniture from place to place. It is very convenient. Quartzinyl can be laid on the old tile.
  • Sustainable geometry. Vinyl under no circumstances changes its sizes. It is not deformed under the action of temperature drops or humidity.

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Linoleum, laminate or PVC tile - what is better? Comparison of materials and opinions of experts 464_9

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Linoleum, laminate or PVC tile - what is better? Comparison of materials and opinions of experts 464_11


  • The presence of synthetic substances. Even Quartzinyl only partially consists of eco-friendly raw materials. However, certified products are fully safe and allowed for laying in residential rooms. Cheap products from an unknown manufacturer can be toxic.
  • Preparation of the basis for laying. It must be perfectly aligned and cleaned.
  • Sometimes a disadvantage is considered a high price of outdoor coverage. However, with competent laying and proper operation, it will last without changes in its properties at least 25-30 years. During this time, it will justify the invested funds.

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Strong and weaknesses of linoleum

The base of the rolled material is polyvinyl chloride. The reinforcing fiberglass, decorative and protective layers are superimposed. Some models have another layer of foamed PVC or from the pillister. A coating is produced in the form of strips of various widths. Stop it is easy and fast, especially if there are no joints.


  • Resistance to abrasion and wear. It is above all in the models of semi-industrial and commercial class. The wear resistance of household varieties is slightly lower, the service life, respectively, too.
  • Moisture resistance. Rolled canvas is insensitive to moisture drops, but the injection of a large amount of fluid can provoke the deformation of the surface. Especially poorly carry contact with the liquid pile varieties. Their exhaust is capable of absorbing moisture, which leads to a damage of the material.
  • Large selection of outdoor decoration. However, it is almost impossible to combine them among themselves. It produces sufficiently high-quality imitation of wood, stone, various geometric patterns.
  • Easy to care. For cleaning, a vacuum cleaner and a rag moistened in a neutral soap solution. Aggressive chemistry spoils coating.
  • Low price. If you compare what is more expensive to sash in the apartment: linoleum, laminate or vinyl tile, the first option will benefit in price. Even expensive models will cost cheaper analogues.

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From the shortcomings of the outdoor finish, the following should be noted.


  • The material is soft, not very durable. Therefore, the stacking requires the preparation of the base. It must be aligned, without defects and dirt particles. Otherwise, all irregularities over time will be visible on the surface. Heavy furniture leaves dents on the soft floor.
  • If the roll width is not enough, welds are performed. For their manufacture requires a special device. The junctions between the rooms instead of welding are closed with threshings.
  • With up to 15%, it goes down on trimming. This is quite a big overrun.

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  • How to rolling linoleum on the wooden floor: instruction and tips for beginner

Choose the best material

An unequivocal solution is that it is better to lay in the apartment: linoleum, laminate or PVC tile, can not. The decision is made on the basis of the analysis of the conditions in which the coverage and financial capabilities of the owner will be operated. The leader in operational characteristics and durability is the quartzvinyl and vinyl floor. Both varieties serve for a long time, durable, absolutely moisture resistant, pleasant to the touch and beautiful.

If you need a budget solution, two options: roll or laminated coating. Their model range is very wide, you can always choose about the same options according to the characteristics. Nevertheless, the price of laminate, with other things being equal, is higher. Plus, it will take a substrate for it. But he will serve longer than Linoleum, so it's difficult to judge the benefit.

Large scope for design solutions gives PVC tile. It is released in different sizes, forms and shades. It combines well with other decorative surfaces. If desired, you can create interesting combinations. Laminate can also be combined, but he has less opportunities. Laying the rolled cloth does not imply the use of any decorative techniques. Maximum that can be done is zoning with different colors. In addition, the linoleum often looks visually cheap.

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Vinyl tile is suitable for any room. She has no restrictions on use. The remaining materials are not universal. For wet premises, kitchens and rooms with increased permeability, it is better to choose a commercial or semi-commercial linoleum. The laminated floor in such conditions will not last long. It is placed in living rooms, bedrooms, children's.

What experts say

And finally, the opinion of experts that it is better: laminate, linoleum or quartzinyl.

Designer Tatyana Maslennikov

Designer Tatyana Maslennikova:

When choosing finishing materials for repair, I always pay attention to the composition: its naturalness and environmental friendliness. If we compare with each other such materials like laminate, linoleum and a quartzinyl, then my choice will be in favor of Quartzinyl. All three material contain PVC, but in the composition of the Quartzinyl, this component is minimized by adding quartz. In my opinion, this is the most universal coverage for today! It is durable and hard, it takes a much less thorough preparation of the foundation. The drawing type printed from above can imitate anything: any wood species, stone, concrete. Absolutely waterproof, not combustible material. Excellent analog tile, but softer and warmer. It is easy for it to care, it is convenient to clean. Does not fade (like linoleum) and will not creak and knock like a laminate.

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Experts of the School of Repair "Lerua Merlen":

Choose the best material of three can not. It is important to evaluate each of them according to a single list of criteria, since the same characteristic may be an advantage and a disadvantage for different conditions. In assessing the quality of the material, it is worth considering the wear resistance and strength of the surface, sound absorption, water resistance, maintainability, service life. Assessing the features of the installation, you need to pay attention to the type and condition of the base, to which the coating will be laid, the cost of laying, the complexity of installation with your own hands. Evaluation on all these criteria will allow you to determine the leader within a specific project.

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