What can be glued with glue liquid nails: 8 materials


We tell about the types of glue and give advice on its use with different materials: wood, metal, plastic and others.

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What can be glued with glue liquid nails: 8 materials

During repair or construction, you have to glue different surfaces. Very often they account for a large load, so standard adhesives are ineffective. In this case, the best solution will be composite mixtures. We analyze that liquid nails can be glued with glue.

Materials that can be glued on liquid nails

Glue varieties

What can be glued

- Plastics

- Ceramics

- Wood

- Wood plates

- Glass

- Metal

- concrete, stone and brick

Types and purpose of glue Liquid nails

This name received a group of mounting adhesives for the special strength of the connection. It is quite comparable to the one that metallic nails give. The base of the means is synthetic rubber or acrylic resins with which various polymers are mixed. Similar components are in other adhesive solutions, but the main difference between liquid nails from glue - in the presence of a special plastic grade of clay. This greatly improves the adhesion of the mixture.

The material is especially good when gluing uneven surfaces. It fills small gaps and cavities, while providing a solid connection. When working with liquid nails, the surface being processed remains the whole. It does not appear chips and holes, which is inevitable when clogging nails or metal brackets. The global technology is very simple and does not cause difficulties even at a novice master. The mixture is applied with a pistol or manually.

To choose a paste for your needs, you need to figure out their varieties. By the type of solvent, all adhesives are divided into two groups.

Water soluble

These are aqueous emulsions of acrylic copolymers or polyurethane. Fully environmentally friendly, do not contain toxic substances. The smell in the process of application and after drying is absent. Well superimposed on porous surfaces and securely glue them. Almost any materials can be glued, even plastic. However, according to strength, other varieties are inferior. Worst of all, they withstand dynamic loads: jerks, shaking, blows. Used to fix light structures.

There are other flaws. The water base freezes under negative temperatures, the paste completely loses its properties. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for external work. Moisture dissolves standard water glues. This does not happen immediately, but after some time. For this reason, they cannot be applied in rooms with high humidity. In this case, they choose special waterproof mixes.

Organic soluble

The second name is neoprene, since it is so called their base (a type of synthetic rubber). Suitable for gluing heavy structures, including metal. Quickly set up and hardened, create particularly strong connections. Frost resistant, do not destroy at negative temperatures. Therefore, widely used for outdoor work. Insensitive to temperature drops and to moisture. It does not dissolve neoprene seams.

For this reason, they are equally well working in the premises of any humidity and on the street. Of the shortcomings of neoprene, it is necessary to note a rather pronounced unpleasant odor. It is present in the process of work and keeps about two days after drying. The compositions have weak toxicity, it must be considered and not to apply in rooms where allergies, children, elderly live. Neoprene varieties are not used on synthetic surfaces, they dissolve plastic.

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  • What can be glued with glue liquid nails: 8 materials 466_4

What can be glued

Liquid nails can be glued with a variety of materials. True, for each of them it is necessary to choose the appropriate composition.

1. Plastics

Many types of plastic are produced, any of them can be glued with a versatile agent. However, it is best to choose a specialized composition. So, for dense plastics, such as decorative panels or other plastic parts, it is better to choose compositions on neoprene. They withstand significant loads, do not destroy from moisture and temperature drops. And this is necessary if the panels are separated by a bathroom or bathroom.

Important moment: The solvent in the composition of the adhesive can destroy the plastic base, so it is desirable to try it on an invisible area. For porous plastic, made of decorative elements, plinths, best use water-soluble means. They are well idle on a porous base, quickly set up and tightly hold the glued surfaces. Organic masses are destroyed by porous coatings of the type polypropylene, polystyrene.

Given the variety of plastics, it is necessary to specify the possibility of using the selected tool for a particular material. The manufacturer indicates this on the package. When choosing adhesive paste, it is necessary to consider the conditions in which it will be operated. For wet rooms, only moisture-resistant materials are selected, otherwise the glue layer collapses under the influence of moisture.

2. Ceramics

Ceramic surfaces are well glued with liquid nails. It can be a universal composition, but it is better to choose the one where there is a mark "for ceramics". They are used for additional consolidation and small repair of plumbing, combing fragments.

Separately, it is worth noting adhesives for mounting ceramic tiles. They are becoming increasingly popular consumers. Traditional cement mixtures are complex in montage, they dust and dry long. Liquid nails greatly facilitate the installation of the tile. They quickly set up and hardened, reliably fix the lining on the spot. Neoprene mixtures are chosen for work. They are moisture resistant, withstand heavy loads. If necessary, they can be glued to the tile or other decor on the street. Pasta frost resistant, retains properties at low temperatures. After the adhesive solution is rejected, the intercutric seams are watched in the usual way.

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What can be glued with glue liquid nails: 8 materials 466_6

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  • Epoxy glue: properties, varieties, features of use

3. Tree

Organic and water-soluble pastes are suitable for the combination of wooden elements. In the first case, fixation will be more durable and reliable, seam is elastic and moisture-resistant. Neoprene mixtures are suitable for outdoor work, since insensitive to temperature drops. It is possible to choose their color if the seam is noticeable. For wood, the pastes of beige shades are well suited.

In some cases, water masts are chosen for wood. They are better laying on a rough surface, easily absorbed by a hygroscopic tree. As a result, a sufficiently strong connection is obtained. It may not withstand strong jerks and shocks, but in other cases it is quite reliable. The argument for the use of acrylic paste can serve its environmental friendliness. There are no toxic substances in the composition, there is no unpleasant smell when sticking and operating.

5. Woody plates

TsSP, DSP, OSP, MDF are attributed to wood plates. All of them are made from waste reserving waste, but pass different processing. Therefore, for their gluing, similar adhesive solutions are selected. It is suitable for the same as used for wood. For external work and superproof compounds, neoprene mastic choose, acrylic is suitable for interior decoration. If the glued elements are located in a room with high humidity, the moisture-resistant product is selected.

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6. Glass

The glass surface is very smooth, so there is a strong clutch. It gives masts based on neoprene. They withstand serious loads, insensitive to temperature and humidity drops. However, glue them, for example, the dishes are not worth it. As part of the paste toxic substances, contact with food is unacceptable.

Use rubber mixtures is easy. Before gluing on liquid nails glass, a smooth base must be degreed. This is a mandatory stage of work that will ensure good adhesion. Fatty film will not give glue sticking to smooth material.

Similarly glued mirrors, as this is a kind of glass products. There is a small nuance of working with them: if there is a frame, it is fixed precisely, and if there is no one, glued the mirror directly. Located on its reverse side, silver amalgam can be corrupted by a solvent. Therefore, only special mastics marked "for mirrors" are chosen. With their help successfully glue mirrored plates of different sizes and tiles. Such glue is quickly grasped, well keeps the product on the wall and on the ceiling, does not give it to slide. The connection is solid and durable.

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  • How to use the second glue?

7. Metal

Adhesive mastic are allowed for use on all types of metals. They glue steel, aluminum, various alloys. To do this, only mixtures based on synthetic rubber are used, but the additives in them can be different. So it is important that the drug does not provoke corrosion of the metal base, retained its properties in the selected operating conditions. If you need to glue different materials, for example, a metal with plastic or ceramics, a composition allowed to use for both bases is selected.

8. Concrete, Stone, Brick

All this porous mineral bases. Similar masts made on the basis of neoprene are used for them. They are unsafe for some types of plastic, this moment must be specified when gluing different materials. Often, working with concrete, stone and brick are conducted outside, so you need to choose preparations with good frost and moisture resistance. In some cases, adhesive masts become an alternative to the mounting foam, effectively connecting the items.

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What can be glued with glue liquid nails: 8 materials 466_14

What can be glued with glue liquid nails: 8 materials 466_15

What can be glued with glue liquid nails: 8 materials 466_16

We found out what liquid nails are and that they can be glued. The area of ​​their use is very wide. We must know that you can use universal drugs that glued almost everything. But the quality of gluing may be low. Therefore, it is better to choose specialized pasta intended for certain materials. Only they will provide durable and durable fixation of the glued elements.

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