How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices


We tell me how the ultrasonic, electromagnetic and combined repellent, and help choose a suitable device by parameters: the range of action, the volume of the signal and the other.

How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices 4663_1

How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices

Rodents in the house deliver a lot of trouble. They spoil the products and furniture, noise, leave the traces of their livelihood everywhere. And than them more, the presence is more noticeable. The most dangerous - they are carriers of hard diseases, and excrement and wool - the strongest allergens. It is necessary to get rid of animals without delay. Only not everyone can catch them and destroy. Remove the crust and mice. What better to buy, we'll figure it together.

All about choosing a repeat for mice

Types of devices
  • Ultrasound
  • Electromagnetic
  • Combined

Criterias of choice

Mini-Rating Appliances

Types of discharge devices

The principle of operation in all devices one. They create unacceptable conditions for rodents. At the same time, they do not have mechanical impact on them. Animals do not die, they leave from the unwriting home. According to the method of exposure, three types of such devices differ.


After switching on, the equipment emits ultrasonic waves. Frequencies are selected so as to deliver the maximum discomfort animals. Since they use ultrasound to communicate. The wave-emitted waves disorient them, deprive the opportunities to receive information from relatives. The first few hours after the start of work, panic flared up among mice. They are randomly moving, trying to find a safe place.

Ultrasonic Tornado repeller

At this stage, users decide that the equipment worked in the opposite direction, that is, linked the surrounding rodents. But it is not. Making sure that there is no safe place, rats and mice leave their holes. People do not perceive ultrasound, so they do not affect them. Depending on the settings, it can affect domestic animals. They become restless, refuse food. After switching off, all the symptoms pass.

Pluses ultrasound

  • The possibility of continuous operation.
  • Lack of toxic substances, which eliminates the danger of poisoning.
  • Ecology, safety for living organisms.


From the shortcomings, it is noted that ultrasound does not pass through the walls. Therefore, the radius of the device is limited to the room. But here it can be absorbed by large loyal objects. If there are upholstered furniture, packaging boxes, a large amount of textiles, etc., the efficiency of the device is reduced.

How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices 4663_4


Generate pulses that apply to electrical pipelines within the work of one meter. The radiation adversely affects the nervous system of rodents and on some insects. They can not long be near the source of pulses, so they leave their dwellings. Walls and partitions do not delay electromagnetic radiation. It passes inside of them, comes to all emptiness and drives away from the uninvited residents.

Electromagnetic repeller mangown

As well as ultrasound, the weak electromagnetic field does not have a harmful effect on man. Sometimes pets react to it, after turning off the equipment, they calm down.

Advantages of the device

  • Lack of toxic substances, complete safety for humans.
  • Large exposure area.
  • Misses rodents and some types of insects.
  • The possibility of continuous operation.
  • Does not create interference for electrical appliances.


Minus equipment - binding to wiring. Well, if it passes around the perimeter of an apartment or at home. If it is impossible, part of the premises remains unprotected.

How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices 4663_6


Equipment uses two principles of operation: radiates ultrasound and electromagnetic waves. It combines the advantages of both options and mutually protects their shortcomings. Therefore, it most often pay attention to the search, what is the most effective repeller from mice. The device is universally, can be used for different areas of premises. It is possible to work continuously. Safe for a person, but sometimes has adverse effects on pets. The main disadvantage is considered a high price.

Sound repeller Ecosnaper

Criteria for the right choice

In order not to make a mistake, which is better to choose a mice repeller, it is necessary to take into account a few moments. We list the main criteria for which you need to navigate.

1. Radius of action

Denote as the area on which the device is spread. The least of all this indicator has electromagnetic models, the largest area covers ultrasound. But it is necessary to understand that the value indicated in the technical documentation is measured in an empty room. Given that ultrasound waves are absorbed by the objects and partitions, in reality, the indicator will be less. Good selection - Combined devices. They scare the pests within a radius to 1000-1200 square meters. m.

2. Volume and signal frequency

Devices operate with different frequencies and noise levels. The most effective for scaring the rodent sound level of 110-135 dB. However, a person such a signal also feels uncomfortable. Therefore, it is used only in empty rooms. It is believed that animals are accustomed to one frequency and become less susceptible. For this reason, devices, periodically changing radiation frequency, are considered the best.

Ultrasonic repeller clean home

3. Power source

There are several options: a network, battery or battery, solar battery, combined instrument. The battery is not suitable for the power supply of high power. In this case, it is simply not enough for a long time. But models on batteries can be installed in rooms where there is no wiring. Nevertheless, if you need effective protection against rodents, you choose more powerful networks operating from the network.

Combined power supplies are very comfortable. Most often they work from batteries and from the network, but a combination and solar panel is possible. This makes it possible to install equipment in various conditions. So, to protect the house, it is included in the network. To work in non-electrified buildings, it is possible to connect the battery.

How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices 4663_9

It is believed that the best mice discreteners are complex models. They generate radiation, regularly change its frequency and intensity. In addition, periodically give a bright light flash or a loud beep. Such protection gives the maximum effect. At home, a loud sound is unacceptable, but scaring with light flashes is possible if they are invisible to people.

Ultrasonic Repeller Grad.

Recommendations for choosing

  • The model is chosen for a certain room. The presence and location of furniture, large items, other features are taken into account.
  • Some devices react to temperature differences. They are not installed in unheated buildings or on the street.
  • The technical characteristics of the repeller are indicated for an empty room. The presence of partitions, furniture, the like to reduce the radius of its action.

At the time of operation of the device, all products should be removed from the limits of the reach of mice. If they know that there is a number of food reserves, radiation will not make them leave. The same applies to poisoned baits. They possess a pronounced smell, very attractive for animals. It is important to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations. For example, some models need to be disconnected through three or four weeks of work.

How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices 4663_11

Another important point. Attempts to save may eventually pose into additional spending. Purchase on the natural market is definitely cheaper. But the lack of technical documents, warranty coupon, instructions, which often happens in this case, indicates that the fake is bought. It is hardly worth waiting for the effect of its installation. Making sure this, you will have to spend again and buy a certified instrument.

Ultrasonic repeller purple

Mini-rating of the best jacreers of mice and rats

In stores offer a large selection of scaping devices. To navigate, we offer a mini-rating of demanded brands.

  • Tornado. Working with ultrasound, the frequency of the wave is automatically adjusted. Operating temperature range from +80 to -40. Different with economical energy consumption. In the line there are instruments-repelsers for the car, for home and for large territories. Maximum coverage up to 1000-1200 m.
  • Typhoon. Ultrasound models with automatic wave frequency change. The time interval can be set independently. Two modes of operation: silent and sound. Change as needed. Energy-saving models are connected to the network. There are options with an additional mount on the wall.
  • Clean. High power ultrasound generators. Used in homes and industrial facilities. Sound pressure is at least 100 dB, three frequency levels. Spread the sound wave in a circle. Economical, silent, low price. There are models with built-in light generators.
  • Ecosneper. There is ultrasonic and combined equipment in the ruler. The design of the housing allows you to use it as a night light, an air ionizer is additionally embedded. Connects to the network, equipped with an indicator of work. Economically spending electricity. Automatically switches the radiation frequency. Releases modifications for residential premises, industrial facilities, vehicles.

How to choose the best mice reversal: Criteria and rating devices 4663_13

The best crunch of rats and mice will be the model selected with the conditions where it will be operated. It is important to explore the manufacturer's instructions and to clearly follow all its requirements. If everything is done correctly, the only side effect that can manifest itself is anxiety of pets. Especially susceptible guinea pigs and hamsters, but the reaction of cats and even dogs are possible. It is best to remove the animals from home or at least as much as possible from the radiation source.

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