We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips


We understand how to optimally use the area of ​​the kitchen in 10 square meters with a balcony and at the same time not to disturb the law. In our article - the ideas of planning and designing space.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_1

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips

In the design of the kitchen 10 square meters. M with a balcony is more opportunities for the realization of different ideas. At a minimum, there is an additional area that can be used to organize a storage system. But there are more interesting options. Consider them.

How to arrange a kitchen of 10 square meters. m with balcony

Planning planning: what is prohibited, and what is allowed?

Registration of the main space of the kitchen

Ideas for balcony equipment

Design projects

Planning planning: what is prohibited, and what is allowed?

If the kitchen has access to the loggia, sooner or later you will probably think about it, and whether these two rooms do not combine. The advantages of such a decision are obvious. These include expansion of space, the originality of the interior (especially if the terrarian of an unusual form, for example, triangular), as well as improved lighting - light, really becomes much more.

However, what looks good in the photo is not always legitimate. And more so is unsafe. The reason is the supporting structures, and this is most often the facade walls in panel, block and brick houses. Agree their full dismantling will not work. Therefore, in the reality, "union" will be very conditional. Maximum that can be done is to get permission to disassemble the windowsill, but to cut the opening from above at the ceiling or expand it on the sides - it is impossible. Yes, and empty leave the opening no one will allow - you will need to install the French doors.

It is easier to coordinate the planning in a monolithic house. The facade wall in such projects is usually not carrier. However, it is also impossible to completely dismantle it. In her place will have to install the French partition.

Be also ready for the fact that the redevelopment coordination process itself costs a lot, requires a lot of time and effort.

  • Attaching the loggia to a residential room or kitchen: everything is possible and can not

Registration of the main space of the kitchen

Based on the impossibility of combining spaces in the design of the kitchen of 10 square meters. Meters with a balcony, we suggest considering their design separately. Let's start with the features of the layout of the main room.

Ten square meters are considered to be a middle area in which several zones can be distinguished. Working in the form of a headset and refrigerator, a dining room and even a small recreation group. At the same time, most of the standard rooms look approximately the same - an elongated rectangle, "trailer". Designers offer to use the form as follows.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_4
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_5
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_6
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_7
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_8

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_9

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_10

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_11

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_12

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_13

In one half of the room (as a rule, closer to sewage) is a working area with a washing. The form of the headset depends on the needs. It can be a linear version, and a corner, and even in the form of the letter P. Linear sets can be placed both along a narrow wall and wide. The first will suit those who prepare infrequently and a little, here is not such a wide working surface.

M-shaped usually placed along two adjacent walls. By analogy, there are cabinets and in the form of the letter P. The only thing is that the bar stand or the continuation of the headset in the form of an additional countertop zones the kitchen space.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_14
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_15

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_16

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_17

The second zone is a dining room. It may include a living room if, for example, put a small sofa. However, the conditional living room can be equipped just near the balcony door, hanging opposite the TV sofa.

Most of the design projects of the Central Square is built on these principles. In this case, the balcony space remains, which can be fed by additional functionality.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_18
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_19
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_20
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_21
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_22
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_23
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_24
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_25

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_26

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_27

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_28

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_29

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_30

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_31

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_32

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_33

  • How to enroll the functionality and style in the design of a kitchen with an area of ​​10 square meters. M: Tips and 74 examples

Ideas for balcony equipment

The popular option is to arrange storage sites. The width of the room usually allows you to place a wardrobe here. It may be storing the pickles and other billets. Another option is a refrigerator for wine and alcohol.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_35
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_36
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_37
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_38
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_39

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_40

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_41

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_42

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_43

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_44

On a warmed balcony or loggia, you can make a cozy zone for relaxation with a large chair and a coffee table. Try to decorate it with alive plants - the abundance of natural light will help create a real garden here. And even no matter what side the windows come out.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_45
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_46

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_47

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_48

Installation of the turnstile is an idea for athletes. Usually in the apartment there is not enough space for this simulator. It has to be addped in doorway. A more aesthetic and convenient option - on the loggia. Another way to use space is to equip a bar rack on the windowsill. Who does not dream of a cup of coffee with panoramic windows? This option wave is possible on the balcony.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_49
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_50

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_51

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_52

The advantage of such solutions is the simplicity of implementation. They can easily combine each other. On the one side of the loggia, establish a turnstile (or something else), on the other hand, to issue a rest area.

  • Winter garden, office or resting place: 8 cozy and functional balconies that designers issued

Kitchen interior designs 10 square meters. m with balcony

In this selection of photos of three projects from designers with sympathetic layout and useful solutions for the loggia.

English Design and Laconium

The first thing you pay attention to this project is the lack of a full-fledged dining table. The fact is that he was transferred to another room. The kitchen also remains a working area and a small corner for relaxing with a solester and a chair.

Another feature of the space is an English style that is rare. Supports the mood washing at the window - it was specially transferred at the request of the hostess.

On the loggia, and she, by the way, is not insulated, but glazed, equipped with a seating area with appropriate furniture - it duplicates the stylistics of the kitchen and resembles a garden or an open European cafe. From sunlight protect roll-curtains.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_54
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_55
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_56

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_57

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_58

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_59

Interior with Notchs Neoclassic

The atypical version of the room of the midline - with notes of neoclassics. There is no living area zone, so except the headset designer equipped a wooden table with elegant chairs.

Loggia stylistically does not support the main space. It is united with him only color. This is logical: on a small area, any pompous style of type neoclassic or Provence will look "too". But modern design is the most.

What was equipped with this balcony? Ironing - the solution is non-standard, but convenient. The question of the storage of ironing boards and household accessories is worried not only by the owners of tiny small fleets.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_60
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_61
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_62
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_63

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_64

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_65

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_66

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_67

Project with P-shaped headcase and sliding doors

This interior perfectly illustrates the idea with a P-shaped headcard. True, an additional countertop functionality is limited to the adjacent dining area on the other side.

Also pay attention to the solution with sliding doors - the case when designers managed to equip the passage and replace the standard door to the French opening (the doors are open in the photo).

The loggia was decided to equip a bar with several chairs - a good idea for meetings with friends and just a pleasant breakfast with family.

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_68
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_69
We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_70

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_71

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_72

We draw up a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters. m with balcony: 3 examples from pro and useful tips 470_73

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