Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style


We tell how to choose the curtains to the kitchen with a window of any type: from the standard to the erker.

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_1

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style

When the repair is almost completed, decoration seems already such a trifle. Nevertheless, the details, including curtains, create the right mood, emphasize the advantages and help hide the lack of planning. In many respects, it is from them the amount of natural light in the room, not to mention the design. We tell how to make a window in the kitchen beautifully and functionally.

Registration of different types of windows in the kitchen

Classic Opel

Small room options

With balcony door

Bay window

Classic Opel

If the kitchen in the apartment is not combined with a living room or dining room, then most likely, in the room one window. In this case, its size does not matter: it can be typical pasons, and enlarged French. However, the number of outlook also does not play a special role. The design of two windows in the kitchen is subject to the same rules as alone. In addition the interior looked finished, we need to take into account the models of the curtains, material and stylistic features. Take about it and talk.

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_3
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_4
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_5
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_6
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_7
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_8
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_9
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_10
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_11
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_12
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_13

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_14

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_15

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_16

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_17

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_18

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_19

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_20

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_21

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_22

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_23

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_24

Modern models of curtains that are suitable for any interior

Typical discovery allows you to experiment with textiles. Relevant today and in the next few years there will be the following options:

  • Roman and rolled. For those who appreciate minimalism and practicality. These curtains will not drag on the floor, they will not break the little children and the dog does not bounce. Another weighty plus is universality. They will be appropriate and in the window design in the kitchen in a modern style, and in Scandinavian, and even in the classics. You only need to pick up fabric.
  • Curtains type Gardin from dense material or translucent - classic. But they must be monophonic or with a minimalist type of strips, cells or nerds. It is also desirable to choose products from natural fabrics: flax, cotton, for the interiors in high-style you can consider velor and velvet.

The modern interior is striving for simplicity, so the combination of dense curtains and tulle should be used with caution. The easier, the better. And, if you are not sure, it is better to hang something one thing. The same applies to rolled, although the latter, due to their simplicity, look good together with the curtains.

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_25
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_26
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_27
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_28
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_29
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_30
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_31
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_32

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_33

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_34

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_35

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_36

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_37

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_38

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_39

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_40

  • How to arrange a kitchen with two windows: design options depending on the planning

What models need to be used with caution

The following curtain options are not suitable in any interior, so you should choose them very carefully.

  • Jalousie. Very rare kitchen interior with them will not resemble the office. Moreover, this applies both vertical and horizontal models. It is better to replace them with rolled or roman.
  • Lambrequins. If the style is classic or provence, use boldly. In the rest, it is better not necessary. Moreover, if these are the options for sets from the curtains in the flower and a monophonic bright lambrequin.
  • Pick up It is characterized by very narrow use: only in the classic, when the room is combined with the dining room.
  • Austrian. In the classics and country - yes, in the rest of the volanesses are not appropriate.
  • Cafe covering half of the glass are relevant if they are located above the sink or sofa.

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_42
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_43
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_44
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_45
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_46
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_47
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_48
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_49

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_50

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_51

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_52

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_53

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_54

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_55

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_56

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_57

  • Curtains in the kitchen in a modern style (31 photos)

Small room options

The window design on a small kitchen, for example in Khrushchev, is considered separately because there are nuances connected with both layouts and with the functionality of the room.

  • If the room is tiny, one of the successful solutions is made from the windowsill countertop. So that textiles do not interfere, select the Roman or rolled curtain.
  • If there is a space at the windowsill, pay attention to the curtains of light flax or cotton. It is possible to replace them with translucent materials.
  • Option General without textiles in a small room is also appreciated. Especially in the event that it does not come out on the south. And the comfort can be created with the help of decor and plants.

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_59
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_60
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_61
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_62
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_63
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_64
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_65
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_66
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_67
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_68
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_69
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_70
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_71

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_72

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_73

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_74

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_75

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_76

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_77

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_78

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_79

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_80

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_81

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_82

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_83

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_84

Registration of windows with a balcony in the kitchen

In fact, pick up the curtains on the balcony door is not as difficult as it seems. There are several moments to consider.

Textile selection rules

  • If the balcony is glazed, you can not pay attention to the density of the material. Suitable as light fabrics and dense.
  • If the balcony is not glazed, then the door is actually street. And even with a good glazing, it is better to "warm up". Help dense curtains.
  • It is important to consider the opening mechanism of the curtains, it should not interfere with the movement. This concerns the options with the cornice.
  • Pay attention to the length of the product. Short curtains to the windowsill are better not to use if there is a door nearby. Long curtains are visually able to stretch the room, and they look elegant.

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_85
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_86
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_87
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_88
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_89

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_90

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_91

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_92

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_93

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_94

In order for the design of the window with a balcony door in the kitchen was modern, consider the following models.

What accessories are better to use

  • Classic curtains will be appropriate both by itself and in combination with Tulle. If the balcony is not glazed, several layers of the fabric will help insulate the door.
  • Roman and rolled products can be used. That is, one part is in the opening, and the other is on the door. But there will be good beautiful loose fabrics that do not attract attention. Yes, and the interior is better to execute in this case in a minimalist or modern style that conciseness be relevant.
  • In the photo, it is often possible to celebrate suspended structures above the door, when the curtain is going to the fold, forms volans - it's all outdated.
  • Pickages, if the interior is classic, will not look harmonious next to the plastic door.

Bay window

The design of the ercket window in the kitchen mainly affects the selected style, the form of the opening and functionality.


If the Erker space is involved under the table group, there are no restrictions. But often the version with the sofa is also found, and even with the working area. In this case, it is better to choose shortened curtains that will not interfere.


Rolled and Roman curtains are universal. The classic style will fit both monophonic models and with a geometric print. It is better to avoid the motley drawings, since the Erker assumes three identical products, so the loops will attract too much attention.

Traditional curtains can be used in different ways:

  1. Hang three identical light tulles, then they will be in common.
  2. Use tulle and a heavier porter, which are framed by the entire Erker.
  3. Use two lung tulle or two curtains for the framing of the entire erker.

The form

Erker - element of classic style. However, it is increasingly found in modern, especially in the projects of Western designers.

It can be a semicircular or trapezoidal. The most successful, from the point of view of design, the decoration for the semicircle will be classic porter. It is convenient: the cornice in this case is a single design without separation to the sections.

The trapezoid ears can be decorated with three classic curtains that will not be connected by one cornice.

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_95
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_96
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_97
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_98
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_99
Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_100

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_101

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_102

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_103

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_104

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_105

Beautiful window decor in the kitchen: Consider the type of loop and interior style 4732_106

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