Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life


Easily laundering tiles, a tabletop, which can be cut, and a sofa with a removable case - we remind you about simplifying the life of solutions that are often forgotten.

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_1

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life

1 table top on which you can cut

If every time you laziness to use a cutting board, and you can start cutting bread for sandwiches right on the table top, choose a material that is not an ordinary knife for scratching.

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_3
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_4

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_5

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_6

  • Wood-fibrous plates MDF. You can also put a hot saucepan with a stand, as the surface is heat-resistant.
  • Artificial stone agglomerate. It was he, and not acryl, since with its production use more stone crumbs.
  • Natural stone, for example, quartz or granite.

  • 7 tasks in cleaning that you are easy to perform, even if very lazy

2 sets that do not need to wipe every day

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_8
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_9

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_10

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_11

Glossy and matte kitchen heads have many advantages and minuses. Glossy, according to many, visually expands the space due to the effect of the mirror surface, but it shows all fingerprints and splashes. On the matte surface with a pronounced texture under a tree, all these contaminants are not so noticeable, but it is difficult to clean it. The perfect option from the point of view of cleaning is a flat and smooth matte surface.

As for what color is a noticeable dirt, there are also many disputes. In order not to worry and give yourself the opportunity to wipe the doors of cabinets in the kitchen once in one or two weeks, give up the black and white headset. Try to select an option done under the tree, or some not too dark shade of green, gray or blue.

  • 7 lazy ways to combat dust houses

3 tiles that is easy to wash

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_13
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_14

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_15

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_16

For apron near the stove in the kitchen and for walls in the bathroom, there is one rule, about which they often forget in pursuit of beautiful solutions: the tile should not have a pronounced texture. Miary a spray of oil, wipe the dust and rub the divorces from hard water is noticeably easier with a smooth surface.

The same goes for the floor - if you do not have a robot vacuum cleaner, and you are a supporter of frequent wet cleaning, give preference to a smooth tile with small seams or laminate.

4 sofa, which is not terrible dirt

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_17
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_18

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_19

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_20

If in the kitchen or in the living room combined with the dining room, there is a sofa, which is often eating, it is necessary to clean it from stains and crumbs. Therefore, try to choose a model on which you can quickly wear and remove the case, easily disrupting in the typewriter. If you are afraid that you spend something, look for models that repel fluid, as a rule, they are made of eco-leave.

Also worth trying at all to abandon the classic sofa and put a bench or podium by making them more comfortable with pillows and mattresses.

5 bed linen that is easy to change

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_21
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_22

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_23

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_24

So that the change of bed linen does not turn into a heavy service, pick up kits that are easy to change and do not need to be transferred every morning.

  • Sheet on a rubber band. It is easy to pull on the mattress and do not need to correct.
  • Pillowcases for pillows and duvet covers with cut side and lightning. Look at the life of Lifehaki on how to quickly wear them, and cleaning in the bedroom will become more easily and faster.
  • You can use non-fluid to the coat consist, which will save the mattress from cleaning, if you sprinkle the morning coffee.

6 free storage space

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_25
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_26
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_27
Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_28

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_29

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_30

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_31

Interior for lazy: 6 non-obvious solutions that will not bring trouble in everyday life 4750_32

If cleaning is your most unloved pastime, consider ways to quickly point the order if it needs urgently, for example, half an hour before the arrival of unexpected guests. One of these solutions is a pre-planned spacious storage system. Observe the balance from the number of things and the volume of cabinets so that the shelves, crossbars on the hangers and boxes always remained at least one fifth.

Also do not forget to enjoy both open and closed storage. Different baskets and boxes are suitable for the kitchen and living room in which you can throw off books, magazines or cutting boards to quickly clean up. For the bedroom and the bathroom it is better to use closed storage to be able to quickly hide personal things.

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