We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating


We tell how to choose a hacksaw in the type, the shape of the blade, width, length and what characteristics and the requirements are important to pay attention.

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating 4762_1

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating

The disc electric saw for wood work is convenient, functional and copes with multiple tasks. But it happens that the amount of work is small, there is no possibility or even the desire to mess around with the assembly and connection of a rather cumbersome unit. Wood cut off the tree - which model is better and how to choose a tool, let's talk in detail in the article.

All about choosing a tree hacks

Criteria for a good tool

Tips for choosing


Criterias of choice

Today, different modifications of goods have appeared, each of them is intended for a certain type of work. Therefore, the choice is complicated. We will deal with what to pay attention to when choosing.

1. His bars

The blade is the main element of the device and it determines its characteristics. The length of the canvas is important. It can be in the range from 25 to 50 cm. Than the canvas is longer, the larger elements cut the hacksaw. Efforts will have to be applied less. But there is a minus: the long blade is stronger than spring, which is uncomfortable. This is especially noticeable during the processing of solid wood: oak, ash, maple, etc.

Therefore, the masters are recommended to adhere to the rule: the length of the panel should be twice the sealing section. This ratio guarantees ease of processing. Slowing smaller sizes will be stuck, it will have to be removed with significant effort. Too long starts to spring and dine, it can break. All this will make it difficult to manipulate. For small products, a length of 250-300 mm is chosen for large - 450-500 mm.

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating 4762_3

The width of the canvas is also important. Too narrow plate will be alleged even with a small bend. Excessively wide tools work uncomfortable, have to make significant efforts. The optimal width for the hand saw is 100-200 mm. It is necessary to know that products of a certain width are used for different types of processing. Therefore, the masters buy them with sets to choose a suitable blade for different purposes.

For the production of blades, carbon or alloy steel is used. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Initially low-alloy carbon metal was used. It plastic, does not break, but very quickly wear out. The tempered, on the contrary, does not stand for a long time, but breaks when the bending load is broken. A peculiar compromise is bimetallic plates, where metal is tempered only on the segment of the teeth. Bimetallic panels can be bought in each construction store. They are plastic, do not break and do not stupidly stupid. But it is impossible to sharpen them again. The tempered metal is poorly sharpened.



For professional work, high-alloy steel panels produce. They give the highest quality cut, but at the same time very fragile. Softy varieties acquire resistance to bending, but the accuracy of the cut is lost. For saws, high-alloy steel brands M50, M7, M2, M1 are used. Products from it labeled HSS or HS. These are the most expensive hacksaws.

For household needs, panels made of carbon material are produced. They are plastic, not sensitive to bend, can be drained. True, it is quite difficult to sharpen and dilute the teeth. Not all the masters are coping with this and not to spoil the saw, they seek help to professionals.

For use in everyday life, optimally choose the metal of medium hardness. It is marked with numbers 45 and HRC letters. A more solid version is suitable: 60-55 HRC.

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating 4762_5

2. Types of teeth

The size of the cutter determines the accuracy of the cutting and the effectiveness of the instrument. So than they are smaller, the cutting is more accurate. But the speed of work is reduced. Conversely: The plate with large cutters saw faster, but gives a very coarse inaccurative speaker.

The degree of accuracy of sawing characterizes the value called TPI. It is calculated based on the number of cutting elements per inch. If the quality of the cut is not important, take a tool with marking from 3 to 6. But for more accurate works, an indicator is required from 7 to 9.

Shape of rubber

Blades differ in the form of the cutters. It determines the purpose of the saw. In practice, three options use three options.

  • Isosceles triangle. Well performs cross-saw, not effective when moving along the fiber. The cutting edge moves freely and in the opposite direction. Better copes with a dry tree, fresh sawts are much worse.
  • Rhunt triangle. The cutting planes resemble hooks, which makes it possible to break along the wood fiber. Bold on both sides, so they are well cut in the opposite and direct direction. Used for longitudinal sawing.
  • Combination of semicircular and triangular incisors. Pilyat in longitudinal and in the transverse direction. Rounded edges perform a guide incision when moving the device forward. Details of the triangular form at return expand cut, remove the sawdust from there.

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating 4762_6

Products with trapezoidal edges are available, which gives blade wear resistance and strength. But to sharpen such teeth is very difficult. There are models where the teeth are located in groups through small intervals. The latter are needed to remove chips from the propyl. It comes out freely, does not make it difficult to move the tool.

There are plates with ordinary and tempered tooth. The latter is characterized by good wear resistance, long remains sharp. True, when he is still noticed, it is impossible to sharpen it again. You have to buy a new product. An ordinary tooth is fascinated quite quickly, but it can be sharpened. For this, special files are used, they have an accident marking. The device is carried out several times for each cutting plane.

Black + Decker Wood

Black + Decker Wood

3. Varieties of saws

To decide what kind of tree with a tree is better to buy, you need to get acquainted with all its varieties.

  • Standard. Universal option, often produce devices with interchangeable blades. May have any kind and sharpening of the teeth.
  • Narrow. Direct narrow blade with handle. Designed to work with details with a thickness of no more than 80-100 mm. Can perform subtle operations: curvilinear drinking, through propuls. With a strong nagging deviates from the desired direction.
  • With a church The handle is equipped with an additional element - a church. It plays the role of rigidity ribs, which allows you to process solid parts. But the presence of the course limits the size of the cut. It may not be deeper than the width of the panel.
  • Basic. Analogue of an electrolovka is a rather complicated design. A narrow leg is inserted into a special device. Its advantage - the ability to make cuts on curvilinear patterns, almost at any angle.

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating 4762_8

Choice algorithm

Before you choose a good wooden hacksaw, it is important to consider a specific product from different sides. We advise you to act according to the following algorithm.

  1. Determine what purpose it is planned to use a device. If you need accuracy and quality of sleep, take a model with a small tooth. In other cases - with large.
  2. Determine the frequency of use. For permanent work, not crawled products take. For one-time more convenient toothbrush. Such models serve long enough, in addition, during operation, they do not require sharpening.
  3. Determine the quality of the hacker panel. It is gently bended to an angle of 30-40 °, then released. The straightening blade carefully examines. If even a small deviation is present at the bend point, this is a direct indication of poor metal quality.
  4. Check usability. Holds most often plastic, less often wooden. Prefabricated elements are uncomfortable because they do not have the desired stiffness. It is better to take a solidist handle. Well, if it is a rubber insert for the fingers. It will provide tight grip without slipping. This will warn the appearance of corns and losses on the palm.
  5. Check for sharpening. Some non-calene products are sold not sharpened. Thus, they will not work immediately. You will have to finish sharpening.

Wooden tree bison expert

Wooden tree bison expert

An important point in the choice of which wooden hacksaw is better, the ratio of quality and price is becoming. It should be understood that the quality product, especially from well-known companies, is always more expensive. This can be considered a peculiar guarantee of efficiency and durability of products. It is better to choose for continuous use. For work of one time, an inexpensive model is suitable, which is not sorry for the breakdown to replace the new one.

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating 4762_10

Mini-rating of the best tree hacks

Choosing a suitable model, you can take into account the opinion of those who have already bought the product and for some time they use it. Therefore, we offer mini-rating of hand saw.

  • Black + Deceker-BDHT0-20169. Characteristics: Plot 500 mm, hardened cutting planes with increments 11. Direction longitudinal transverse, 3D sharpening, fixed solid handle with rubber plate for fingers.
  • Gross Piranha-24106. Universal model with fixed handle. Length 450 mm, tempered teeth, Teflon coating, 3D sharpening. Convenient knob configuration with rubber insert. Can handle wood, laminate, polystyrene foam.
  • "Zubr Expert". Model universal, crazy metal blade, the teeth of a special hardening of the classic divorce. Double-sided sharpening. One-piece handling of durable plastic. Designed to care for the garden, repair and construction.

We choose which tree knife is better: criteria and rating 4762_11

We submitted important selection criteria and a small rheating of tree hacksaws, but what is better to buy, to solve the future owner. In order not to make a mistake, you must remember that the tool is selected to perform certain works. It must be durable, comfortable and high quality. Do not try to excessively save. A good saw will help perform work quickly and efficiently.

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