6 things you just need to do in a removable apartment


Selflessly change the finish and dispose of furniture, make pets without warning - made a check list of actions, from which the tenant should be refused. However, this information is probably useful to landlords.

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6 things you just need to do in a removable apartment

1 change finish without coordination with the owner of the apartment

We are honest - the apartment is very rare in good condition at an affordable price. And this is explained: if the owner made fresh repairs, he wants to recoup the costs, therefore appoints a higher price. However, to live clean and without wallpaper, which lost their relevance somewhere in the early 2000s, I want everyone. Therefore, the apartment is looking for simple ways to update the apartment. Often it is cosmetic changes - browning of walls, whitening the ceiling. And if you look at the belt, it seems, there is nothing wrong with this and his desire is understandable. Especially if he wants to do this at his own expense and is not going to deduct the cost of banks with paint from the monthly payment.

And now let's look at it from the landlord. Yes, perhaps old wallpaper really should be changed, but what if the apartment has too extravagant taste? Or not extravagant, but just unusual for the majority? And he will decide to paint the walls in a bright color that does not like everything. Because of this, the apartment in the future will pass much more difficult. Of course, such a decision will cause the perplexity of the owner.

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That is why the tenant is better to show diplomacy and coordinate with the owner of the apartment planned changes. For example, throw a photo of color paint from the chosen palette. Or, if I really want something unusual, agree that when the walls are departing, it will repaint in more neutral shades. In the second case, financial costs can be divided with the owner, because essentially the apartment will transform an apartment for the following tenants.

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2 Leave all damage unchanged

Wear is natural and random (let's call it). Natural wear is the flowing crane, the flowing stock in the sink or bath. But random damage can be applied if the tenant decided to make a permutation and at the same time damaged the floor, the plinth or scratched the walls.

No one is immune from this, but it is impossible to leave such damage without fixing. Just like broken furniture or, say, door lock. Before leaving the apartment, it is important to correct all the breakdowns and return the room and the objects of the situation at the primordial appearance.

By the way, this is a reason for both sides to fix at the entrance, what breakdowns and disadvantages already have in the apartment. So it will be much easier to avoid conflicts and clarification.

6 things you just need to do in a removable apartment 4788_5

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3 Forget about regular cleaning

"I'm afraid to take an apartment, because it will turn into a hlev," owners share with such fears. And this is justified. It is impossible to understand how compliant is the tenant at first acquaintance. And even stereotypes about what is better to take an apartment to girls or families without children here do not work. There are also unclean girls, and very neat families who eliminate all breakdowns, randomly inflicted by the child.

Therefore, the tenant should always remember that someone will live in removable accommodation and after him. Or at least carry out general cleaning before departure.

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4 Leave your personal items after eviction

Agree, whether you are on the site of new tenants, you would not want to find in the closet forgotten by the former tenant clothes. Therefore, it is worth carefully walking around all the corners and try to find all the objects forgotten or sent to the far shelf.

If someone leaves his furniture or dishes in a removable apartment, it is also worth a negotiable. If you do not need the same table, but in good condition - tell the owner that leave the furniture. And ask whether he need him there. If not needed, you will still have to take on the trash or offer to friends or neighbors to pick up.

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5 Warning Pets without warning

The question of the availability of pets in removable apartments causes a lot of disputes and disagreements. Owners often indicate when writing ads "without pets", and the tenants are neglected on how difficult it is to find the owner who would accept the landlord with the pet. Well, if when removing the apartment you agreed that there are no pets, to start them without warning - really wrong. You have already gone to these conditions and need to be observed.

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6 throw out the objects of the situation

Often in the apartment there are things of the owner or old furniture, which just stands there as a given. In this situation, you can understand the desire of the tenant to free the space from what he is definitely not useful. But it is definitely not worth it without warning. You can agree with the owner about when he will take these things and provide full assistance - for example, to propose to place an advertisement about selling on special sites or in the chat rooms at the messengers.

If you do not affect legal subtleties, the need to issue a contract and document all rights and obligations, the attitude of the landlord and the tenant must be built on mutual understanding. It is always easier to find a compromise.

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