Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen)


The refrigerator in the kitchen is the most logical and convenient solution. However, alas, not always affordable. We suggest to consider a few more options for placing the device if you suddenly have encountered such a situation.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_1

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen)

Finding a place to install large equipment - a problem with which the owners of small apartments are often faced. Today we propose to solve one of these. We tell where to put a refrigerator in small housing: we are looking for a suitable location in the kitchen and in other rooms.

6 places for installing the refrigerator

General safety requirements

3 options on small kitchen

- In the corner

- Near the window

- At the entrance

3 seats in other rooms

- In the living room

- In the corridor

- On the balcony

Where to put a compact device

General safety requirements

When placing any electrical appliances, it is important to take into account safety rules. The refrigerator is no exception.

  1. First, it is necessary to leave technical clearances. The distance to the walls should be from 2 to 5 cm. Typically, manufacturers indicate a specific number for each model.
  2. Secondly, the floor should be smooth. Lining under the legs will not save the situation, but will lead to greater wear of the device.
  3. Thirdly, pay attention to the side of the world. The front door is best protected, even the sun's sun rays is not afraid of hot summer technique. What you can not say about the side location. We will have to ensure that the sun does not fall on the side sides of the aggregate.
  4. Fourth, there is a well-known rule: you can not place the device next to the stove and washing - hot and wet zone. It threatens mud, overheating and water in the way, which can spoil the operation of the device. The same applies to the installation close to the battery.
  5. Finally, connecting to electricity. The extension can be used with caution, only if you are confident in its quality and manufacturer. But it is more correct to plan the wiring in advance with a separate outlet.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_3

  • Home appliances and furniture in the kitchen: Detailed guide in numbers

Where to put a refrigerator in a small kitchen: 3 options

In the Khrushchev with a kitchen of five, or even four square meters, it's not so easy to find a place for a large-sized unit with an average of 60 x 70 cm and 180 cm high. But you can consider the following places.

In the corner

Suitable for the kitchen, where the headsets are located on the right or left side - depends on the orientation of the apartment. The layout is convenient because the unit does not interfere with the passage. It is usually put separately to the wall or attach to the headset. In addition, this layout is easy to implement the right working triangle. When it comes to tiny spaces, it is almost no not remembered, but the refrigeration plant, standing in the meter from the plate and sink, is a good solution.

With this placement, you can choose narrow, but high refrigerators. So you will be able to maximize the useful space. The angular location will allow to free the place in the center of the room where you can fit a small dining group. If the wall is close - long, try to enter a small buffet or open shelves here.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_5
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_6

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_7

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_8

  • How to use a place above the refrigerator: 7 solutions for those who do not want to lose and centimeter

Near the window

Another sympathetic option of the refrigeration device is at the window. It can be both built-in and standing separately. Most often, the device becomes a continuation of the headset, but can be placed near the dining table.

In order not to violate the safety rules, pay attention to how much the refrigerator is repeated due to the wall. It is better to choose the device that will clearly approach the length and leave the technical gap. It is also not worth putting the table and chairs close to the aggregate, so as not to climb on it while eating.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_10
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_11
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_12

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_13

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_14

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_15

  • 5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself)

At the entrance

Where to put a refrigerator in Khrushchev, if a tabletop is located on the windowsill or is there a niche at the entrance to the kitchen? We propose to consider the location of the input.

The most successful will be accommodation at the end of the M-shaped headset. Designers often use such a layout, it is suitable even for tiny spaces with an area of ​​four square meters. In addition, you can comply with the business triangle rule. To rationally use the place, hang over a shelf unit or box, closed or open. At a minimum, such a solution looks much aesthetically littered from above the device.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_17
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_18
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_19

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_20

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_21

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_22

  • 6 reasons why you can not put a refrigerator next to the stove

3 seats in other rooms

If there was no place for a tiny kitchen for a full refrigeration unit, we suggest viewing three replacement options in other rooms. We note immediately: it is hardly convenient to be called. There can be no speech about any working triangle in this case. But sometimes this location remains the only possible.

In the living room

The most convenient one from the presented. Such a reception sometimes use even designers in the combined canteen and kitchen spaces. He will suit everyone who did not decide where to put a refrigerator in the studio. What should be considered in this location? The first is the style of the room or apartment. Unlike built-in technology, where masking is important, this will receive "from the opposite". The device is likely to be a visual accent. Judge for yourself: It's one thing when a rich color retrorser is located next to the dining table, and the other is a classic chrome-plated unit. The second will obviously be allocated in the best way: the feeling will be created as if he was simply set on the repair.

The second point is no need for the doors in the form of magnets and photos. They will clog the interior of the living room. If in the kitchen is still permissible (although also with stretch), then in the rest room from such a decor there will be more harm than good. If you want to keep magnets, get a separate board for them.

Finally, the third point is to consider the noise from the engine compressor. In other situations, he can interfere with reading, watching TV and communicating with friends. If everything is ready in the joint space to this, then problems may arise in a separate living room. There are no secrets here, just pay attention to the noise level declared by the manufacturer.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_24
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_25
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_26
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_27
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_28

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_29

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_30

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_31

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_32

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_33

In the corridor

If the corridor adjoins the dining room, you can consider it as a place to accommodate the refrigeration device. But it will be convenient for such a placement only if there are niches in the corridor, cabinets or by itself the passage is not narrow, but wide.

What to pay attention to? The unit can be combined with a wardrobe. The model for embedding, if the stylist of space implies, is the most organic option. It is easily disguised as ordinary furniture. You can, of course, just put inside, but better if the cabinet has doors.

By analogy with the cabinet, the unit can be installed in a niche. It is important to choose a model in size: do not forget about the technical gaps, especially from the compressor, and also consider the stylistics. Chrome options will be good only in the loft and in high-tech decorations. In modern and in the Scandinavian style it is better to pick up more sophisticated models.

When the corridor is wide, you can set the technique and just to the wall. So sometimes make western designers. And again the design is important. No matter how cool, and the refrigerator in the corridor is an emphasis, let it not stand out by color, but its form should be pretty.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_34
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_35
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_36
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_37

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_38

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_39

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_40

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_41

  • Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it)

On the balcony

The most ambiguous place for kitchen appliances is a balcony. Denote immediately: we are talking about allocated loggias, since their association with the kitchen is prohibited by law. The challenge of the installation on the balcony is the temperature regime. On a warmed loggia in the summer, the air warms up to critical marks. What, of course, affects the work not in the best way. In winter, the situation is reverse: the danger represents a laptile room, where the temperature falls below five to ten degrees - the threshold mark.

What if the neighboring loggia is insulated, and the refrigeration settle is perfect here? Search for a model with a suitable temperature mode of operation - climatic execution. These are two categories: subtropical and tropical, they withstand an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees. But, I must say, it is not so easy to find them. From the point of view of stylistics, here the rules are the same: the built-in equipment will be better. And on the loggia to equip the cabinet is not so difficult. The width of many rooms allows you to do this.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_43
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_44
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_45

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_46

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_47

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_48

Where to put mini refrigerator

If one person lives in the apartment, perhaps, make sense to look at compact refrigeration devices? Their standard height is only 85 cm, which greatly facilitates the search for the place. Most often, designers embed such equipment in the headset, so it is almost impossible to notice it in the photo. And above the device is a working surface where you can put a microwave or any other small household appliances.

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_49
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_50
Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_51

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_52

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_53

Where to put the refrigerator: 6 suitable places in the apartment (not only a kitchen) 480_54

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