Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to


Interesting prints on textiles, bright wallpapers and compositions on the wall - find out how the English style has changed in modern apartments and houses.

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_1

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to

1 Print on Textile

Of course, in England, as well as in most European countries, modern interiors with an emphasis shifted from the decor on functionality are mainly distributed. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for each door atmosphere of the Sherlock Holmes apartment. But still, the English style has not stayed in the past and evolved to meet modern requests.

The brightest preserved manifestation of the classic English style is bright prints on textiles. It can be geometric patterns in a restrained color scheme from a later and strict period, plants or birds of saturated colors - from the earlier. You will find interesting patterns at once on everything: on the upholstery of flooring, sofa pillows, curtains and plaids. In order for them to combine, one shade is selected, which will be repeated on all subjects.

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_3
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_4
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_5

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_6

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_7

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_8

2 Bright wallpaper

The second large love of the British is bright beautiful wallpapers with a complex and detailed pattern. Paper or, if possible, fabric. They decorate the accent wall behind the headboard in the bedroom, echoes the color with the rest of the decor in the room, make more interesting the corridor or create an atmosphere of the living room. The most popular print - vegetable, it is the echo of the old English interior, the geometric occurs a little less often.

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_9
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_10
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_11
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_12
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_13
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_14

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_15

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_16

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_17

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_18

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_19

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_20

3 recognizable furniture

If we consider furniture in modern English apartments made in the national style, you can see three important points.

  • Upholstered furniture is always large, bright and very comfortable, takes the main place in the room.
  • Many recognizable English items: chairs, cabinets, dressers and tables from wood, decorated, with thin elegant lines.
  • Vintage is very valued. In a modern apartment with a thoughtful interior, there is surely something shabby, the last century, the subject of the special pride of the owners.

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_21
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_22
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_23
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_24
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_25
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_26
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_27
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_28
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_29

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_30

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_31

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_32

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_33

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_34

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_35

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_36

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_37

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_38

4 Symmetry

The most popular reception of the placement of furniture and accessories is still observance of symmetry. It can subordinate to itself all the space, especially if there is some important element in the room, which I want to emphasize, for example, a fireplace or picture. But in small apartments it is easier to meet the symmetric arrangement of accessories on the chest of drawers or a scheme for hanging paintings on the wall.

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_39
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_40
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_41
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_42

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_43

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_44

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_45

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_46

5 compositions on the wall

Compositions from posters, photographs and paintings on the wall are not uncommon for the same Scandinavian direction, but it is in England that this designer reception is particularly popular and peculiar. The paintings can be wanted the whole wall, and very tight. It will not embarrass anyone if the paintings are in noticeable massive frames, and even on the background of bright wallpapers with a contrast pattern. Such compositions are suitable for any room: from living room and bedrooms to bathroom and corridor.

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_47
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_48
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_49
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_50
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_51

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_52

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_53

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_54

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_55

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_56

6 fireplace

The fireplace is still a very important element of the interior. Even if it is an apartment and chimney in it, the fireplace should be, al and artificial. And on the fireplace shelf, in the best English traditions, the accessories arrange. And this is not an element of some expensive and luxurious huge apartments. In the photo with a pistachio interior, the space is furnished very concise and kept, the color scheme is calm and unusually bright, but the dark fireplace at the most noticeable place asks the English atmosphere.

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_57
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_58
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_59
Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_60

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_61

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_62

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_63

Visiting British: 6 principles in the design of the interior, which the British adhere to 4800_64

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