We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan


We disassemble the suitable technical solutions for stairs, we select materials and tell how to make a simple design yourself.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_1

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan

Install the staircase on the attic in a small house is easy. It is much more difficult to make it comfortable and safe. It should be canopy and wide. But then the span will take too much space in close room. There is an extreme angle of inclination, and, if you exceed it, the descent and the rise will become unsafe. This angle is 45 degrees. With insufficient width, a number of inconveniences that create a risk of falling will arise. In such a situation, it is better not to try to find a compromise. One of the solutions of the problem is the removal of the street outside the building. It involves fastening to the wall or the construction of reliable supports with the foundation. In the country house, the owners live only in the summer. In warm weather, it would be possible to do even without a canopy, but for cottages designed for permanent accommodation, such an idea is not suitable. To implement it, you will have to spend a few weeks. We will consider the location only in the inner space.

All about the installation of the ladder on the attic floor

Technical solutions for stairs

Spolllet device

Choosing a place to accommodate stairs

Step-by-step installation instructions

Suitable solutions for a small house

If you want to save space

The more compact design, it is less convenient. There are two ways to solve the problem.

  • Folding models - they take up little space, but often break. Their strength is smaller than in stationary. Telescopic prefabricated elements fold and ride up. When it needs to be launched, you need to pull the handle. From too fast opening, the closers hold it.
  • The second way to solve the problem with the placement in a small room is a steep stationary ascent. It can be fixed on overlaps and vertical surface. There are models without a railing less than a meter width. The steps in them are attached to the central beam, forming a kind of fish skeleton. To use them, you need to have excellent health, especially if they are on the removal from the wall, and do not hold on for. Pensioners and people with disabilities will be difficult to climb upstairs and descend down the steps located under an acute angle to the floor surface. There are more familiar models in which the beams are located at the edges.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_3
We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_4
We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_5

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_6

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_7

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_8

If it is more important for convenience

In this case, the tilt should not exceed 45 degrees. Simple designs are the most reliable and most cumbersome. For example, a single-sighted span, leading from the floor to the entrance to the second floor, it is not always possible to post a small area. Its device is possible only in the extended visit, which after installation will become even already.

There are three main options that allow you to enter a closer to the room.

  • Two perpendicular march are connected by a rectangular platform. Each of them goes along its wall.
  • The rectangular horizontal is divided into screw triangular or trapezoid steps. Inside, they are attached to the central rack.
  • Screw design.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_9
We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_10

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_11

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_12

Looking through the photo of the staircase on the attic in private houses and the options for their execution, it is possible to conclude that not all of them are equally comfortable. A certain danger of raising is the rounded areas, especially near the support, which is the center of their radius. Also, calculate and make them much more difficult than rectangular. It is better to take the first option with a rectangular platform and an inclination to 45 degrees. It is his us and we will consider.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_13
We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_14

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_15

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_16

Constructive Solutions for Span

Wooden beams, between which steps are installed - such a solution is suitable for any buildings. The natural array after treatment with varnish and antiseptics is able to serve several decades. It is easy to handle and mount it. Installation can be carried out after building a building. The main disadvantages are fire hazard and deformation when the temperature and humidity changes.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_17

Metal frames with trim - they are made from steel profile or wrought iron. Steel elements inferior wooden in durability. To collect them, we need a welding machine. Screw connections are too cumbersome, and hide them quite difficult. Forged iron, unlike steel, it does not rust, serves a long time and has good decorative qualities. It should be noted that the metal perfectly transmits the sound and will be heard every step. Another drawback is a big weight.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_18

Reinforced concrete marches manufactured by formwork - they are usually mounted at the construction stage. So it is possible to calculate the carrying ability of the base. Before making the staircase on the attic in the built house, you need to conduct his examination and find out whether it will endure its weight. This will require the services of an engineering organization with special equipment. The main disadvantages of reinforced concrete is a large mass and complexity of the installation. The advantages are convenience and durability.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_19

Steps fixed on one vertical surface - they are made from reinforced concrete, wood, metal, fiberglass. To keep the console, you need to create a solid base for it. Console metal shelves taking mechanical loads supply under steps. The shelves are connected to the frame, hidden in the wall and is its component. Calculate and manufacture holders are independently difficult. You must have engineering skills. If you take a stock strength, the frame will be too massive. The main idea of ​​such a reception is to give a feeling of lightness and weightlessness. The carrier part should be designed by experts - otherwise there will be too many risks. The absence of the railing and the angular surface make the system unsuitable for installation in the house where there are children.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_20

The central beam is placed on the overlap of the bottom and on top, and the steps are mounted. Collect it yourself easier than the console frame. The system weighs less, since its center perceives the load more evenly, and it does not need to be strengthened. To the ground no strict requirements are presented. You can do without prior examination and complex calculations. The sidewalls are left free or passed through them the floor rods to the ceiling that perform the function of the railil.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_21

The base serves durable boxes of metal and plastic. They are used as open or closed racks. Inside sometimes they make backlight.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_22

Choice of place to accommodate

  • In Tambur - this location allows you to provide sound insulation and frees the space of the residential room.
  • In the main room - it is better to use a part opposite to the front door. So less risk to drop something on the head of an incoming person. In addition, in this case you do not have to raise beams to free up space for the entrance.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_23

Instructions for mounting stairs on the attic floor

As an example, consider the simplest and stable design. It is two wooden march connected at an angle of 90 degrees. The junction is a rectangular horizontal platform.

Before starting work, it is necessary to make a scheme with an indication of the size of all parts. Each stage should be thoroughly thought out and calculate the consumption of materials. They are taken with a reserve of 10% in case of marriage and damage.

Sizes of elements

  • The width of the step is 0.8-1 m, the depth is 0.3 m, the height is 0.17 m, the thickness is 4-5 cm.
  • The parameters of the central platform are accepted by the width of the marches. If it is the same, the horizontal has a square shape. Height above the level of decoration - 0.85 m. The thickness of the flooring is 3-5 cm.
  • Height of the railing - 0.9-1 m.
  • As beams, we use two plaques of 30 cm wide, put on the edge. Tilt angle Take from 35 to 45 degrees.

Choosing materials

As a rule, a coniferous array is used. The highest strength has oak. With proper processing and thorough care, it will last for several years.

The larch is harder than most other breeds and is well opposed to the impact of moisture contained in the air. Spruce is less reliable. In its structure, more defects - drop-down bumps and resin sublishes. Exactly applied billets from pine. This wood has the lowest strength, but it is easier to handle it.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_24
We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_25
We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_26
We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_27

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_28

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_29

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_30

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_31

Mounting site

To assemble the ladder on the attic floor with their own hands, you first need to prepare a base that holds marches. Horizontal position in the corner of the room. Farly side fix on the wall.

We start with markup. It is applied to the vertical and horizontal surface using a plumb and construction level. Then we collect a square frame. In the upper part on the walls, the bars of 5x5 cm, which perform the function of the shelves. It is not necessary to use nails, but self-tapping screws - they are better held in the array. Self-dynamics - 9 cm. Consumption - 4 pieces per 1 m. Under shelves from the bottom we bring a rack from a bar 5x5, resting in the floor. They are fixed on the vertical surface in the same way.

The remaining two frame details on one side are adjacent to the already installed. The other they should hold onto a solid pole. It will be produced from a bar 10x10 cm. The most durable grip with the frame will provide the grooves cut by its size in the top of the column.

The flooring is a whole piece of plywood, cropped around the perimeter, or a 4-5 cm boards with a thickness of 4-5 cm. The cover is fixed with nails. The steps go beyond the frame for 2-5 cm, so the covering of the site from the side of the lower span should have the same indent.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_32

From an external angle to the ceiling, we set the continuation of the column 10x10 cm. In the trim and in the ceiling under it prepare the grooves. Such elements often have a thread and another decor, but it is more convenient to work with a square cross section. The pillar must rest close to the ceiling. Therefore, the overlap will have to raise the jack, and after the installation, omit, otherwise it will not be able to close it tightly.

Preparation of beams

They make it from the boards of 30x5 cm. Such supports are called asserts or cosos. They are put on the edge and placed along the edges of the span. With the width of the staircase to 1.1 m, two supports are enough. If it is more, the three tents are mounted.

First with the help of the plane, we remove from the surface of the trails of the bark, chip, spots of mold, contaminants that are difficult to consider. Then drink the grooves for steps. They can be done inside the Kosomrov. Then horizontal parts will be inserted on the side of one support and press the second. To cut down such grooves is difficult. To do this, you need to own an electric jigsaw.

There is another solution that does not require special skills. The top of the testers is cut into the Christmas tree so that when installing the upper edges of the recesses stood parallel to the floor. "Christmas tree" make, cutting out rectangular triangles from the board. A straight angle should look up. With an inclination of the supports equal to 45 degrees, the side triangles will be the same. A more common march is the top side longer.

Top and bottom rest in the overlap. Part of the finish is removed. It is necessary to choose the place where the lamp passes, and fix the foot on the strength elements of the overlap. The bottom is clipped parallel to the floor. It can be additionally fixed by bars, placing them around the edges. In the upper part, a triangular groove is cut down on the frame. It should not be plunged too much, otherwise the carrying capacity will decrease due to decreasing the cross section of the board.

Warning platforms need to attract screws to the vertical surface.

The installation of the upper span passes by the same principle as the bottom. The difference is to connect with the platform. The string is put on its frame with a triangular groove done on its underside. It is desirable that the corners of the board firmly fit to the frame.

Installation of steps

There are two ways to locate.

  • From above in triangular notches - fixation is made with screws. The caps are closed with decorative plugs, which are then grinding to the main plane.
  • On the side of special recesses - at first the lateral beam is screwed near the wall. Holes are done in her middle. After installation, the free edge is closed by a second side beam with the same deepening as the first. The compounds are pre-labeled with joinery glue. Saws to use not necessarily. They are needed when additional gain is required.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_33

Assembling period

Dropped out the openwork items yourself. For this you need a lathe. It is easier to buy ready-made carved bales or simply to cover the usual bars of 3x3 cm, and on top to connect them with a horizontal rail. The attitudes on the attic in a private house can be designed without a railing, but they will rise with them and go down it will be more convenient and safer.

We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan 4825_34

In the upper and lower parts of the march, and on the rotation of the walls are mounted vertical poles with a thickness of 5x5 cm. Their height takes higher than that of Balyasin, or put them in short. The rails on them will be launched. There are lightweight constructions in which there is no balossine, and the rails are based on the pillars.

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