12 designer councils for those who want to make sure the fashionable interior


Irina Petrova, Olga Vasilyeva and Daria Kurchanov shall be shared by valuable recommendations - they are worth up for wearing, if you want to issue an interior that will not come out of the fashion for a long time.

12 designer councils for those who want to make sure the fashionable interior 484_1

12 designer councils for those who want to make sure the fashionable interior

To make a fashionable interior always, it is worth contacting neutral finishing and natural materials - it is always recommended designers. But there are also other tips to which it is worth listening to.

1 draw ideas from world stars design

Such a Council gives Irina Petrov and Olga Vasilyeva. "For example, Jean-Louis Day, Patricia Urikola, Kelly Westler - their interiors look fresh and today, - specify the designers. Of these, you can boldly draw ideas. "

2 Avoid obsessive patterns and prints

This advice is relevant when choosing any "timeless" textile or even wallpaper. Designer Daria Kurchanova leads to the example of curtains - the fact that there is almost everyone in the apartment: "Monophonic curtains of flax or cotton will never lose their relevance."

12 designer councils for those who want to make sure the fashionable interior 484_3
12 designer councils for those who want to make sure the fashionable interior 484_4

12 designer councils for those who want to make sure the fashionable interior 484_5

12 designer councils for those who want to make sure the fashionable interior 484_6

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3 Choose objects without decor

Irina Petrov and Olga Vasilyeva talk about furniture and decoration in this context and lead as an example of the choice of doors: "The fair rule: the smaller the better. Glasses with a pattern, complex patterns, abundant decor - all this accurately becomes faster than a smooth door or a simple classic sealer. "

Daria Kurchanova adheres to the same opinion relative to the furniture: "Large-sized furniture should be neutral, not too catching and have a clear geometric shape."

4 abandon unrealistic imitation

Tile under the tree designers are still recommended to leave. But plastic should be avoided.

Designers Irina Petrov and Olg & ...

Designers Irina Petrov and Olga Vasilyeva, Studio "Arca Interiors":

Less artificial and all kinds of imitation is more sincere and natural. Plastic plinths under the tree, for example, will not decorate any interior. Aprons with photo printing has long been beyond good and evil, photo wallpaper with nature, fortunately, became exotic.

5 If you choose a tree - then a natural shade

About what is worth choosing natural materials, all designers say. Daria Kurchanova checks: "When choosing coatings from a tree, it is worth stopping their attention on the wood of authentic, not exotic color."

6 abandon the sensational design items

And especially replicas - Irina Petrov and Olga Vasilyeva warned. "The sad story of the Eames chairs is a good example. The subject with the initially good design was almost a symbol of bad tone because of the abundance of fakes and constructions, "the designers say.

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7 Present individuality to the interior

"It is better to hang a picture that I painted himself than poster from IKEA. Let the house tell about you and your hobbies, and not about trends in the decor, "Irina Petrov and Olga Vasilyeva advise.

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8 correlate selected style with housing type

Select the interior style is standing out from the source data, the location of the apartment and layout. But it is worth it, if there is a goal to arrange a fashionistine interior. "For example, the Mid-Century or Scandinavian style will always be relevant in the panel houses, and the brick that is so scolding so now, it will look organically in the old Fund, especially if brick "Native", - recommend Irina Petrov and Olga Vasilyeva.

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9 Use art

"Genuine art in the interior always cares looks and looks important," said Daria Kurchanova. - Use it boldly. "

10 Do not give up dark tones

Daria Kurchanova notes that the color of the walls does not have to be light, although it is easier to work with it. Use trend, fashionable colors Designer does not recommend, but there are always alternatives from basic dark shades.

Designer Daria Kurchanova, bonum.design:

Designer Daria Kurchanova, bonum.design:

Let's say, dark and sophisticated shades of gray will not come out of fashion, but in any case you will have to face the relevance of one or another color of the walls.

11 Leave Vintage

According to Daria Kurchanova, vintage furniture and light are easy to learn in modern interiors: "Original design items of past years will decorate your interior and bring a special spirit in which communication with history will be read. Such interior will always be out of time. "

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12 get rid of extra things

Daria Kurchanova believes that it is worth getting rid of extra - this is the current advice, including in creating an interior that does not complain. "Ascetic decoration has always been fashionable and will remain like that," the designer says.

"The more easier and easier - the better, Irina Petrov and Olga Vasilyeva support. - Our world firmly rose to reduce consumption and minimalism. And, most likely, it is a long trend. So reducing and simplifying the maximum: more clean lines, less decor, textures and furniture. It is a chance to extend the life of your interior. "

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