7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins


Boxes from under the old phones and laptops, other people's things, souvenirs - we reveal the items that forever do not in our places and find a way to solve the problem.

7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_1

Listed all items in a short video

1 boxes from the equipment

Many have a shelf where the boxes from purchased phones, laptops and other expensive techniques are stored. They take a useful place, interfere when you try to find something in the closet.

In fact, they need to be stored only for two weeks. This is a period during which you can exchange the goods of proper quality in the store. This can be done without packaging, but it will be easier with it.

The defective goods can be passed and without packaging. And for warranty repair, shopping packaging is not needed, you will need only a warranty card.

7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_2

2 Old Chargers

As soon as you get rid of some kind of equipment, do the same with the charger. The likelihood that it will come in handy is close to zero, and boxes and boxes filled with old unnecessary wires make it difficult to clean. In addition, this space can be used more functionally.

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7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_4

7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_5

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3 Documents and books on the table

Very often, the surface of the desktop is filled with a huge amount of papers, books, folders and notebooks. Formally, all these items are necessary for work, but they never need it all right away. The sincere countertop distracts attention and reduces productivity, and also creates a feeling of disorder in the room. Put a small table on the wheels next to the table, to which you can add everything that should be at hand. Riding it under the worktop when it is not needed. The same function can perform an ordinary stationary bedside table, which is easy to remove everything too much.

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7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_9

7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_10

7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_11

4 overdue goods

Another reason for climbing an apartment, which is often forgotten by overdue items. Overdue cosmetics fills the bathroom and dressing table. Expired canned food and spices are one of the reasons for mess in the kitchen. Such objects occupy an important space, including on open shelves.

Do not forget once every six months check everything that has a shelf life and get rid of it. So you save your health and detect the place, getting rid of the mess.

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5 Elemental Souvenir Collection

Souvenirs by definition seem to be good and resembling travels. But when they all were selected without a single system and do not coincide in neither the color scheme, nor according to the material, and are stored in appearance - visual noise is obtained. Try to dispel the magnets on the fridge and the statuettes on the shelves so that the remaining visible looks ordered. And from new trips to bring the same type of souvenirs that are easy to combine and fit into the interior. For example, watercolor posters with views of the city.

7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_14

6 Unreadable books

If you have been scattered throughout the house, you may have laughed in the shelves around the house. Try to conduct an audit and get rid of irrelevant books that you have not taken to hand for a long time. It is also useful for the interior also because it creates air on the shelves and racks. Such not to the end, the filled shelves look careful and aesthetically.

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7 Other things

It is sometimes difficult to notice how many other people's things are stored at your home and prevents ordering. In a removable apartment, it may be the owners things. It is impossible to throw it out, but you can fold in the boxes and remove the cabinet to the far corner. Sometimes these are the items that you presented, but they are not used. Or things that you borrowed and did not return. Try to cleanse the space from them, and the apartment will look careful.

7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins 486_17

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