Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage


We choose a place, we determine the type of frame installation, prepare the platform and mount the pool correctly.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_1

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage

Many owners of dacha and country houses seek to establish artificial reservoirs on their territory. Most often choose structures mounted on the frame. They are quite reliable and safe, frost-resistant models can not be dismantled for the winter. We will analyze in detail the process of installing the frame basin in the country with your own hands.

All about installing a frame pool

Choose a place

Installation steps

  1. Definition type design
  2. Preparation of the site
  3. Installation

Choosing a place for a reservoir

Place for recreation is selected with a number of requirements. This is not by chance, because even a small container accommodates a significant amount of water. Its necessary to somehow pour, then merge. In addition, it is confident that in the event of a leakage or other emergency, unpleasant consequences will be minimal.

Where you can't put the pool

  • Near basements, household and residential buildings.
  • It is forbidden to put the container near the edge of the ravine, the banks of the river, the like. Bulk soils are not the best foundation, there is a threat of collapse.
  • It is not necessary to put an artificial reservoir to the area where the construction was previously located. Under the weight of the fluid possible collapse.
  • On the old foundation, the system is also impossible.
  • It is not desirable to put the pool near the trees or shrubs. Leaves, branches and other organic people will fall into the water, causing rotting. In addition, the root system is able to destroy the prepared framework over time.



Where you can install the design

A good choice is the solar, quite removed from the buildings and trees. Its sizes should be great enough to fit the bowl, and there is still free space. From home, engineering communications are summed from the water and its lead. Another important requirement: smooth surface. But this moment, if desired, can be corrected, however, it will take extra time and effort.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_4

Stages of the installation of the pool at the cottage

First of all, you need to carefully examine the instructions of the manufacturer, which necessarily comes complete with the product. Perhaps there are nuances inherent in this model. If this for some reason is impossible, we suggest to get acquainted with the general recommendations.

1. Definition type design

Start with the definition of the type of frame design. There may be two of them.


A set of support rods and two frames or hoars with a multi-layer waterproof case-bowl. Racks are set at an angle to the frame or strictly vertically at some distance from each other. After the frame is set, the fabric is stretched on it that form the tank. The system acquires rigidity after water filling. Differs the simplicity of installation. For some models, the special platform is not equipped.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_5


The rigid frame is mounted from a flexible polypropylene sheet. It is bent, the junction is decorated with a bolted or locking fastening. The lower and top edge of the frame plate is insulated with an elastic tube. The fabric forming a bowl is fixed under it. The rigid system is more reliable than the rod. It is often used as the all-season, if equipped with a frost-resistant film. It may be partially either completely blunt to the ground. Available only in a rounded form: oval, circle, "eight".

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_6
Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_7

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_8

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_9

2. Preparation of the site

Water container has a significant mass, which presses on the base. If the bowl is overwhelmed, which is inevitable for an uneven base, the pressure will be uneven. It threatens the walls of the walls and disking of the structure. In such a state, artificial reservoir will not last long. Therefore, the base should be aligned. Permissible differences of heights are not more than 2-5 mm.

In the recommendations, how to properly install the frame pool in the country, it is emphasized that there should be no digvin, convexities or pits. The roots of shrubs and trees are uprooted. Otherwise they will germinate and spoil the base. It is possible to install on a concrete pillow. Sometimes there is a wooden pedestal under the bowl. If it is assumed to burst the design, boilers are digging, at the bottom of which is poured base from concrete.

Intex Metal Frame Pool

Intex Metal Frame Pool

Sequence of training work

  1. Clean the territory. We remove the large garbage, irrigate the stumps, put the grass.
  2. Location. It should be 50 cm in each of the sides of the bowl. If it is rectangular or square, score pegs in the corners, stretch the cord between them. For a round basis, you score the peg, measure the necessary radius. We bring to it an aerosol, we plan with it with its help.
  3. Inside the markup, remove the upper layer of the soil by 10-15 cm. We remove the rhizomes, we carry out processing by chemicals that prevent plant growth. We use any suitable tool in accordance with the instructions for its use.
  4. We lay the cushion from gravel, cement and sand. Proportions: 10 volumes of PGS for one cement brand 300. Sometimes it takes clay instead. Then one volume of light clay should accounted for 6 volumes of the mixture. The height of the pillow must be 500 mm. Roll over it, well by trambra, we roll. Control the construction level.
  5. I fall asleep layer of sifted construction sand. Height 100-150 mm. Thoroughly align it, compact, trambam. Control the quality of work level.
  6. We put the damper gasket: foam, geotextile, rubberoid, etc. If it consists of fragments, securely fasten them with each other. Otherwise, changes in the shape of the bowl, inevitable during temperature fluctuations, its filling and emptying, the reservoir will destroy the substrate.
  7. Waterproofing with stele. This is an ordinary plastic film. It can be included in the delivery of the product.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_11
Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_12
Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_13

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_14

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_15

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_16

If planned flooring from the board, it is put on a sandy pillow. It is mounted in a closure with the level of land or just below. The damper substrate and waterproofing is on top. Wooden elements are necessarily processed by impregnations. It is possible to manufacture additional sides of wood, as in the photo.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_17

The owners of a large volume bowl do not always know what to install the frame pool in the country. The best solution will be concrete base. It keeps a significant mass of water well. Fall over the aligned site. It is equipped on the surface or in the pit, if the tank is planned to burst. The thickness of the concrete plate is 15-20 cm. For its manufacture, a formwork is installed on the prepared base, the reinforcement is placed, the mixture is poured. Mount the tank can only after it is complete.

Pool Bestway Steel Pro Frame

Pool Bestway Steel Pro Frame

3. Installation design

Install the capacity is better with the helpers, especially if it is big. Support will need screwdrivers, a set of wrenches, level, stationery knife and measuring tape. Installation is best done in a windless sunny day. Start with the preparation of tissue for capacity. She unfolded and carefully examine. If the integrity of the canvas is violated, repair is required. The intact cloth is unfolded in the sun and leave to warm up. Heated plastic spoke well, the amount of unwanted folds will decrease on it.

The next step is to prepare the poles. They are laid in the ground. If necessary, additional concrete sites are prepared in advance, which make fastening more reliable. The racks are exhibited perpendicular to the base to evenly distribute the pressure on the walls and the bottom of the bowl. Then the frame is going. For sheet models at this stage it is very important to correctly arrange holes for nozzles. They should not be behind the racks, otherwise they can not use.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_19
Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_20

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_21

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_22

Then the substrate from geotextiles is embedded inside the sheet frame and securely fastened with a scotch to its walls. For stem structures it is not necessary. Next on the frame is hosted by a cloth generated by the bowl. It is done neatly and carefully not to damage the material. If the tank of a large volume, immediately hang the cloth does not always work. Do it gradually, straightening all the chances and folds.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_23
Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_24
Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_25

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_26

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_27

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_28

For a better fit of the liner in the sheet tank, a vacuum cleaner is used. The hose is inserted into the hole for the nozzle and pumped out the air, the neckline is pre-closed under the skimmer. At the same time, they include the flow of water that helps to distribute the carcass insert. The core containers are collected a little different. After the tank is filled with 10-15 cm, finally adjust the height of the racks. If necessary, they are slightly plugged or lifted. When water rises to 40 cm, the bottom belt is finally tightened.

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to install the frame pool at the cottage 4882_29

After completing the assembly, a filter pump and other additional equipment is installed.

Install the pool on the plot is easy. Much depends on the volume of the selected model. What she is roomy, the more difficulties will arise when installing. Small children's skewers are going literally for half an hour. Volumetric leaf structures will require great effort, but if desired, they can also be collected with their own hands.

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