Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry


Do you think that the storage room can be used only for food reserves? In our selection - 6 decisions, how to use a couple of square meters with benefit.

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_1

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry

1 Laundry

If you do not have a balcony, no place in the bathroom under the washing machine - try placing it in the storeroom. At the repair stage, refer to the withdrawal of pipes and sockets. It is easy to do if the room is located next to the kitchen or bathroom: it does not have to pull the water supply. The placement in the storage room is also good because it allows you to sort clean and dirty things, stored in one place to wash the means for washing, and maybe to embed the ironing board, if the place allows.

Do not skimp on the shelves - they will not be too much in the worst. Here you can store household textiles: towels, tablecloths, bed linen, blankets and bedspreads. So you unload other rooms and save them from dust - usually bedding collects it a lot. Arrange stylish wicker baskets or jute bags on the shelves, sign each of them or hang the tag on which it will be indicated that inside. Do not forget about storage on the door, you can fix the hooks there, and on them hang bags with dirty linen in colors, clean towels or postgraded linen, which has not yet been stroked.

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_3
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_4
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_5

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_6

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_7

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_8

2 home office

If you are working out of the house, then the need for your own workplace is not familiar to you. In order not to occupy precious meters in the bedroom or living room, organize a cozy compact office in the storeroom. If there is no place for the big table, it can be made folded and until you work, clean. Buy a powerful lamp to provide a good level of lighting, - for work this is especially important. By the way, in addition to the desktop in the storeroom, several storage shelves will be performed. Arrange them under the ceiling so that they do not interfere and not distract attention.

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_9
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_10

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_11

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_12

3 Wardrobe

Simple and useful alternative to storeroom - dressing room. She will save you from the need to paint useful meters in the bedroom for a massive cabinet, to score the mezzanine things not for the season and store shoes as it is necessary. All you need is to equip the shelves and several lockers, and opposite to hang a barbell with hangers. You can add a room with a mirror and even a dressing table if the place allows.

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_13
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_14
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_15

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_16

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_17

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_18

4 game

The rule is: if you do not make a game on your own accord, the game will become your whole home. Therefore, it makes sense to allocate several meters for an active child's rest. For this, a small storage room is perfect. Only, again, it is very important to make there very good lighting, if there is no window. In the storage room you can hang even the Swedish wall. And to keep toys - one pleasure. Racks, open shelves on the walls, baskets and boxes - all this will relieve you from the daily headache in the form of cleaning the living room and all other rooms from toys. If the pantry is large, lay on the floor soft rug, you can even hang a TV on the wall - if you are not against cartoons. Children adore such small and cozy their own corners.

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_19
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_20
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_21
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_22
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_23

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_24

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_25

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_26

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_27

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_28

6 bedroom

Not the most obvious, but nevertheless possible option - to equip a sleeping place in the storage room. If the length of the room is about 180 centimeters, there may well fit an adult bed, and if less, then children's. The advantage of a bedroom in the storage room is that you will not interfere with the sun, and, in fact, you save the functionality of the bedroom just on the pair of square meters. For residents of one-bedroom apartments, this is a wonderful opportunity - you can buy a cool mattress and not to crash on a hard sofa, which, moreover, you need to collect every morning.

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_29
Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_30

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_31

Bedroom, home office, game for children and 3 more ideas for expanding the structure of the pantry 4930_32

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