12 ways to moisten the air in the apartment without buying a moisturizer


Necessary dry air affects well-being and even on the quality of finishing in the house. But do not rush to run behind the moisturizer to the store. You can post wet underwear overnight in the room, spray curtains or take advantage of other 10 tips from our article.

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12 ways to moisten the air in the apartment without buying a moisturizer

The right microclimate in the apartment is a prerequisite for good well-being of tenants, the preservation of walls and gender and even indoor plants in the house. And humidity in the right amount is one of the points of a favorable microclimate. We tell in the article how to moisten the air into the room yourself without buying a special device - a moisturizer.

All about indoor humidification

How to measure this indicator

What threatens dryness

Widget methods

  1. Drying linen in the room
  2. Placed in the apartment with water tank
  3. Bowls on the battery
  4. Failure to use oven
  5. Breeding plants
  6. Frequent cleaning
  7. Installation of aquarium or mini fountain
  8. Open door to the bathroom
  9. Boiling chain.
  10. Carrying
  11. Moisturizing the objects of the situation
  12. Homemade moisturizer

How to measure humidity

There are several ways.

  • Use a hygrometer. This is a special device designed to measure humidity. Now there are a variety of species (mechanical and electronic). If you want to use them for domestic purposes, you can buy the easiest and cheapest option.
  • Experiment with glass. The people's way, which works as follows: Type in a glass of cold water and send to the fridge for 2-3 hours. Water should cool to 3-5 ºС. Then remove the container and leave it in the room, but away from the battery, otherwise the experiment will not be clean. Watch. If, after some time, the surface of the glass was dove, but dried very quickly - this is a sign of excessive dryness. If the condensate is too much and it flows through the walls - it speaks of increased dampness, you also need to fight. And if for the same time segment, the surface did not dry, but did not flow, then the level of humidity is normal.

If the instruments show the minimum parameters, it is necessary to moisten the air in the apartment, it is not difficult to make it yourself. If you neglect and leave dryness, problems with health and other troubles may arise.

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Why moisturize air

  • The correct humidity will help ease life if allergic lives in the house. The sharpness of symptoms such as a runny nose and cough can decrease.
  • A good microclimate will help those who suffer from dry mucous membranes, for example, in the nose, especially in the morning.
  • For youth and skin health, it is also important - if you constantly feel dry, lips or skin of the face, it is worth thinking about how to moisten the air at home.
  • Furnishing and furniture made of natural wood requires high-quality care, which includes support for optimal humidity. If this is neglected, the items will accurately serve for a short time.
  • Excessive dryness contributes to the appearance of static electric. Roughly speaking, the items "are electrified" - so we used to say when the hair is started to stick off, and the blanket "beats the current". You can buy an antistatic, but it will help for a short time. But environmental moisturizing is a long-term way to get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  • The insufficient amount of moisture adversely affects indoor plants, especially capricious in care. The leaves can ship, and the flower is getting sick.
Do not move: the optimal humidity rates differ depending on the purpose of the room, but on average range from 40 to 60%. For a children's minimum threshold - 45%.

Budget ways to add moisture

1. Dry things not on the balcony, but in the rooms

The case when it is recommended to "clutch" the room with a dryer. Undoubtedly, she will not decorate your interior, but it does not need to keep in sight constantly. For example, on the night of the wistful things can be dried not to the balcony or in the bathroom, but place them in the living rooms. If you like air conditioning for linen you use, you can use it and fall asleep in a room filled with a pleasant aroma.

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2. Use water tanks as decor element

You can place in the apartment bowls with water, which will slowly evaporate and thereby contribute to increasing humidity. For this purpose, round glass bowls-aquariums or high rectangular containers are suitable. Take care that these bowls do not stand close to the furniture used (desktops, beds, sofas) and it was not necessary to accidentally turn over. Also do not forget to think about young children or pets do not please in them.

You can add stones, colored sand and other moisture resistant decor to these containers. Water should be changed once every 2-3 months so that it does not have time to bloom.

Another elementary way is to supply a vase with flowers filled with water, on the windowsill. Only this option works exclusively on sunny days. Heating, water will evaporate, and slightly, but still improve the microclimate.

3. Place bowls with water on batteries

You can also put several water tanks on radiators. If you have flat and lightweight vases from ceramics, try to make a special device for moisturizing with your own hands, attaching them to the battery with wire.

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4. Use the stove instead of the oven

The oven dries the space around itself much stronger than the stove. In winter, you can try to give preference to boiled food, cook compotes and warm drinks, boil tea on the stove, make boiling white clothes - all this will increase the level of humidity in the kitchen.

5. Take more room plants

Plants in the interior are not only a decoration, but also useful assistants. For example, the ficus and drazes are well moisturized by the air by itself.

You can increase the amount of moisture that they give, spraying indoor flowers. Some large tropical plants like palm trees are useful to arrange a warm shower. Many other indoor plants (for example, violets, ficuses, almost all plants with large leaves) are recommended to periodically wipe with a damp cloth.

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6. Conduct wet cleaning more

Do not neglect with wet cleaning - it is bad for all: both for health, and for the beauty of the interior. It is especially important to take mop in the hands more often if you have carpets and other interior items that are well collecting dust and absorb moisture (they include products from wood and textiles).

7. Put a room fountain or aquarium

Beautiful elements of the interior that soothes and configures on meditation. They will not replace the moisturizer, but slightly increase the humidity around themselves.

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8. Open the door to the bathroom

It is known that the bathroom is the most "wet" room in the house. And this can be used. Do not turn on artificial ventilation while taking a soul or foam bath, and after water procedures, open the door and allow steam into adjacent rooms. This is a quick way to moisten the air in the apartment without a humidifier.

9. Boil the kettle more often

Of course, constantly keep the kettle on the stove - not too economical, especially if the stove is electrical. But when you decide to take a break with a cup of tea or coffee, do not remove the kettle with the burner quickly. Put on the minimum power and let it get bored. The steam outgoing from the nose will help to eliminate dry air, at least in the kitchen.

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10. Spent

If you are used to constantly airing the room, most likely, the problem of dry air is not familiar to you. Open Fortochka is good not only from the point of view of humidity, but also improves the microclimate. The air becomes fresh. And sleep is generally recommended at low temperatures. So open the windows at least for a few minutes, but more than once a day, and more often.

11. Spray furnishings

Type in the water sprayer and walk around the apartment, releasing the spray into the air. You can also spray water on the curtains or surface of the furniture. This method has a significant drawback - spots and divorces can remain on the objects of the situation. But on the budget and simplicity of analogs, he is definitely not.

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12. Make a moisturizer on your own

One of the easiest ways looks like this. Take the plastic package and do in it as many small holes as possible, it is desirable about 20 pieces. Place the package in the freezing chamber. Moisten a sponge, pull it out and put inside the package. Wait for some time, get a package from the refrigerator and put in the room, preferably on a plate or tray.

Do you feel when it becomes too dry in the room and what methods from the listed us have already used? Share in the comments!

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