5 indoor plants that will survive in spite of everything


Sansevieria, Kalanchoe and Zamokulkas - tell about beautiful and useful plants that are not scary drought, heat and other unfavorable conditions.

5 indoor plants that will survive in spite of everything 494_1

Listed super-light plants in video

1 Sansevieria

Sansevieria (Teschin Language) is an unpretentious and resistant plant that can do without water for several weeks. Therefore, if you often forget to water flowers, then pay attention to it. In addition, the plated is not terrible to the air, it easily transfers the constant operation of heaters or air conditioners. It is not afraid of drafts and dust gathering on it and does not require frequent fertilization. He does not need a lot of light, so the flower can be placed in the shade. But that the plants have beautiful leaves, it is worth periodically to endure it in the sun or simply put closer to the window.

Vitality is not the only beneficial property of the plant. It is capable of purifying air: destroy bacteria and harmful elements. Sansevier watering schedule depends on the season: in the summer you need to do 1 time in 10 days, in winter - 2 times a month.

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2 Kalanchoe

This is another undemanding and hardy plant. It accumulates liquid in its stems, thanks to which drought is not afraid. If you do not pour it a couple of times, nothing happens. Plus, Calanechoe is not afraid of temperature differences. It loves the sun. Based on the listed qualities, this is the perfect plant for placing on the windowsill: drafts, batteries, heat or cold do not frighten it.

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Unlike other unpretentious plants, Kalanchoe has magnificent inflorescences. Their color may be different: gentle pink, bright red, yellow or orange. The plant is not only beautiful, but also useful: juice is used in medicinal purposes. It is also able to disinfect air.

The main thing in the care of Calanchoe is timely watering. For him, it is necessary to use only sparkling water. Overflow for the plant is destroyed, so it is better to put drainage in a pot when transplanting. Watering in the active period (in spring and summer) is moderately, with the onset of cold weather - to do it less often. Each time before the procedure, it is necessary to check the condition of the soil with a wand or finger. It is possible to water if the upper part of the earth dried by 1/3 (in summer), on 2/3 (in winter).

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3 Zamokulkas

Zamiculkas is a beautiful plant with long shoots and round leaves. In the people, another name was attached to him - "Dollar Tree". It will easily decorate any modern interior. There are almost no colors from Zamiculkas, but the bright green shade fills their absence.

The plant can be placed in the shade - it is not afraid of dark corners. Does not require frequent transfers, making different fertilizers. Since Zamiculkas is a succulent, a lot of moisture accumulates in its stems. Therefore, he is able to live without water for some time. During the drought, only shoots will die, after irrigation, he will release new leaves and will continue his life.

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The plant lives about 5-10 years, during which time it reaches 1 meter in height. Therefore, it is suitable for growing in spacious premises.

Watering it is rarely, but abundantly. To do this, it is better to use warm dusty water. Between watering the soil in the pot must dry. In the summer you need to water quite often, but in the winter enough to do it once a month. It is impossible to fill the plant, otherwise it will die.

Be careful: Zamokulkas poisonous. Therefore, try to taste its shoots and juice is impossible. And the transfer is only in gloves.

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4 spathifylum

Spatifylum people are often called "female happiness." There are signs: if a lonely girl starts at home this plant, it will soon gain his happiness. It is difficult to say, however, or not, however, the fact that the plant will enjoy its owner is for sure. Spathifylum undemanding and very beautiful. Almost all year it blooms with white inflorescences resembling Calla flowers.

The plant is not afraid of dry air, so it will survive next to the air conditioner. About two weeks can live without irrigation, but then his flowers go down. After serving the water, they will take and be delighting the owner on. The only thing that does not really like the plant is cold and draft. It is worth picking up a suitable place in the apartment, and you can easily avoid problems with its cultivation.

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It costs it as the upper layer of the soil is drying up, about once a few days. Especially frequent watering spathifylum requires summer in an active period of growth. In winter, it is enough to do this once a week.

The plant contains a poison that annoys the mucous membrane. Especially it is dangerous for pets: if they enjoy shoots, they can get strong poisoning.

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5 Scarlet Vera

Scarlet Vera is an unpretentious and very useful homemade plant. It is often used in medicinal and cosmetic purposes, for example, aloe juice can be treated burns.

The plant loves the sun, easily tolerates heat. Therefore, keep it standing in the brightest place of the apartment. It can do without water weeks, so if you forget about watering or leaving for a business trip, it is worth seeking to him. For growing, any finished mixture for succulents is suitable.

Watering the plant is worth when the soil is dry. In the summer it is enough to do it 1-2 times a week. In winter, it is possible to cut watering up to 1-2 times a month. A large amount of water is detrimental for the roots, so watered too often.

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Photo on the cover: unsplash

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